A memory based card game that uses pepe gifs as cards. The game will track the time it takes for a user to match all the cards. The top 5 times will be shown on the highscores table.
I love the pepe meme and thought it would be a fun idea to incorporate it into a card game.
Ex. - JavaScript, DOM, HTML/CSS, LocalStorage, Flexbox
Javascript => used to make the game functional
DOM => Manipulating certain parts of the screen when pressing on buttons
HTML/CSS => The layout and colors of the entire website
LocalStorage => store highscores and name locally
Flexbox => make the website responsive
Built with
It's PEPE themed and has great music!
Enter this link onto your URL https://iouie.github.io/Know-Your-Pepe
Click the play button, enter your name and pick 2 cards to see if they match. If you want, you can check the highscores!
Instead of using localstorage to store name and timer, I want to use a server so I can see everybodies scores. I also want to add more levels onto my game. I also want to add little pepe twitch emotes that bounces off your web screen.
Shoutout to FreeCodeCamp for their some of their memory game code https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZniVgo8U7ek!