Final project developed in team - 1º DAW
"Sol Experience" consists in creating packs and experiences for every user who wants to travel to Málaga.
It has its own admin menu, logging & role system and also, it creates a PDF ticket when a pack is purchased.
- Java & JavaFX
- Scene Builder
- Apache NetBeans IDE
- General
- Logging & role system.
- It retrieves experiences from database and show them dynamically.
- You can filter experiences by price, stars, etc.
- Modern info panels to report errors, information, etc.
- Creation of a PDF Ticket when a pack is purchased.
- User role
- Create a pack
- Modify the pack
- Insert/read/modify/delete pack experiences.
- Purchase the pack.
- Admin role
- Create new experiences.
- Modify existing experiences.
- Delete experiences.
- ControlsFX - v11.1.0
- JFoenix - v9.0.10
- Commons Codec - v1.15
- ITextPDF - v5.4.0
- MySQL-Connector - v8.0.24
- JavaFX
- SDK - v17.0.1
- Javadoc - v17.0.1
(Java Plaform) JDK - v16
- Download JavaFX (SDK & Javadoc) here:
- Create a new library in the project and set all .jar files from "javafx-sdk-17.0.1/lib" into "Classpath" section.
- Without leaving the library, set the directory "javafx-17.0.1-javadoc" itself into the "Javadoc" section.
--module-path "C:\Users\Equipo\Desktop\java desktop app\javafx-sdk-17.0.1\lib" --add-modules javafx.controls,javafx.fxml,,javafx.web --add-exports javafx.base/com.sun.javafx.event=ALL-UNNAMED
Being "C:\Users\Equipo\Desktop\java desktop app\javafx-sdk-17.0.1\lib" the path to change.
- Go to the "" package and open the "" file.
- Change the necessary DB Options on the Initialize method.
- All the project libraries (./src/librerias/).
- .sql file with the whole database structrure (./src/BBDD/).
- PDF Ticket files path (./src/proyectoFinal/tickets/).
- Prezi presentation: