Kartothek v3.20.0
Version 3.20.0 (2021-03-15)
This will be the final release in the 3.X series. Please ensure your
existing codebase does not raise any DeprecationWarning from kartothek
and migrate your import paths ahead of time to the new
{.interpreted-text role="mod"} modules to ensure a smooth
migration to 4.X.
- Introduce
{.interpreted-text role="mod"} as the
public definition of the API. See also
{.interpreted-text role="doc"}. - Introduce [DatasetMetadataBase.schema]{.title-ref} to prepare
deprecation of [table_meta]{.title-ref} ~kartothek.io.eager.read_dataset_as_dataframes
role="func"} and
role="func"} now correctly return categoricals as requested for
misaligned categories.