It's a text clock kinda like xclock -d
Draws an undecorated (borderless) window with a black brackground using libxcb, sets it to be always on top, and writes the current date and time to it every 50ms in a purple font.
The background color and font color can be configured, see below.
Useful when you want to keep track of time while doing some other activity in another window.
When the window has focus the q
or ESC
keys will exit.
To see what it looks like run make run
To install to ~/.local/bin run make install
A desktop file will also be added to ~/.local/share/applications/textclock.desktop
Options are configurable via cli flags. See -h
/ --help
Usage of ./textclock:
--fg-color (string, optional)
Default: 0xFF3F51B5
32-bit color string of the form 0xAARRGGBB
--bg-color (string, optional)
Default: 0x00000000
32-bit color string of the form 0xAARRGGBB
--width (integer, optional)
Default: 160
Width of the window
--height (integer, optional)
Default: 40
Height of the window
--xpos (integer, optional)
Default: 0
X position of the window
--ypos (integer, optional)
Default: 0
Y position of the window
--time-format (string, optional)
Default: %a %b %d %I:%M %p
Time format for clock
--xfont (string, optional)
Default: 7x14bold
X font to use (see xlsfonts)
--xftfont (string, optional)
Default: CascadiaMono:style=bold:pixelsize=13,monospace:pixelsize=13
Freetype font search string
--freetype, --no-freetype (boolean, optional)
Default: False
Use FreeType font (uses xftfont value)
--on-top, --no-on-top (boolean, optional)
Default: True
Adds hints to stay on top (_NET_WM_STATE_ABOVE)
--skip-taskbar, --no-skip-taskbar (boolean, optional)
Default: False
Adds hints to skip taskbar and pager (_NET_WM_STATE_SKIP_TASKBAR | _NET_WM_STATE_SKIP_PAGER)
--is-dock, --no-is-dock (boolean, optional)
Default: False
Sets the window to be a dock (_NET_WM_WINOW_TYPE_DOCK)
--help, --no-help (boolean, optional)
Default: False
Print this help
Uses utf8.h and xcbft.h from for freetype fonts
Uses kgflags from for cli argument parsing