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Invite silvie to your server
Silvie Bot Discord server

Silvie, Discord Bot

Silvie is a fan-made open source Grand Archive Discord Bot which provides some useful chat commands.


Not sure what Grand Archive is? Head on over to their website:

Add Silvie to your Discord server

You can add Silvie to your own Discord server by clicking on the Materialize image at the top or by clicking here.

If you'd rather preview Silvie in action first, clicking the Live Preview image at the top (or clicking here) will invite you into a test server where Silvie is running. You can also use that server to report bugs or suggestions.



/silvie is the main command used to communicate with Silvie, ensuring no clashes with other bots.

Subcommands are the way to then request different things. These are phrases placed after the /silvie command, e.g. /silvie help.

Below are the commands Silvie supports:

Card search

/silvie search [set] [card]

Reveal information about a given card in a given set.

  • set - The name of a set;
  • card - The full or partial name of a card within that set.

Set names are prompted by Silvie:

Search: Selecting a set

Card names can be full or partial:

Search: Typing a partial card's name

The result is an embed with the full card text and attributes, along with an expandable image of the card (if present):

Search: Result

Clicking on a thumbnail reveals the full card image:

Search: Result image

Silvie will display a maximum of 3 cards as embeds. To prevent spam, if more than 3 cards are found it will pick 2 of those at random to display.

Gameplay help

/silvie help [topic]
  • topic - A topic to get help about.

Reveal quick FAQ-style help about a specific topic, such as Class Bonuses or Intercepting.

Help command in action

Random card

/silvie random [set (optional)]
  • set (optional) - only include cards from a specific set.

Reveals a card chosen at random from a set chosen at random (unless otherwise specified).


The responses the bot produces are generated by data contained in src/data.

Adding new sets

Create a new set in data/sets.ts. Sets are built using the Set type defined in data/types.ts.

The filename property will need to match the name of an accompanying file that will need to be created in the data/sets folder. The format for these filenames should be [release year]-[release month] [set name].ts to maintain a logical order.

Create the accompanying file. This is where card information should be stored...

Adding cards to sets

Locate the file in data/sets which matches the filename field associated with the set.

This file should return an array of Card type objects as defined in data/types.ts.

Some helper types and enums exist to make this process a bit easier:

  • The CardCost enum denotes the different cost types;
  • The CardElement enum denotes the different elements;
  • The CardEffect enum denotes special effects within the card body text (e.g. Intercept);
  • The CardEffectBody type adds options to body text to avoid repetition;
  • The CardSpeed enum denotes the different speeds;
  • The CardStats type groups attack, durability and health;
  • The CardSubtype enum denotes the different subtypes (e.g. Bauble);
  • The CardSupertype enum denotes the different supertypes (e.g. Warrior);
  • The CardType enum denotes the different card types (e.g. Champion);
  • The CardVariant enum denotes special variants (e.g. Foil).

Adding card effects to cards

Card effects are applied to cards as a collection of [CardEffect, CardEffectBody] arrays representing individual lines on the card.

CardEffect needs adding if the line begins with emboldened effect text, but this can be set to undefined if that is not the case.

CardEffectBody can either be a string for flat text, or an object with additional properties if the line contains additional conditions:

  • The isClassBonus boolean denotes the presence of a circled "Class Bonus" condition;
  • The isFocus boolean denotes the presence of a circled "Focus" condition;
  • The isRestedUponUse boolean denotes the presence of a rest symbol;
  • The levelRestriction string denotes a level restriction condition;
  • The text string denotes the remainder of the line text.

These enum values and properties are handled by the getCardBody function in utils/card.ts.

Example 1: An enter effect and an additional line of Discord-friendly markdown text
  [CardEffect.Enter, "Some text here"],
  [undefined, "*(Some italic text)*"]

Enter Effect: Some text here

(Some italic text)

Example 2: A single Intercept effect
  [CardEffect.Intercept, undefined],

Intercept (When your champion becomes a target of an attack, you may redirect that attack to this ally.)

Example 3: A level restriction and a class bonus with some additional text
  [undefined, {
    isClassBonus: true,
    levelRestriction: '2+',
    text: 'Some text here',

Class Bonus Level 2+ Some text here

Example 4: A single Flux effect with a focus restriction
  [CardEffect.Flux, {
    isFocus: true,

Focus Flux (Discard your hand at end of turn.)


Silvie is a Node.js bot built in TypeScript on top of discord.js. Getting up and running with your own local version of Silvie couldn't be easier.

Follow the steps below to get started.

Create your own Discord bot

Silvie runs as a Discord Application. To begin, head to and click New Application.

Name your application whatever you like. You'll now be taken to your application's dashboard. Head into the Bot tab and click Add Bot.

Your bot is now ready for Silvie, let's now set up the dev environment...

Create a Discord server to test the bot in

In your Discord app, create a new server for your local version of Silvie to run on.

If you need help, check out this article on Discord's FAQ: How do I create a server?.

Invite your bot to your server

Bots are added to Discord servers by accessing specific URLs relating to the bot in question.

In your Discord application's dashboard, head into the OAuth2 tab and then into URL Generator.

Under Scopes, tick bot and applications.commands.

Under Bot Permissions tick Read Messages/View Channels, Send Messages, Send Messages in Threads, Embed Links, Use External Emojis, Use External Stickers.

Now copy the generated URL into your browser's address bar. Discord will ask you which server you want to add your bot to - simply select the one you made in the step above.

In Discord you'll now see that your bot has been added to your server and is offline.

New bot added to new server

Set up the dev environment

Clone this repository, if you haven't already, and then install the dependencies using yarn install (if you don't have Yarn, you can get it from

In the root directory, create a new file called .env and copy in the below snippet:


You'll want to replace those XXX's with information about your Discord bot and the server you've created.

CLIENT_ID and TOKEN can be found in your Discord application's dashboard: CLIENT_ID can be found in the OAuth2 tab and TOKEN can be found in the Bot tab.

Important: Never share your Bot's token with anybody.

GUILD_ID can be obtained by right clicking your server's name and selecting Copy ID.

We're now ready to build the bot...

Building and running Silvie locally


yarn build-all will compile all of the TypeScript files from src into dist. You'll need to run this every time a change is made. This also updates all of the Discord commands Silvie implements.

Note: A "Missing Access" error from Discord means that your bot hasn't been configured correctly. Check the scopes and permissions, check the .env variables and check that your bot is a member on your Discord server, then try again.

If you only want to compile but not push up new Discord commands, you can run yarn build instead.


yarn start runs Silvie locally once built.

You should see "Ready!" output in terminal. Head to your Discord server and you should see that your bot is now online.

New bot is now online in new server


The main Silvie bot is up and running on Heroku, but you can use whichever platform you like.

Remember to modify the package.json entries to point to your own repository.

You'll need to make sure the vars stored in your .env file are accessible by the service you're deploying on. If your intention is to only ever run your version of Silvie on a single server, you can copy all of the environment variables over from your .env file. If you want Silvie to work on multiple servers, remove the GUILD_ID variable.


Discord bot for the Grand Archive TCG.







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