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🇺🇾 A list of cool projects made in Uruguay



🌟 Name Description 🌍
8153 @olistic/warriorjs 🏰 An exciting game of programming and Artificial Intelligence ↗️
5240 @diegomura/react-pdf 📄 Create PDF files using React ↗️
525 @diegomura/react-log React for the Console ↗️
296 @nachoaIvarez/flexbox-react Unopinionated, standard compliant flexbox component. No propietary APIs. Nothing but flexbox.
252 @san650/ember-cli-page-objec… This ember-cli addon eases the construction of page objects on your acceptance and integration tests ↗️
213 @RodrigoEspinosa/gitter-cli An extremely simple Gitter client for your terminal ↗️
177 @oxyc/luaparse A Lua parser written in JavaScript ↗️
170 @ngonzalvez/rest-facade Node.js module that abstracts the process of consuming a REST endpoint.
145 @san650/ember-web-app This Ember addon helps you configure and manage the manifest.json and meta tags needed to create progressive web applications ↗️
92 @deleteman/vatican Micro-framework designed to create REST APIs with minor effort
80 @gusgard/react-native-swiper-… 👆 Swiper component implemented with FlatList
60 @nachoaIvarez/es6-webapp-starterki… Future-proof starterkit for writing ES6 web apps using gulp for the build process and jspm to manage dependencies.
55 @diegomura/react-portalgun Lightweight portal system for React. Mega seeds included 🔫 ↗️
51 @diegomura/bespoke-react Bespoke + React made easy ↗️
49 @olistic/simplechain ⛓✨ Interactive blockchain built with Node.js
48 @RodrigoEspinosa/lookenv Set rules for the environment variables in your project. Works great with dotenv ↗️
45 @deleteman/angular-field-splitt… Angular directive to turn a single field into several fields that remain interconnected
32 @nachoaIvarez/react-native-scrolla… A ListView without the boilerplate.
31 @san650/ember-preferences Easy way of managing user preferences on the client side
27 @gusgard/react-native-grid-li… 🌁 Grid list component implemented with FlatList
21 @RodrigoEspinosa/mongoose-orchestrato… On the fly references to attributes synchronisation. ↗️
17 @cancerberoSgx/short-jsdoc jsdoc implementation with flexible and shorter syntax, written from scratch, with emphasis in rich type support ↗️
12 @gusgard/angular-seed-es6 🍯 Started project for AngularJS 1.5 apps using best practices + ES6 + SASS + angular material + Browserify + BrowserSync
11 @nachoaIvarez/hyper-vibrant Snazzy inspired hyper theme using the Vibrancy API
11 @san650/ceibo Ceibo is a JavaScript micro library to model trees that evaluate arbitrary code when accessing its nodes.
11 @san650/ember-qunit-source-m… This addon provides source map support for stack traces in QUnit
10 @RodrigoEspinosa/md-open A markdown viewer for your terminal build with JavaScript.
9 @gusgard/add-stars ⭐ Add stars to all the repos in GitHub used in package.json
9 @olistic/graphql-type-uuid UUID scalar type for GraphQL.js
9 @olistic/inquirer-prompt-sugg… Inquirer.js prompt for your less creative users
8 @LeonardoVal/capataz.js A framework to set up distributed algorithms via HTTP, HTML and Javascript, based on NodeJS and Express.
8 @LeonardoVal/sermat.js Sermat is a serialization format, similar to JSON.
7 @merodriguezblanco/react-transformicons Transformicons for React apps
7 @san650/cypress-page-object Represent the screens of your website as a series of objects in your Cypress test suite
7 @RodrigoEspinosa/exif-cli Terminal interface for node-exif. A node.js library to extract Exif metadata from images.
7 @san650/move-the-boxes A Sokoban like game written in Ember and HTML5 ↗️
7 @gusgard/d3-bubble-matrix A bubble matrix using d3
7 @juanazam/ember-cli-electron Ember CLI addon to generate electron app with embedded ember app
6 @RodrigoEspinosa/galeano Galeano is a tool for writers that focus on inspiration. ↗️
6 @oxyc/umd-bestiejs Experimental module definition pattern inspired by BestieJS
6 @oxyc/grunt-lint-inline Grunt task for linting inline javascript
6 @diegomura/flexbox-js
6 @LeonardoVal/ludorum.js A board game framework, focused not on graphics or user interfaces, but on artificial players design, implementation and testing.
6 @deleteman/FieldSplitter JQuery plugin that turns a single input field into a multi-field input
6 @san650/ember-confetti Plug and play confetti rain for your Ember application! ↗️
6 @oxyc/grunt-lint-bash Grunt task to validate bash scripts
5 @ngonzalvez/objective-ng Object-Oriented AngularJS.
5 @san650/ember-test-assets Add assets for tests easily and avoid 404 network errors
5 @francocorreasosa/autodiscover-modules Autodiscover modules in a directory with a required export signature
5 @cancerberoSgx/sgxRaphaelJsPlugins my raphaeljs plugins
5 @gusgard/viro-AR-playground 🖼️ Testing Viro AR and RN
5 @diegomura/media-engine Media queries engine written in pure JS!
4 @ngonzalvez/cgx-promise Lightweight promise library for Javascript
4 @LeonardoVal/inveniemus.js A search and optimization library, focusing on metaheuristics.
4 @olistic/hapi-overriding Override HTTP verbs
4 @cancerberoSgx/raphaeljs-tutorial Sebastián Gurin's Raphaeljs Interactive Tutorial ↗️
4 @nachoaIvarez/lesspass-native iOS and Android native client for the lesspass protocol. ↗️
4 @LeonardoVal/creatartis-base.js Basic and generic utility functions and definitions.
4 @ngonzalvez/cg-inject Simpler dependency injection for AngularJS when using Prototypes
4 @gusgard/react-native-graphql… 🥤 A react-native project with graphql configured, snapshots and good practices
4 @oxyc/travels ↗️
4 @cherta/apis-uy A web interface to show and test uruguayan api's ↗️
4 @nachoaIvarez/jspm-demo Demo of JSPM usage.
3 @deleteman/rawhub Express.js middleware to get resources from to use on a website
3 @diegocard/mobile-architecture 📱 HTML5 based mobile application example, exploring different architectures and technologies
3 @cancerberoSgx/js-indentator A javascript indentation and general parsing tool based on esprima JavaScript parser that can be run on the browser ↗️
3 @nachoaIvarez/retweet-draw A draw among retweets. Given a tweet id, logs a random user that retweeted the referenced tweet.
3 @gusgard/ci-dashboard
3 @cherta/recruitment An app to change the world of recruitment (?) ↗️
3 @RodrigoEspinosa/mvd-js-meteor Meteor sample application based on "You can't javascript under pressure" ↗️
3 @RodrigoEspinosa/toggl-today Show entries from today on your terminal. ↗️
3 @san650/ombu JavaScript micro library to help modelling really simple page objects
3 @RodrigoEspinosa/starmate Compare between unlimited (not exactly) amount of Github projects by their stars ↗️
3 @francocorreasosa/AtomicExpress An Express-boilerplate with steroids
3 @deleteman/tdm Send and read Twitter's DMs using Twitter's API from the command line.
3 @cherta/GrandmaRadio A radio app with big buttons for my grandma
3 @deleteman/resourcer Node.js module to automatically load resource files and turn them into JSON
3 @oxyc/node-rest-example Node.js web service school project useful as an example. Built using mongoose, restify, ssl, tests, doc building etc.
3 @san650/ember-pokemon Let Pikachu tell developers all over the world that you're hiring!
3 @cancerberoSgx/jsdoc-typeof-plugin A jsdoc plugin that will convert types like {typeof SomeClass} into {Class}
3 @nachoaIvarez/simple-reddit Simple reddit client ↗️
3 @diegocard/dry.js ☔ Lightweight SPA framework focused on conventions ↗️
3 @cancerberoSgx/prettier-eslint-gall… JavaScript code formatter based on eslint and prettier. Also a gallery of code formatted with popular eslint-config styleguides to see how they look like ↗️
2 @ngonzalvez/cgx-events Minimal client-side event bus for Javascript written in just 127 bytes.
2 @oxyc/Back-to-Visuals A JavaScript demo submitted for TLK LAN 2010.4. The idea of the project is to polish my JS knowledge and learn to work with Canvas and basic pixel manipulation. I got most interested by the wrapper object and the actual effects need a lot more work. ↗️
2 @diegomura/react-recipes
2 @ssassi/rorext Ruby on Rails plugin that easily adapts extJS to an application
2 @juanazam/ember-cli-run-later Small addon to make more test friendly
2 @diegocard/spa-presentation 📢 Presentation on how to build a Single Page Application ↗️
2 @deleteman/TwittStalker Find out where people have been based on the location stored on their twitts.
2 @francocorreasosa/parse-server-talk Code for my friday talk at sophilabs
2 @san650/ember-humans-txt This Ember addon helps you generate and mantain a humans.txt file for your website
2 @san650/ember-ombu Really simple page objects for your Ember's acceptance tests
2 @san650/tajpado A simple touch typing learning app written in Ember ↗️
2 @oxyc/Chrome-Extensions Mixed chrome extensions for my personal laziness.
2 @merodriguezblanco/ascii-video JavaScript video to ASCII converter using WebRTC.
2 @oxyc/node-basecamp Node wrapper for the basecamp bcx api
2 @grilix/pokeutils
2 @cancerberoSgx/engify Browserify transformation that add minimal support for running node.js projects in multiple JavaScript implementations like node, browser, rhino, nashorn, SpiderMonkey, JavaScriptCore, ringojs, v7, etc
2 @francocorreasosa/ClimaUY Hyper-localized weather app for Uruguay.
2 @RodrigoEspinosa/tito-tickets Get a streaming of the tickets status using websockets for your event
2 @francocorreasosa/hapi-core-api-starte… 📇 Start point for robust and type-safe APIs with Hapi, MongoDB, JWT and Authorization (WIP).
2 @cancerberoSgx/js-editors Editor framework focusing in automatic GUI / forms generation from JSON model Objects.
2 @francocorreasosa/OpenFING-Mobile OpenFING App for iOS and Android
2 @cancerberoSgx/generatrivia a board game generator in pure html and javascript, supporting chess-like, trivia-like, cards-like, etc.
2 @LeonardoVal/ludorum-wargame.js Miniature wargame implementation for Ludorum.
2 @olistic/jotason 🍬 Lightweight data-interchange language that adds syntactic sugar to JSON


🌟 Name Description 🌍
35 @luciofm/AndroidDevConf2015 Palestra na Android Dev Conference 2015
30 @luciofm/ifican Se eu posso, você também pode - Animações para desenvolvedores...
18 @luciofm/droidcon If I Can, You Can Too - Animations for Developers...
15 @luciofm/SquareGridLayout Sample application showing a simple custom SquareGridLayout...
14 @luciofm/FromThisToThat From This to That - Droidcon Italy
11 @luciofm/ExtendedPrefs Extended SharedPreferences Class for Android
8 @mambrosi/MaterialMovies Simple Android App which implements several Material Design patterns using Google´s Design Library and Support Library
7 @jdavisonc/seedboxer SeedBoxer is a distribution content system based on users queues and filters.
6 @luciofm/nextlevel Palestra no Next Level Apps 2014
6 @luciofm/BackupManagerTest Test project for the Android BackupManager
6 @luciofm/AndroidSalao Appresentação Android no Salão de Beleza.
6 @luciofm/Paleta Paleta is a simple Android app for generating Palettes from images...
5 @luciofm/MetroSP Simples Scrapper da Condicão atual das linhas de Metro de SP. Disponivel para download no Market…
4 @luciofm/LazyWorkTimeTracker Track the time I spent at work by watching my wifi connectivity.
4 @jdavisonc/camel-gdrive Camel component for integrate with Google Drive
3 @nico-gonzalez/volley-it A simple Chuck Norris jokes app built using Volley. The purpose of this project is to show some of the features provided by the Volley toolbox and compare it with the HttpUrlConnection approach
3 @luciofm/AsyncTaskCompat Backport Ice Cream Sandwich AsyncTask all the way back do Donut 1.6, providing a consistent behavior across all Android Versions.
3 @luciofm/ListSelectionSample ListView item selection sample (for android < 3.0)
2 @mambrosi/JNI-Asset-Manager Simple app using JNI to read files inside the app's Assets folder
2 @mradzinski/SmartDNSProxy Simple Android application which updates the IP on Smart DNS Proxy
2 @luciofm/ViewPagerHack Hack solution to not allow ViewPager scroll more than one page when getPageWidth() < 1.0f
2 @jdavisonc/seedroid Seedroid is an Android client application for SeedBoxer
2 @acoppes/LD22---AL1 My game for Ludum Dare 22 codenamed AL1 ↗️
2 @luciofm/CursoAndroid Material de exemplo para Curso de Android
2 @luciofm/Anime-se Palestra apresentada no Dev Fest São Paulo 2013 e códigos de exemplo
2 @matiasf/workberch-tolopogy Dynamic Apache Storm topology created by a workflow file on Taverna Workbench.
2 @matiasf/GeoRedTSI2 Proyecto de TSI2.
2 @luciofm/qconrio Android em Movimento - QCon Rio.


🌟 Name Description 🌍
44 @ideka/AugTyr The ultimate Guild Wars 2 map completion tool.
9 @maxpiva/AnimeOfflineDownload… Anime Offline Downloader, Downloads anime for offline view
7 @jmcorallo/unity-ui-elements A collection of useful UI elements that are not included in Unity's UI
5 @ideka/zelda-platformer A simple ECS-based platformer test.
5 @maxpiva/Nancy.Rest.Module A Nancy Module capable of mounting an annotated interface.
4 @maxpiva/Nancy.Rest.Client Dynamic proxy client generation for Nancy using Nancy.Rest.Module
4 @maxpiva/MPVPlayer.WPF.Wrappe… WPF Wrapper for MPVPlayer with GUI, bindings, configuration, etc.
4 @jmcorallo/unity-emails Send emails from any Unity project
3 @GermanAsmus/Proyecto-Edo Cliente de correo electronico
3 @maxpiva/fabric-sdk-net .NET port of fabric-sdk-java
2 @ansel86castro/Igneel Game engine for .NET
2 @sebagomez/shelltwit 💻🐤 Command line twitter client ↗️
2 @sebagomez/winscreenfetch 💻 WinScreenfetch is ScreenFetch for Windows
2 @sebagomez/dotNET-performance-c… dotNET performance comparison
2 @Bartmax/HtmlMinifier Html minifier middleware for aspnet 5.
2 @srebella/ChangeEmailOnIdentit…
2 @cristianbauza/Barcode Programa simple que genera PDF´s con distintas configuraciones de hojas y espaciados. Desarrollado en C#
2 @maxpiva/CloudFileSystem Cloud Based FileSystem using plugins
2 @GermanAsmus/ProyectoTaller Proyecto de Taller de Programacion


🌟 Name Description 🌍
21 @guillecura/constructivism Constructivism Ghost theme
6 @fernandoportal/rails4-seed Rails 4 seed with omniauth(facebook, google+ and twitter), twitter bootstrap 3 integration and i18n setup
4 @alotropico/now-open.jquery Lightweight plugin to determine if a the current times falls within a given set of times and days.
4 @alotropico/advanced-autocomplet… Add filter and autocomplete functionality to inputs, with or without the use of ajax, with or without the need for the user to start searching for a therm before showing results.
4 @guillecura/hi-contrast Hi Contrast Ghost theme ↗️
2 @AlexanderElert/Jurassic-World-JsGam… A basic example of a game using Javascript.
2 @guillecura/double-meat-hamburge… Double Meat Hamburger animated SVG icon


🌟 Name Description 🌍
12 @haldos/edges Implementation of some classical edge detection algorithms; Roberts, Prewitt, Sobel, Haralick and Marr-Hildreth.


🌟 Name Description 🌍
43 @juan-cardelino/stasm build instructions and scripts for STASM 4
5 @matinas/openvrsimplexamples Simple OpenVR tracking example using the HTC Vive as part of the OpenVR tutorials on The Ghost Howls Virtual Reality blog:
4 @ichramm/Windows7JumpListSupp… Windows 7 Jump List Support for Visual Studio 2008 ↗️
3 @pabloxid/AX12 Dynamixel Arduino Library ↗️
2 @pabloxid/Segduino Arduino Segway-like robot (self-balanced robot) using MPU600 IMU sensor and Dynamixel RX24 servo motors.


🌟 Name Description 🌍
64 @jpmonettas/inspectable In the spec table
17 @guilespi/clj-zipkin Adds zipkin tracing instrumentation for Clojure applications
17 @jpmonettas/magic-sheet Create magic sheets to improve your Clojure[Script] repl experience.
14 @jpmonettas/clj-tree-layout A library for laying out tree nodes in 2D space for Clojure and ClojureScript.
11 @guilespi/clj-asterisk Clojure bindings for Asterisk Manager API
10 @jpmonettas/pretty-spec Pretty print clojure.spec forms
8 @jpmonettas/reagent-flowgraph A reagent component for laying out tree nodes in 2D space.
8 @jpmonettas/smart-view Visualize and explore your solidity smart contracts.
7 @guilespi/time-series-storage To store and retrieve time series counters, average, histograms, etc. Support for Postgres, Cassandra, others.
4 @fbrubacher/hastie-clojure Playground for machine learning
3 @guilespi/fsm-test-check Finite State Machine testing with Clojure test.check
3 @jpmonettas/re-mount-module-brow… A re-frame applications browser
2 @kernelp4nic/om-datepicker An Om (ClojureScript) datepicker component, based on Stefan Petre's (of for Twitter Bootstrap.


🌟 Name Description 🌍
2 @gkristic/tech-meetup-2014 Basis for the TechMeetup 2014 workshop on Go


🌟 Name Description 🌍
98 @MNoya/DotaCraft Bringing back the legendary RTS game from which Dota was created ↗️
43 @MNoya/Element-TD Element Tower Defense ↗️
23 @MNoya/Warchasers A remake of the classic Warcraft 3 Warchasers mod in Dota 2 ↗️
19 @MNoya/BuildingHelper Library for RTS & TD Dota Custom Games
15 @rsisto/luaGpio Simple lua file for GPIO control in embedded systems
11 @MNoya/PMP Pimp My Peon ↗️
7 @MNoya/FootmenFrenzy A remake of the classic Warcraft 3 Footmen Frenzy mod in Dota 2 ↗️
5 @MNoya/CourierMadness Single Player Minigame inspired by The Death Sheep ↗️
4 @rsisto/luaRoboEmb Lua library for embedded robotics.


🌟 Name Description 🌍
178 @jeremangnr/JNKeychain Simple wrapper to store, load and delete items from the iOS Keychain. (Uses ARC)
54 @jchomali/ApolloDB An easy to implement and secure database for your apps.
16 @encuadro/encuadro Aplicación de realidad aumentada y navegación para museos sobre smart devices
15 @jeremangnr/UICollectionView-Dem… UICollectionView Demo
9 @mostachoio/MoABContactsManager A library to manage contacts from iOS Address Book
3 @Itaybre/iFinder-Source-Code iFinder Source Code ↗️
3 @enriquebk/iOS-Density-Map iOS Density Map allows you to efficiently render thousands of points on a map.
3 @iOSDevUY/workshop-hello-world iOS app - Hello World (Workshop 2014, July, 26)
2 @Itaybre/FakePercent
2 @javiercamacho/PatoCeleste


🌟 Name Description 🌍
3 @bcattaneo/ This is a simple perl script that tries to collect functions for using Facebook without Graph API.
2 @gbarco/Net-Amazon-Glacier Net::Amazon::Glacier official repository for the Perl implementation of Amazon Glacier API 2012-06-01. Originally written by Tim Nordenfur. ↗️


🌟 Name Description 🌍
640 @andres-montanez/Magallanes The PHP Deployment Tool ↗️
35 @skydiver/laravel-materialize-… Materialize CSS Framework for Laravel 5
33 @skydiver/laravel-route-blocke… Block routes by IP
29 @marcanuy/popularity A Laravel 4 package for tracking popular elements of a website in a time frame
28 @iambrosi/IsmaAmbrosiGenerator… Generates Symfony2 documents, forms and CRUD for MongoDB documents
27 @skydiver/october-plugin-forms ↗️
15 @centerax/codeigniter-magento-… CodeIgniter Magento API Spark
14 @mpaleo/scaffolder Scaffold out a laravel application. Craft your next application easier and faster ↗️
10 @abr4xas/instapago Plugin instapago para woocommerce. ↗️
10 @abr4xas/php-instapago Librería Instapago para PHP ↗️
9 @skydiver/october-plugin-ssolo… October Backend SSO Login
8 @skydiver/laravel-flysystem-b2
8 @centerax/pyrocms-mailchimp MailChimp integration for PyroCMS
7 @skydiver/october-plugin-ssbut… Social Sharing Buttons for OctoberCMS ↗️
6 @andres-montanez/RecommendationsBundl… Recommendations Engine with MongoDB
5 @abr4xas/vagrant-config My vagrant config ↗️
5 @skydiver/october-plugin-gitre… Keep track of your Git repos from OctoberCMS backend
5 @centerax/codeigniter-sage-pay… CodeIgniter Sage Pay DIRECT integration library
4 @skydiver/october-plugin-blogg… Blog + RJ Gallery for OctoberCMS
4 @mpaleo/scaffolder-theme-mat… Laravel material theme package for mPaleo/scaffolder
3 @mpaleo/scaffolder-extension Basic example for getting started with Laravel Scaffolder extensions
3 @p1r0/BsBuilder Build system for PHP built in PHP ↗️
3 @mpaleo/view-tags Simple way to tag your Laravel views ↗️
3 @skydiver/october-plugin-clius…
3 @AV4TAr/Mysql-Meetup-sphinxs… Charla sobre sphinxsearch para la primer meetup de mysql en UY.
3 @AV4TAr/Twitter-stream-consu…
3 @p1r0/MuffinPHP A light weight MVC PHP Framework ↗️
3 @mpaleo/scaffolder-support Laravel Scaffolder support component
3 @skydiver/october-plugin-backu…
3 @skydiver/october-plugin-admin… Adminer plugin for OctoberCMS
3 @Vextil/API_Taringa Una API de datos para la pagina
2 @abr4xas/utils Paquete de uso personal con cosas que uso día a día... ↗️
2 @luchothoma/salem SalemPhp a PHP framework fast, simple and easy to learn.
2 @skydiver/october-plugin-route…
2 @mreperger/eirene
2 @mreperger/Copa-Am-rica-2011
2 @skydiver/docker-octobercms Docker development container for OctoberCMS


🌟 Name Description 🌍
2752 @omab/python-social-auth Social auth made simple ↗️
2485 @omab/django-social-auth Django social authentication made simple ↗️
777 @titoBouzout/Dictionaries Hunspell UTF8 dictionaries. These work with Sublime Text. [Spell check]
437 @titoBouzout/Tag Collection of packages about HTML/XML tags.
279 @andrix/python-snappy Python bindings for the snappy google library
271 @titoBouzout/BufferScroll Remember, restore and sync scroll, bookmarks, marks, folds and cursors. keys: multiple columns one buffer, follow mode, split, screen, pages, synchronize vertical and typewriter scrolling
255 @titoBouzout/WordCount Real-time Word, Char, Line and Page counter, in the status-bar for the document, line or selection. Sublime Text
244 @titoBouzout/SideBarGit Add git commands to sidebar. Textual port of komodin extension for sublime text.
182 @titoBouzout/EncodingHelper Guess encoding of files, show in status bar, convert to UTF-8 from a variete of encodings..
153 @narrowfail/django-channels-chat A simple Django-Channels web chat!
134 @titoBouzout/Open-Include Will open file paths found under the cursor with ALT+D
113 @titoBouzout/LineEndings On statusbar and on command palete.
71 @titoBouzout/SideBarFolders For when a project system is too much.
42 @titoBouzout/FindResultsApplyChan… Edit just there in the "Find Results" buffer, merge changes back to the files.
26 @daedalus/bitcoin-recover-priv… Proof of concept of bitcoin private key recovery using weak ECDSA signatures
26 @gonz/django-model-i18n (No longer maintained, checkout forks) Model translations with a pluggable twist
24 @omab/faces Face detection and recognition
23 @omab/psa-allauth Django-Allauth flows implemented with python-social-auth
20 @omab/psa-passwordless Passwordless Email Auth
16 @titoBouzout/FakeDataGenerator Repeat the selected text N times, and/or also may generate Fake Data if you wish using the external library Faker.
12 @git2samus/xpost-bot Reddit bot to scan and repost submissions of interest to niche subreddits
12 @omab/django-tcms My approach to a Django CMS
10 @titoBouzout/Camaleon Cycle chrome theme and colour schemes with F8
9 @kalessin/PyLINQ Python LINQ (Language Integrated Query) wrapper
8 @cmateu/PyMGC3 Python toolkit for mGC3 method
8 @titoBouzout/ClipboardCommands Provides handy clipboard commands without keybindings.
8 @dangra/pymesos Pure python bindings useful to write Mesos frameworks
7 @mixedCase/kivymd MOVED TO GITLAB: ↗️
7 @daedalus/misc misc scripts
5 @msaizar/pf-admin Tool for managing a Postfix/MySQL email system, based on… ↗️
5 @juanpex/django-webfaction-co… Django application that provides commands to generate fast deploy
5 @daedalus/fastBloomFilter A pure, simple and fast pythonic bloom filter
5 @omab/psa-recovery psa email backend password recovery
4 @httpdss/deam Django External Apps Manager are custom commands for managing external applications
4 @andrix/usesthis-spider Scrapy Spider to get the interviews of Uses this and they hardware / software info.
4 @httpdss/agilito (git mirror of) Simple, web-based Agile / Scrum project management tool built in Django ↗️
3 @daedalus/bloomHIBP Bloom HIBP – check Have i been Pwnd with bloom filters in pure python
3 @omab/fspotfs F-Spot photo manager FUSE filesystem
3 @nagitsu/imsearch Adding image metadata using Luminoth
3 @cinemascop89/wanikani a generator of wallpapers of your wanikani progress
3 @titoBouzout/SelectionsToFiles Save selections as new files..
3 @nagitsu/nabu Platform for managing, training and evaluating word embeddings over a corpus
3 @titoBouzout/ePub Open epub files with Sublime Text for reading
2 @cyberplant/filehasher File hashing utility.
2 @git2samus/tamarindo-web Tamarindo Web Organizer ↗️
2 @omab/psa-friendsinvite
2 @omab/django-archiver Replicate database entries between configured databases ↗️
2 @gonz/slack-rekarma Automatic Slack user karma based on reactions
2 @omab/twitchess Play chess against a Chess Engine on twitter
2 @daedalus/3Dto2DRayCaster this is not a raytracer
2 @daedalus/btcat btcat - download a torrent file from the network and output its contents to the standard output.
2 @httpdss/queryutils an almost mirror of django queryutils ↗️
2 @juanpex/django-model-deploy Django application that facilitates the publication of data between environments such as development, testing and production. ↗️
2 @omab/jocker FreeBSD Jail Definition and Management ala Docker
2 @marcelor/django-autotest Continually runs tests based on files you've changed.
2 @titoBouzout/PreventFakeClones Prevents opening the same file twice, if does not share a buffer (ie is not a clone/duplicate or cloned view/tab/file).


🌟 Name Description 🌍
36 @jumanbar/Curso-R Repositorio con los scripts y otros archivos varios que usamos para el curso IMSER. ↗️
7 @d4tagirl/John-Oliver-sentimen… Code for my blog post about text mining Last Week Tonight comments ↗️
4 @iferres/MLSTar An easy way of MLSTyping your genomes in R.
4 @d4tagirl/uruguayan_parliament… Code for my blog post about text mining uruguayan Parliamentary sessions 🇺🇾 ↗️
3 @guzmanlopez/IntroductionToGeosta… Mandatory work for Introduction to Geostatistics course on University of Buenos Aires (UBA)
3 @d4tagirl/R-Ladies-growth-maps Code for my R-Ladies gif, used in my blog post ↗️
3 @d4tagirl/uRuguayanMap 🗺 uruguayan watercolor map 🎨 🇺🇾
3 @natydasilva/metawRite


🌟 Name Description 🌍
1035 @elcuervo/airplay Airplay bindings to Ruby
641 @elcuervo/minuteman Fast analytics using Redis ↗️
274 @zevarito/mixpanel Simple lib to track events in Mixpanel service. It can be used in any rack based framework.
142 @dcadenas/rubydeps A tool to create class dependency graphs from test suites
135 @pote/disc Simple Disque-powered Ruby Jobs
65 @pote/planet.rb A feed aggregator implementation intended to be used with Octopress
64 @elcuervo/minuteman-rails Use Minuteman easily in your Rails app
59 @pote/hashifiable Dead simple hash representation declarations.
44 @zevarito/route_dog Watch and Notify your not tested routes of a RoR Application
42 @dcadenas/preforker A gem to easily create prefork servers. ↗️
30 @dcadenas/state_pattern A Ruby state pattern implementation
23 @dcadenas/gmail_sender A simple gem to send email through gmail
20 @elcuervo/cuba-sugar Give cuba some sugar!
19 @jmbejar/todo-rails-api-backb… Example backend implemented with Rails API to be used with a backbone frontend app
18 @spastorino/coffee-rails rails/coffee-rails is the official repo ↗️
17 @alfonsocora/quickftp Command line application that allows to quickly start an ftp server without worrying about configuration. This makes it a handy tool to transfer files easily.
15 @elcuervo/shibe The microframework for Doges
14 @alfonsocora/markdown2html Convert markdown files and wikis to html
11 @spastorino/todo-rails-api-ember…
11 @elcuervo/random-octocat Get a random octocat app ↗️
10 @elcuervo/flag Simple feature flags
10 @oboxodo/aprende_a_programar Traducción al español del tutorial de Chris Pine "Learn to Program"
9 @spastorino/exceptron Exceptron comes from the future to make your exceptions rock!
8 @pote/homebrew-gpm_plugins A repository of gpm plugins installable through homebrew.
8 @pote/box A dead easy "inline filesystem" for your ruby scripts
8 @elcuervo/net-http-pool Persistent HTTP connection pool
8 @rebagliatte/rails_portfolio Rails portfolio app
7 @dcadenas/auto_focusable_forms Plugin to automatically give focus to your Rails forms ↗️
7 @elcuervo/shoden The elephant god
6 @elcuervo/net-ptth Reverse HTTP ruby client
6 @dcadenas/depgraph A Ruby tool to create dependency graph images from any kind of file ↗️
6 @elcuervo/limelight_video Limelight video platform ruby client
5 @dcadenas/file_test_helper A simple helper aimed at reducing the setup effort needed to create directories, files and file content in the scope of an integration test case. ↗️
4 @zevarito/uglify_html Make a Html document ugly
4 @spastorino/rails-benchs Some Rails benches that work across Rails versions and can be used to compare perf progress
4 @elcuervo/firma Adds a secure signature to pdf
4 @dcadenas/active_record_state_… A Rails plugin that implements the state design pattern in ActiveRecord models.
3 @elcuervo/net-http-auth-hmac Signs Net::HTTP requests
3 @elcuervo/proof_of_work A Hashcash algorithm implementation
3 @nachof/sgf2img Create an image from an SGF file -- can be used to quickly see tsumegos without using a full featured SGF editor
3 @alfonsocora/endpost A ruby wrapper around Endicia web services
3 @alfonsocora/masscancan MassCanCan is an extension to the not-yet released CanCan 2.0. It grabs the permissions defined with CanCan and uses them to implement the ActiveRecord mass assignment security policies, removing the need to define the accessible attributes in the model and contributing to the application consistency.
3 @amuhle/relations RubyOnRails Gem to relate models
3 @snmgian/yew Offers an object access like interface to Hash structures.
2 @dcadenas/rspec2rr A Ruby script that helps you ease the migration process from rspec dobules ro rr trying to reduce your manual work ↗️
2 @snmgian/simple_sorting SimpleSorting helps to make sorting at rails more easier
2 @dcadenas/stubborn A Ruby gem that helps you find missing stubs in your tests.
2 @dcadenas/rspec_prank RSpec + Apple Motion Sensor = Fun!
2 @pote/wayfinder A bookkeeping tool for the Pathfinder Role Playing Game.
2 @amuhle/delivery delivery app for suppliers
2 @elcuervo/cachoo
2 @joseicosta/janus-tweaks Basic vim tweaks to use with janus
2 @nachof/zheng Go rating calculator
2 @spastorino/exceptron_example
2 @frozeek/xhive A simple Rails AJAX CMS
2 @oboxodo/acts_as_extensible Delegates columns of a has_one association and creates the proxy methods in the caller


🌟 Name Description 🌍
2 @scala-meetup-mvd/intro-scala Repo con codigo demo de la charla intro a scala
2 @netlabs-foundation/luthier


🌟 Name Description 🌍
151 @atarallo/TECMINT_MONITOR A Shell Script to Monitor Network, Disk Usage, Uptime, Load Average and RAM Usage in Linux. Originally published on
2 @guzmanbraso/remote-wireshark Simple script to run wireshark locally getting traffic dump from a remote host through ssh + tcpdump.


🌟 Name Description 🌍
13 @swift-montevideo/HelloZewo Server Side Swift example using Zewo components
2 @sebnun/musical iOS app to listen to Youtube videos in the background and discover music
2 @JuanPabloBoero/JBTimer Swift Grand Central Dispatch Repeating Timer

❓ Get Help

There are few ways to get help:

  1. Please post questions on Stack Overflow. You can open issues with questions, as long you add a link to your Stack Overflow question.
  2. For bug reports and feature requests, open issues. 🐛
  3. For direct and quick help, you can use Codementor. 🚀

😋 How to contribute

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💖 Support my projects

I open-source almost everything I can, and I try to reply to everyone needing help using these projects. Obviously, this takes time. You can integrate and use these projects in your applications for free! You can even change the source code and redistribute (even resell it).

However, if you get some profit from this or just want to encourage me to continue creating stuff, there are few ways you can do it:

  • Starring and sharing the projects you like 🚀

  • Buy me a book—I love books! I will remember you after years if you buy me one. 😁 📖

  • PayPal—You can make one-time donations via PayPal. I'll probably buy a coffee tea. 🍵

  • Support me on Patreon—Set up a recurring monthly donation and you will get interesting news about what I'm doing (things that I don't share with everyone).

  • Bitcoin—You can send me bitcoins at this address (or scanning the code below): 1P9BRsmazNQcuyTxEqveUsnf5CERdq35V6

Thanks! ❤️

📜 License

MIT © Ionică Bizău


🇺🇾 A list of cool projects made in Uruguay








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