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ICC: August 12, 2022

amyrb edited this page Aug 24, 2022 · 2 revisions


[please add attendees] [indicate Chair, notes]


  • IslandoraCon recap/eval including AGM, Use-a-Thon
  • TAG security processes update
  • Code of Conduct Committee next steps
  • Open Meeting August 30 topics and schedule
  • Next steps on Open Meeting and ICC project prioritization and planning

Interest Group Updates

  • Metadata IG (Rosie)
  • IR interest group (Bryan or Don)
  • ISLE Interest Group (Danny or Bryan)
  • Documentation Interest Group (Yamil or Mirko)

Islandora Events

Action Items

  • Chair for next meeting:


IslandoraCon Recap

  • No CoC violations
  • Went well General Meeting (AGM)
  • Board of Directors
  • Noah stepping down
  • John Eden stepping on
  • Financials details and a review, revenue is down and models going forward
  • Open up P/T Operations Manager, in addition with Isabella til dec and a new intern starting after
  • Maybe less interaction than last time Use a Thon
  • Potentially to be interesting to check back on
  • Is there someone assigned to look at the outcomes?
  • ICC has purview to reach out to those involved in UaT to see if there are things to follow up on, align, hook up with folks with an IG
  • Output seemed limited
  • User stories and UX
  • Summary got recorded? We will check with Isabella, she has started uploading
  • No shortage of user stories, but not a lot in Github discussions
  • Even after weeding Kirsta did to Issues, there’s a ton of User Stories
  • Use a Thon results to merge them to and align them
    • What tools do we have to incentivize on a particular feature, unless someone wants it or pays for it
    • If multiple interest, align them
    • UX IG?
    • Weed the Issues, find overlaps with Use a Thon items, elevate what keeps coming up as important ICC to take on this year TAG meeting Involvement in the security processes? They are all set. And more publicity to come. CoC next steps
  • More formal training
  • OtterTech wrote back, quoted us. $350 a seat; 3 seats in Sept, lots in October
  • Ask the IF if they will pay for each of the committee members
  • 10 volunteers for the committee, a few others who volunteered for the Con
  • If that price is acceptable, and money is there, propose email volunteers and let them know and get a head count on Oct 5 (Yom Kippur!), then Nov 2
  • Value at sending everyone at the same time.
  • With one transaction you can register all at once and pay all at once
  • Need to confirm we have the funding, given report at AGM; maybe pitch to the employers of the volunteers? Everybody wins!
  • Amy will draft something to bring to the Board Open Meeting August 30th
  • IslandoraCon debrief session
  • So, at Open Meeting, focus on newspapers, here’s how it works in features, cool to add it with defaults, suggestions
    • More of a community led agreement on needs, who it is for
    • Those involved on core or roadmap, here’s how it is speced, and then open up the discussion to what other requirements, what direction to go in?
    • Remember about those on 7 and help for migration β€œWe want it exactly like it was in 7” Not quite a clear path for what is 7 to 8 Parity document? Lots of documentation and tools available. Can we centralize the documentation? Here are sites that moved 7 to 2 Here are the WAYS/PATHS they did that, call those out and link out And then another list that are in 2x but greenfileds, came in from other apps Internal documentation that folks want to share Things help spell out scale, how long it took, e.g. we did a massive metadata cleanup, but we had a relatively easy time A list out points of contact and folks who are willing to talk to you As part of open meeting we could ask, get feedback on our idea, what else might be helpful Mock up a sheet with categories that we want to see, Rebel can pull that sheet together but not fill out

Reaching back out to things at the use-a-thon, see above! Some are less about core development, but may be a way to reach out Amy will reach out to Rosie about the newspapers Also maybe IR? Or, someone to talk about Use a Thon.

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