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Update dependecies #155

Update dependecies

Update dependecies #155

name: Update dependecies
# Weekly on saturday at 00:00 UTC
- cron: "0 0 * * 6"
name: Update dependencies
runs-on: windows-latest
- uses: actions/checkout@v3
ref: develop
fetch-depth: 0
- name: Checkout or create new branch 'dependency-updates'
GH_TOKEN: ${{ github.token }}
run: |
git config --local ""
git config --local "github-actions"
git remote update
git fetch
git checkout -b dependency-updates origin/develop
# - name: Install and init luarocks
# shell: cmd
# run: |
# cd ${{ github.workspace}}\mods\noita-mp\
# set INIT_PATH=%CD%
# REM // resolve absolute path
# set REL_PATH=..\..\.building\luarocks-3.9.1-windows-32
# set ABS_PATH=
# rem // Save current directory and change to target directory
# pushd %REL_PATH%
# rem // Save value of CD variable (current directory)
# set ABS_PATH=%CD%
# rem // Restore original directory
# popd
# echo Relative path: %REL_PATH%
# echo Maps to path: %ABS_PATH%
# REM // init luarocks
# %ABS_PATH%\luarocks --lua-dir="${{ github.workspace}}\LuaJIT-2.0.4" --lua-version="5.1" init noita-mp --output="${{ github.workspace}}\mods\noita-mp" --homepage="" --lua-versions="5.1" --license="GNU GPL v3"
# REM // change luarocks projects config
# %ABS_PATH%\luarocks config --scope="project" lua_interpreter luajit.exe
# %ABS_PATH%\luarocks config --scope="project" lua_dir ${{ github.workspace}}\LuaJIT-2.0.4
# %ABS_PATH%\luarocks config --scope="project" variables.LUA_BINDIR ${{ github.workspace}}\LuaJIT-2.0.4\bin
# %ABS_PATH%\luarocks config --scope="project" variables.LUA_DIR ${{ github.workspace}}\LuaJIT-2.0.4
# %ABS_PATH%\luarocks config --scope="project" variables.LUA_INCDIR ${{ github.workspace}}\LuaJIT-2.0.4\include
# %ABS_PATH%\luarocks config --scope="project" variables.CFLAGS "GODDAMNIT"
# %ABS_PATH%\luarocks config
# if exist lua.bat (
# echo "LuaRocks project init successfully"
# ) else (
# echo "::error::LuaRocks project init failed. Unable to find lua.bat"
# exit 1
# )
# if exist luarocks.bat (
# echo "LuaRocks project init successfully"
# ) else (
# echo "::error::LuaRocks project init failed. Unable to find luarocks.bat"
# exit 1
# )
# - name: Fix LuaRocks bug
# env:
# GH_TOKEN: ${{ github.token }}
# run: |
# cd ${{ github.workspace}}\mods\noita-mp\.luarocks
# sed -i 's/GODDAMNIT/\-v \-O2/g' config-5.1.lua
# cat config-5.1.lua
# - name: Update LuaRocks
# # env:
# # GH_TOKEN: ${{ github.token }}
# shell: cmd
# run: |
# call "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Enterprise\VC\Auxiliary\Build\vcvarsall.bat" x86 10.0.22000.0 -vcvars_ver=14
# cd ${{ github.workspace }}\mods\noita-mp\
# # luarocks install --only-deps ${{ github.workspace }}\mods\noita-mp\noita-mp-3.0.0-3.rockspec
# git commit -m "Updated LuaRocks dependencies" -a || echo "No changes to commit"
- name: Update NoitaPatcher
shell: pwsh
GH_TOKEN: ${{ github.token }}
run: |
$noitaptacherPath = "${{ github.workspace }}\mods\noita-mp\lua_modules\lib\lua\5.1\noitapatcher.dll"
if ([System.IO.File]::Exists($noitaptacherPath)) {
$creationTime = (Get-Item $noitaptacherPath).CreationTime.ToString("yyyy-MM-ddThh:mm:ssZ")
} else {
$creationTime = "2021-11-10T00:00:00Z"
$creationTime = [Datetime]::ParseExact($creationTime, "yyyy-MM-ddThh:mm:ssZ", $null)
$releaseCreatedAt = gh release view --repo dextercd/NoitaPatcher --json createdAt --jq .createdAt
$releaseCreatedAt = [Datetime]$releaseCreatedAt
echo "NoitaPatcher was created at $creationTime"
echo "Latest release was created at $releaseCreatedAt"
echo ($releaseCreatedAt -lt $creationTime)
if ($releaseCreatedAt -lt $creationTime) {
echo "NoitaPatcher is up to date"
Exit 0
} else {
gh release download --repo dextercd/NoitaPatcher --pattern "*.zip" --dir "${{ github.workspace }}\temp"
$tagName = gh release view --repo dextercd/NoitaPatcher --json tagName --jq .tagName
$tagName | Out-File -FilePath ${{ github.workspace }}\mods\noita-mp\lua_modules\lib\lua\5.1\noitapatcher.version
Expand-Archive -Path "${{ github.workspace }}\temp\NoitaPatcher*.zip" -DestinationPath "${{ github.workspace }}\temp" -Force
Copy-Item -Path "${{ github.workspace }}\temp\NoitaPatcher\noitapatcher.dll" -Destination $noitaptacherPath -Force
Copy-Item -Path "${{ github.workspace }}\temp\NoitaPatcher\modules\noitapatcher.lua" -Destination "${{ github.workspace }}\.debug\lua-definitions" -Force
cd ${{ github.workspace }} # go back to root otherwise we cannot delete the temp folder
Remove-Item -Path "${{ github.workspace }}\temp" -Recurse -Force
git add ${{ github.workspace }}\mods\noita-mp\lua_modules\lib\lua\5.1\noitapatcher.version
git add -f $noitaptacherPath
git add "${{ github.workspace }}\.debug\lua-definitions\noitapatcher.lua"
git commit -m "Updated NoitaPatcher dependencies" -a || echo "No changes to commit"; Exit 0
- name: Update Noita-Synchronise-Expansive-Worlds
GH_TOKEN: ${{ github.token }}
run: |
$nsewPath = "${{ github.workspace }}\mods\noita-mp\lua_modules\lib\lua\5.1\nsew_native.dll"
if ([System.IO.File]::Exists($neswPath)) {
$creationTime = (Get-Item $nsewPath).CreationTime.ToString("yyyy-MM-ddThh:mm:ssZ")
} else {
$creationTime = "2021-11-10T00:00:00Z"
$creationTime = [Datetime]::ParseExact($creationTime, "yyyy-MM-ddThh:mm:ssZ", $null)
$releaseCreatedAt = gh release view --repo dextercd/Noita-Synchronise-Expansive-Worlds --json createdAt --jq .createdAt
$releaseCreatedAt = [Datetime]$releaseCreatedAt
echo "Noita-Synchronise-Expansive-Worlds was created at $creationTime"
echo "Latest release was created at $releaseCreatedAt"
echo ($releaseCreatedAt -lt $creationTime)
if ($releaseCreatedAt -lt $creationTime) {
echo "Noita-Synchronise-Expansive-Worlds is up to date"
Exit 0
} else {
gh release download --repo dextercd/Noita-Synchronise-Expansive-Worlds --pattern "*.zip" --dir "${{ github.workspace }}\temp"
$tagName = gh release view --repo dextercd/Noita-Synchronise-Expansive-Worlds --json tagName --jq .tagName
$tagName | Out-File -FilePath ${{ github.workspace }}\mods\noita-mp\lua_modules\lib\lua\5.1\nsew.version
Expand-Archive -Path "${{ github.workspace }}\temp\nsew-*.zip" -DestinationPath "${{ github.workspace }}\temp\nsew" -Force
Copy-Item -Path "${{ github.workspace }}\temp\nsew\nsew\nsew_native.dll" -Destination $nsewPath -Force
if (![System.IO.File]::Exists("${{ github.workspace }}\mods\noita-mp\lua_modules\share\lua\5.1\nsew")) {
New-Item -Path "${{ github.workspace }}\mods\noita-mp\lua_modules\share\lua\5.1\nsew" -ItemType Directory -Force
Copy-Item -Path "${{ github.workspace }}\temp\nsew\nsew\*.lua" -Destination "${{ github.workspace }}\mods\noita-mp\lua_modules\share\lua\5.1\nsew" -Force
cd ${{ github.workspace }} # go back to root otherwise we cannot delete the temp folder
Remove-Item -Path "${{ github.workspace }}\temp" -Recurse -Force
git add ${{ github.workspace }}\mods\noita-mp\lua_modules\lib\lua\5.1\nsew.version
git add -f $nsewPath
git add -f "${{ github.workspace }}\mods\noita-mp\lua_modules\share\lua\5.1\nsew\*.lua"
git commit -m "Updated nsew dependencies" -a || echo "No changes to commit"; Exit 0
- name: Push changes and create a pull request
GH_TOKEN: ${{ github.token }}
run: |
git pull origin dependency-updates
git push origin dependency-updates || echo "There are no changes!"; Exit 0
$prTitleArray = gh pr list --head "dependency-updates" --json "title" | ConvertFrom-Json
if ($prTitleArray.Count -gt 0) {
echo "PR already exists. Nothing to do!"
} else {
gh pr create --title "Update dependencies" --body "This PR was automatically created by the dependency updater workflow. Resolves #117" --base develop --head dependency-updates --assignee Ismoh --reviewer Ismoh