I'm Iván Pérez 😄, a student of Computer Science with a strong interest in technology and game development. 👋
Some of my most important projects include:
ASP .NET, API, C, Unity, UI/UX designer, Game designer, Game developer, Graphic designer
We develop a web application for ATOS that enables job applicants to submit their Curriculum Vitae (CV) through an interview-style video game created in Unity, which will produce a standardized format for all registered CVs. The application will utilize an API to store the data in a corresponding MySQL database.
Unity, C, Game designer, Game developer, Level desingner, UI/UX designer
We developed a 2D platformer video game entirely in Unity, in collaboration with graphic and sound designers. We designed and developed each of the game mechanics in the C programming language. In addition, we created our own user interface, taking into account the user experience. We ensured that the interface was intuitive and user-friendly, providing a seamless experience for players.
Unity, 3D Modelling, C, Python
We have developed a multi-agent system in collaboration with IBM Cloud aimed at enhancing the traffic flow in a roundabout and creating a redesign proposal for it. The entire project was executed in Unity, utilizing 3D models to represent the scenario. Python Flask and iPython Notebook were employed to carry out the calculations for each of the agents, which can be read in Unity via a JSON file.
Swift, UI/UX designer, API
We created two IOS applications for Cáritas de Monterrey using Swift Xcode and a dedicated MySQL database to register and manage volunteering for a company. The applications streamline the process and provide a user-friendly experience for volunteers and administrators. The use of a dedicated database ensures data security and reliability. The two applications we developed have a strong focus on security, utilizing a UFW firewall, SSL certificates allowing for HTTPS protocol, Environment Variables, Secure Headers, and Logging for the API. These measures were implemented to ensure the safety and privacy of volunteer data, protecting against potential cyber threats and vulnerabilities.
- iOS Development
- Object-Oriented Programming
- Data Structures and Fundamental Algorithms
- Advanced Algorithms
- Networks and Networks Security.
- Analysis of Software Requirements
- Software Construction and Decision Making
- Effective communication
- Collaboration
- Flexibility
- Problem-solving
- Critical thinking
- Strategic thinking