Molecular Clump extraction algorithm based on Local Density Clustering
Note The core idea of the algorithm comes from this paper
Rodriguez A, Laio A. Clustering by fast search and find of density peaks[J]. Science, 2014, 344(6191):1492.
The code is completed with Python 3. The following dependencies are needed to run the code:
- numpy~=1.19.2
- pandas~=1.3.2
- tabulate~=0.8.9
- matplotlib~=3.3.4
- scikit-image~=0.18.1
- scipy~=1.6.2
- astropy~=4.2
I suggest you install the code using pip from an Anaconda Python 3 environment. From that environment:
git clone
cd LDC-MGM/dist
pip install DensityClust-1.0.8.tar.gz
or you can install LDC package directly in using:
pip install DensityClust
import DensityClust.LocalDensityClustering_main as LDC
import as fits
from DensityClust import make_plot
para = {"gradmin": 0.01, "rhomin": 0.7, "deltamin": 4, "v_min": 27, "rms": 0.46, "dc": 0.6, "is_plot": 0}
LDC.localDenCluster(r'data\3d_Clumps\gaussian_out_000.fits', para=para)
# make picture
data = fits.getdata(r'data\3d_Clumps\gaussian_out_000.fits')
outcat = r'data\3d_Clumps\gaussian_out_000\LDC_outcat.txt'
make_plot.make_plot(outcat, data, lable_num=False)
If you use this code in a scientific publication, I would appreciate citation/reference to this repository.
title={Molecular Clump Extraction Algorithm Based on Local Density Clustering},
author={Xiaoyu Luo and Sheng Zheng and Yao Huang and Shuguang Zeng and Xiangyun Zeng and Zhibo Jiang and Zhiwei Chen},