Due to the pollution there is a lot of smog and extreme weather in the city. Collect windmills and solar panels and see the city evolve as you go! But beware for the cars on the road..
Branch | Author | Sprint | Summary |
main | - | 0 | Game's main branch |
proto01 | - | 1 | First combined prototype |
proto02 | - | 2 | Second combined prototype |
proto03 | - | 3 | Third combined prototype |
Arcade | - | 3 | Arcade ready version of proto03 |
Player | Wessel | 1 | Prototype for keyboard movement |
collision | Isis | 1 | Prototype for collectable |
Spawner | Jeffrey | 1 | Prototype for spawning in objects |
smog | Pim | 1 | Prototype for changing visibility due to progressing smog |
Evolution | Wessel | 2 | Prototype for city evolution(changing sprites/enviroment) |
carmechanic | Isis | 2 | Prototype for moving cars + collision |
Wind | Jeffrey | 2 | Prototype for wind effect on player |
UIMenu | Pim | 2 | Prototype for the Menu screens and UI Elements |
Character customizer | Isis | 3 | Prototype for picking different color for dino skin |
Switching between Screens | Pim | 3 | Prototype for switching between screens like Startscreen, Game, Game Over, And Finished Game / Credits |
Audio | Wessel | 3 | Prototype for playing audio on interaction, and to play backgroundmusic |
Anti Passthrough | Isis | 3 | Prototype for anti passthrough through static buildings in the game |
Spritesheet | Isis | 3 | Prototype for spritesheet for the dino |
Game made by 4 Creative Media & Gaming Technologies students of the Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences.
Isis Ton
Pim van Milt
Jeffrey van Otterloo
Wessel van Beek