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Plagiarism Detection for Amharic text



This project implements a plagiarism detection system for the Amharic language using the Doc2Vec model. It provides a pipeline for data preprocessing, model training, and similarity computation, which serves as the foundation for a FastAPI server.


1. Data Preprocessing

  • Raw text is cleaned to prepare it for training and inference.
  • Stopwords are removed, and unnecessary characters are filtered out.
  • Text data is tokenized and transformed into a format suitable for the Doc2Vec model.

2. Model Training

  • The Doc2Vec model is trained on the preprocessed text data using Gensim.
  • Trained embeddings are saved for use in inference tasks.

3. Similarity Computation

  • The trained Doc2Vec model is used to calculate document similarities.
  • Cosine similarity is computed between the vectors of input documents.
  • The system identifies plagiarized sections by comparing sentences or text segments.

You can access the model weights at here.

Running the server

  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone
    cd plagiarism-detector
  2. Create a new conda environment and activate it:


Install miniconda if you don't have it already!

conda create --name plagiarism-detector python=3.10
conda activate plagiarism-detector
  1. Install dependencies:

    pip install -r reqs.txt
  2. Download the model files zip file, unzip it and put them in 'models' folder at the root of the project. You can download it here.

  3. Run the server:

    cd app
    python -m main
  4. Access the UI at http://localhost:8008