Batch application that generates billing reports
Open the terminal
$ ./mvnw clean package -Dmaven.test.skip=true
Then, launch the job and pass the input file as a parameter with the following command:
$ java -jar target/billing-job-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
$ docker exec postgres psql -U postgres -c 'select * from BATCH_STEP_EXECUTION;'
$ ./mvnw clean test -Dspring.batch.job.enabled=false
$ docker exec postgres psql -U postgres -c 'select count(*) from BILLING_DATA;'
The property -Dspring.batch.job.enabled=false disables the automatic execution of the job by Spring Boot. Without this property, the job will be executed twice: a first time at the application's startup, and a second time during the test. This is obviously not desired when running tests, hence the use of that property.
Spring Batch comes with a processing model that is designed and implemented to address those challenges. It is called the chunk-oriented processing model. The idea of this model is to process the datasource in chunks of a configurable size.