We have just finished the first module of our 90 days
In our previous session, we talked a little bit about hosting, the different hosting options, the pros and cons of each option.
HTML, short for Hyper Text Markup Language is a markup language used to structure websties. In this session, we will have a high level overview of HTML and its basic syntax
Take a look at the following resources
- Learn HTML
- Getting started with HTML - MDN
- HTML course
- HTML for beginners
- HTML cheat sheet
- Developing websites with HTML
By the end of this session, you should be able to explain the following concepts to a five year old
- What is HTML
- Why isn't HTML considered a programming language?
- The most common HTML elements
- What are tags
- Which tags are self closing
- What is the purpose of
- HTML is a markup language used to structure web applications
- HTML is not a programming languages because it doesn't incooperate the use of variables and program control structures on its own.
- Elements in HTML begin with <> and end in </> except for the self closing elements which include b and img.
Thats it for today, see you in the next session.