Free resources and tools to help you succeed in a PhD (or even Master's degree) related to understanding human movement and rehabilitation. Note: this document is not a comprehensive list, and is frequently updated.
- Research
- Writing
- Reference Managers
- Funding
- Teaching
- Conferences & Professional Development
- Networking
- Productivity/Other
- Electromyography (EMG)
- SENIAM Project - emg best practices and procedures
- The ABC of EMG Handbook
- The use of surface electromyography in biomechanics by Carlo De Luca
- Posturography or Stabilogram
- Motion Capture
- Biomechanical Modeling, Simulation, & Analysis
- Sensors
- Standarized Assessments
- Open Source Data
- Visual3D
- MATLAB - multi-paradigm programming language and numerical computing software
- YouTube channels with data processing, coding, etc. tools and tutorials
- Machine Learning
- MLU-Explain - machhine learning concepts explained
- R and RStudio - statistical analysis and data visualization software
- Dedoose - crossplatform for analyzing qualitative and mixed methods research
- Jamovi - open-source statistical software
- MAXQDA - qualitative data analysis software
- NVivo - qualitative data analysis software
- Data Visualization Catalogue
- FlowingData
- Arizona State University Data Analysis & Visualization in Research
- VISUALGO - website that visualizes data structures and algorithms with animations
- University of Michigan Center for Research on Learning and Teaching
- Cornell University Center for Teaching Innovation
- Georgetown University Center for New Designs in Learning and Scholarship
- American Society of Biomechanics | ASB
- International Society of Biomechanics | ISB
- International Society of Biomechanics in Sports | ISBS
- The Biomechanist
- Biomechanics on Our Minds (BOOM) Podcast
- American College of Sports Medicine | ACSM
- North American Society for the Psychology of Sport and Physical Activity | NASPSPA
- The International Society of Posture and Gait Research | ISPGR
- International Motor Development Research Consortium | I-MDRC
- National Academy of Kinesiology | NAK
- Society of Neuroscience | SfN
- American Society of Neurorehabilitation | ASNR
- Society for the Advancement of Chicanos/Hispanics and Native Americans in Science | SACNAS
- The Gait and Clinical Movement Analysis Society
- Gears of Progress Podcast
- Huberman Lab Podcast
- The PhD Life Raft Podcast
- How to PhD Podcast
- Ologies Podcast
- The Wellness Paradox Podcast
- INside the OUTcomes: A Rehabilitation Research Podcast
- Black Biomechanists Association | BBA
- Latinx in Biomechanix | LiB
- Cientifico Latino
- International Women in Biomechanics
- PhD and Productivity - YouTube Channel
- Andy Stapleton - YouTube Channel
- Justin Sung - YouTube Channel
- Goblin Tools
- Pomodoro Timer
- BioDigitial - interative 3D human anatomy
- GetBodySmart - interative anatomy and physiology
- The Brain from Top to Bottom