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LunarVim Java IDE Docker Container Project Documentation


This Dockerfile configures a container for Java development using LunarVim on an Alpine Linux base. It's tailored for a Python 3 environment, enhanced with Java Development Kit (JDK) and other essential development tools.

Dockerfile Description

Base Image and JDK Configuration

  • Python Alpine Base: Uses Python Alpine image; Python version defined by PYTHON_VERSION.
  • JDK Version Argument: JDK version is set with JDK_VERSION.

System Preparation

  • Updates and upgrades the package manager, sets Bash as the default shell.

Dependencies Installation

  • Installs utilities (zip, unzip, curl, git), OpenJDK, Maven, Make, G++, npm, and others.
  • Installs neovim for LunarVim and fontconfig for fonts.
  • Installs links web browser.

Rust Configuration

  • Installs and configures Rust, adding tools like ripgrep and fd-find.

LunarVim Setup

  • Installs LunarVim; customizes configuration for Java IDE.
  • Clones and sets up Java development tools (, java-debug, vscode-java-test).
  • Downloads Lombok and configures fonts.

LunarVim and Zsh Update

  • Updates LunarVim configuration.
  • Installs Zsh, Oh My Zsh, configures theme, installs zsh-vcs.

Container Entry Point

  • Sets Zsh as the container's entry point.

Build and Run

  • Refer to for build and run instructions.

Additional Information

  • Ensure appropriate Python and JDK versions before building.

Pre-built Container

The container is available on Docker Hub.


  • Pull the image
docker pull israiloff/lvim:latest
  • Create a container
docker run -it -d -p 33235:33235 -p 8090-8099:8090-8099 -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock --name lvim israiloff/lvim:latest

Note: The -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock option is required for Docker-in-Docker (DinD) functionality.

Note: The -p 33235:33235 option is required for exposing the markdown-preview port.

Note: The -p 8090-8099:8090-8099 option is optional for exposing your Java server ports.

  • Start the container
docker start lvim
  • Connect to the container
docker exec -it lvim /bin/zsh