Live ATC is a Next.js website that allows users to listen to real-time Air Traffic Control (ATC) communications from various airports around the world. It provides aviation enthusiasts, students, and professionals with an immersive experience to stay updated on real-time ATC conversations. This Project is a Clone of the orignal
Live ATC is built using the following technologies:
- Next.js
- Supabase
- Tailwindcss
- ATC API (built on top of
To contribute to or test Live ATC locally, follow these steps.
Clone the Repository:
git clone
Install Dependencies:
Navigate into the project's directory and install the necessary dependencies using npm.
cd live-atc
npm install
Run the Development Server:
Once the dependencies are installed, launch the development server.
npm run dev
This will start the development server, and you can access the application at http://localhost:3000 in your web browser. Now you're ready to explore and contribute to Live ATC!