- clone.js - To clone a Javascript JSON Object that creates a clone for any level of nested JSON objects.
- flatArray.js - To have Javascript Array of Arrays as a single array that has the nested array elements as the array elements.
- digitsCombinationsOfGivenInteger.js - To find all the unique combinations of a given integer - half brute force
- blockScope.js - A way to ensure a block level of scope in a for loop.
- asyncBehaviour.js - A way to get async behaviour, callback and cancel method.
- addingGlobalHeaderToXMLHttpRequest.js - A way to add header(s) to all the Ajax requests happening in an App.
- reverStrInChunk.js - A way to reverse chunks in a given String
- Scope, Hoisting, Alternate to IIF.
- letInPlaceOfIIF.js - A way to use 'let' so as to avoid use of Immediately Invoked Functions .
- countCharForNonBMP.js - A way on ES6 standards to find the number of characters present in a Multilingual string.
- this key word absent
- arrowFunctions.js - A way on ES6 standards to find the number of characters present in a Multilingual string.
- computedPropertyName.js - A way on ES6 standards to find the number of characters present in a Multilingual string.
- convertArgumentsIntoArray.js - As arguments param is not fully ans Array(lacks .pop() for example).
- destructuringAndPropertyInitilizer.js- Useful when there is nested data
- factorialWithTailCall.js - Basic discussion on Tails calls to improve performance in mainly a recurssive function.
- superKeyWord.js - Super key word and its utility - use cases.
- setsAndMaps.js - Utility of Sets and Maps also discusses the Weak Sets and Maps.
- symbolPrimitive.js - Introduction to symbols.
- iteratorsAndGenerators.js - Utility of Sets and Maps also discusses the Weak Sets and Maps.
- asynchProgrammingES6.js - Promises in ES6 and thenable objects.
- classesInJS.js - Formal classes and expressions in ES6.
- pandR.js - Object Proxy, Reflections and their basic use cases.
- minorChangesinES6.js - Handling big numbers.
- Not supported as of now?