CsPro Dashboard is an open-source Java Spring-based web application built on the database created using CsPro2Sql. The web application can be easily configured in order to provide out-of-the-box several reports, i.e. age distribution, sex distribution, religion distribution, average number household members, etc.
CsPro Dashboard displays the content of report tables generated using CsPro2Sql and provides information on the data transfer process. Therefore, in order to run the CsPro Dashboard you need:
- A Mysql database containing CsPro 7.0 plain text files
- To perform the execution steps described in the home page of CsPro2Sql project. Briefly speaking you should transfer the data from the CsPro 7.0 database to the microdata MySQL database
Further, in order to build the CsPro Dashboard application, your environment should fulfill the following requirements:
- A favorite text editor or IDE
- JDK 1.8 or later
- Maven 3.0+
You’ll build a web application that will provide out of the box :
- Authentication & authorization;
- Responsive graphical interface (html, css, js):
- Report tables with enhanced interaction controls (search, export, sorting, etc.);
- Report charts (bar, pie, doughnut);
- CsPro2Sql reports:
- Status of the data transfer process (RUNNING/COMPLETED, number of records transferred, etc.)
- Errors in the data transfer process (number of errors, details on each error, etc.)
- Server side components:
- CRUD (insert, delete, update);
##Create the database
In order to describe the build steps, we assume that your CsPro2Sql property file is the following (eg. Household.properties
# Source CsPro database
# Destination microdata MySQL
Assuming that your working path is WORKING_PATH
and that the properties file is stored in your WORKING_PATH
, perform the following execution steps:
> CsPro2Sql -e schema -p Household.properties –o WORKING_PATH\microdata.sql
> mysql -u dstUsername -p < WORKING_PATH\microdata.sql
> CsPro2Sql -e loader -p Household.properties –cc
If you have successfully completed these steps, you have a microdata Mysql database cspro_microdata
containing the data from the CsPro 7.0 database. Now you are ready to execute the commands that generate the tables used by the CSPro Dashboard.
First of all you need to define the following properties:
# monitor config
These properties are used by CsPro2Sql monitor engine in order to generate the report tables. Now you can execute the following commands:
> CsPro2Sql -e monitor -p Household.properties –o WORKING_PATH\dashboard.sql
> mysql -u dstUsername -p < WORKING_PATH\dashboard.sql
> CsPro2Sql -e update -p Household.properties –cc
The script will populate the USER/ROLES
table with two users:
Username: admin@dashboard.it
Password: dashboard
Username: guest@dashboard.it
Password: dashboard
##Build the web application
Download the source code and open it with your favorite IDE.
As a first step check the content of the application.properties file, located in the path Other Sources > src/main/resources
spring.datasource.url = jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/cspro_microdata?useSSL=false
spring.datasource.username = dstUsername
spring.datasource.password = dstPassword
The properties should match the Destination microdata MySQL
properties specified in the Household.properties
Now you can perform your first build of the application. If the build process ends successfully, you are ready to run the application. The application is built using the open source framework Spring Boot, which generates an executable jar (that can be run from the command line). Spring Boot creates a stand-alone Spring based Applications, with an embedded Tomcat, that you can "just run".
java –jar csprodashboard.jar
It is also possible to create a war file that can be deployed on a servlet container such as Tomcat. Simply modify the maven build profile to DashboardWar.
A detailed guide to install the dashboard is available in the doc folder
The team responsible of Census and Survey Processing System (CSPro)
CSProDashboard is EUPL-licensed