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This repository contains two parts, a simple C typingstat program (main) that tries to compute your WPM and relative error as you type. The repository also contains a python module (legacy) to measure your typing as you type. The information about your typing can be accessed by a another python module or displayed by demos/ in real-time*.

* (Close to real time, as it buffers the data)

Screenshot Screenshot

  • Only supports Linux at the moment!

The program does not grab your keyboard, but reads the input directly from the character device in /dev/input/. Therefore it can be open beside a document for you to get information about how you type.

Security Concerns

A keylogger is used to capture typing which require root privilegies to run and a UDP server is used to communicate with the program. If not used properly it allows a remote third party to log information about the typing on the users machine. However this require that the user specifically enable the server to output on other ip than localhost. That's why the service is as safe as the end user makes it.

Please read NOTICE for more information.


Clone the project:

git clone

Move to the project folder:

cd typingstat

Install dependencies:

pip3 install requirements.txt

Install the program and daemon:

sudo ./

Install the Python package:

sudo python3 install


The tool might not work right after you have cloned it follow these steps below to make it work.

Keyboard Layout

This tool was made to fit the sv-latin1 keymap (Swedish QWERTY-keyboard). In order to get correct information from the program, modify ~/.config/typingstat/ to fit your keyboard like:

# ~/.config/typingstat/
keyboard_layout = {
    1: "Esc",
    2: "1",
    3: "2",
    4: "3",
    5: "4",
    6: "5",
    # ...
    30: "A",
    31: "S",
    32: "D",
    33: "F",
    34: "G",
    35: "H",
    36: "J",
    37: "K",
    38: "L",
    # ...
    125: "Left Super",
    126: "Right Super",
    127: "Menu"

If you do not know your keyboard's specific, id to key, try running the program and map the keyboard manually as you press your keys.

Keyboard Event

This tool can only monitor one keyboard at the time, and if you do not specify the full path to the keyboard event, it will use the first keyboard it can find. Which if you have a laptop with a connected keyboard might not be ideal. This will hopefully be improved in the future. The default configuration file looks like this:

# ~/.config/typingstat/
event = None

In order to use the correct keyboard event, use the command ls /dev/input/by-id and find the keyboard that you wanna monitor, eg. /dev/input/by-id/usb-CHICONY_Compaq_USB_Keyboard-event-kbd. Edit the config file ~/.config/typingstat/ like:

# ~/.config/typingstat/
event = "/dev/input/by-id/usb-CHICONY_Compaq_USB_Keyboard-event-kbd"


The module consists of two parts, a daemon (typingstatd) and the main module (typingstat), notice the +d in the daemon.


Manually start the typingstatd daemon (requires root)

sudo nohup /path/to/typingstatd &

You can find the process and its process id (PID) with this command:

ps ax | grep typingstatd

If you want to stop the execution, you can kill it with the kill command:

kill <PID>

Demo Program

You can run the demo script demos/ with the following command.

python3 demos/

Main Module

You can also import the typingstat module to your script:

# Import the module
from typingstat import Typingstat
# Initiate the class
ts = Typingstat()
# Retrieve information
result = ts.poll()
# Output the result: dict() or None
# {'kps': 3, 'wpm': 30, 'error': 3, 'strokes': 69}


Want to Help?

All help is appreciated.


display your typing statistics in real-time








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