I'm a Grad Student🎓 majoring in Computer Science. I'm a Tech Enthusiast 💻 😃 passionate about learning and working with new techs. I love building interesting and amazing products that serve a great deal of purpose.
↬ I'm learning continuously by building new things.✨
↬ I'm open to collaborating on Everything. 🤝
↬ I'm secretly spiderman, but don't tell any one. 🕷️
# IrfanshaikH-7
Here are some of my Best Projects.
discord-clone: A visually appealing clone of the Discord chat application, built with NextJs
and MySql
. It includes features such as real-time messaging, servers, Invites and channels.
saas: A Software as a Service (SaaS) application that offers various tools and services. Built using NextJs
, MySql
, and Stripe, the application has user authentication, subscription management, and billing features.
new-life: A project aimed at improving and expand the reach of "New Life Crane service Bussiness" located at Hyderabad, India.Built using NextJs
and MongoDB
For more projects, you can explore my GitHub repositories.
Thank you for visiting my GitHub profile. I hope this README provided you with insights into my skills, interests, and projects. If you have any questions or would like to collaborate, feel free to reach out. Let's create magic through code and technology!