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This project was to develop a landing page with the same layout as the Tractian website, using ReactJS.

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Tractian Landing Page Clone

📃 Sobre - About

🇧🇷 Portuguese

Desenvolver uma landing page com o mesmo layout do site da Tractian, utilizando ReactJS.

🇺🇸 English

Develop a landing page with the same layout as the Tractian website, using ReactJS.

🛠️ Ferramentas - Tools

  • React
  • React Router Dom
  • Context Api
  • AntDesign React
  • Swipper
  • Slick Carousel
  • Phosphor React Icons
  • CSS

📝 Melhorias - Improvements

🇧🇷 Portuguese
  • Responsividade
  • Testes
  • Melhorar o código

ps: não foi feito a responsividade em todos os breaking points. Por enquanto foi realizado apenas nos seguintes breaking points:

  • 576px - 767px
  • 768px - 992px
  • 993px - 1280px
🇺🇸 English
  • Responsiveness
  • Tests
  • Improve the code

ps: responsiveness was not done in all breaking points. So far it has only been done in the following breaking points:

  • 576px - 767px
  • 768px - 992px
  • 993px - 1280px

⚙️ Como executar - How to run

🇧🇷 Portuguese

Para executar o projeto, você precisará ter instalado em sua máquina as seguintes ferramentas: Git, NodeJS (v16+). Além disto é bom ter um editor para trabalhar com o código como VSCode.

  1. Faça um clone deste repositório:
  1. Entre no diretório do projeto

  2. Instale as dependências

npm install
  1. Execute a aplicação em modo de desenvolvimento
npm start
  1. O servidor inciará na porta:3000 - acesse http://localhost:3000

🇺🇸 English

To run the project, you will need to have installed on your machine the following tools: Git, NodeJS (v16+). In addition, it is good to have an editor to work with the code like VSCode.

  1. Clone this repository:
  1. Enter the project directory

  2. Install the dependencies

  npm install
  1. Run the application in development mode
  npm start
  1. The server will start on port: 3000 - access http://localhost:3000

📱 Como funciona - How it works


This project was to develop a landing page with the same layout as the Tractian website, using ReactJS.







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