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πŸ‡©πŸ‡° A list of neat projects made in Denmark


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A list of neat projects made in Denmark



🌟 Name Description 🌍
3880 @luis-almeida/unveil A very lightweight jQuery plugin to lazy load images
3763 @mafintosh/peerflix Streaming torrent client for node.js
1324 @bramstein/fontfaceobserver Font load events, simple, small and efficient ↗️
1290 @mafintosh/mongojs Node.js module that implements the offical mongo api ↗️
1287 @mafintosh/playback Video player built using electron and node.js ↗️
1209 @mafintosh/torrent-stream The low level streaming torrent engine that peerflix uses
1170 @mafintosh/chromecasts Query your local network for Chromecasts and have them play media
1022 @mafintosh/torrent-mount Mount a torrent (or magnet link) as a filesystem in real time using torrent-stream and fuse. AKA MAD SCIENCE!
1013 @paldepind/snabbdom A virtual DOM library with focus on simplicity, modularity, powerful features and performance.
804 @paldepind/flyd The minimalistic but powerful, modular, functional reactive programming library in JavaScript.
730 @jseidelin/pixastic JavaScript Image Processing Library ↗️
658 @saebekassebil/teoria Javascript taught Music Theory ↗️
649 @luis-almeida/filtrify Beautiful advanced tag filtering with HTML5 and jQuery
616 @luis-almeida/jPages Client side pagination with jQuery and CSS3
564 @mafintosh/airpaste A 1-1 network pipe that auto discovers other peers using mdns
544 @mafintosh/is-my-json-valid A JSONSchema validator that uses code generation to be extremely fast
542 @paldepind/functional-frontend-… A functional frontend framework.
489 @bramstein/trmix apply CSS based on your browser's text rendering engine ↗️
436 @bramstein/typeset TeX line breaking algorithm in JavaScript
414 @mafintosh/why-is-node-running Node is running but you don't know why? why-is-node-running is here to help you.
404 @bramstein/hypher A fast and small JavaScript hyphenation engine
402 @kasperisager/sails-generate-auth Generate a Passport.js authentication layer for your Sails app that will Rock Your Socksβ„’ [No longer maintained] ↗️
384 @mafintosh/protocol-buffers Protocol Buffers for Node.js
363 @raix/push Push notifications for cordova (ios, android) browser (Chrome, Safari, Firefox) ↗️
361 @mafintosh/hyperdrive A file sharing network based on rabin file chunking and append only feeds of data verified by merkle trees.
321 @mafintosh/webcat Mad science p2p pipe across the web using webrtc that uses your Github private/public key for authentication and a signalhub for discovery
298 @bramstein/fontloader A fontloader polyfill
298 @mickhansen/graphql-sequelize GraphQL & Relay for MySQL & Postgres via Sequelize
278 @mafintosh/peercast torrent-stream + chromecast
269 @mafintosh/torrent-docker MAD SCIENCE realtime boot of remote docker images using bittorrent
255 @mafintosh/hyperlog Merkle DAG that replicates based on scuttlebutt logs and causal linking
254 @mafintosh/hyperfs A content-addressable union file system build on top of fuse, hyperlog, leveldb and node
241 @bramstein/jlayout JavaScript layout algorithms ↗️
239 @mafintosh/peerwiki all of wikipedia on bittorrent
232 @raix/Meteor-handlebar-hel… Handy handlers for Meteor handlebars ↗️
212 @mafintosh/signalhub Simple signalling server that can be used to coordinate handshaking with webrtc or other fun stuff.
210 @paldepind/union-type A small JavaScript library for defining and using union types.
199 @mafintosh/csv-parser Streaming csv parser inspired by binary-csv that aims to be faster than everyone else
191 @mafintosh/pump pipe streams together and close all of them if one of them closes
190 @mafintosh/respawn Spawn a process and restart it if it crashes
189 @Munter/grunt-reduce A grunt kitchen that reduces your web ingredients down to their essence for optimal serving. Bon appΓ©tit!
169 @raix/Meteor-famono Adds library bundler to Meteor use with demo at: ↗️
151 @paldepind/synceddb Makes it easy to write offline-first applications with realtime syncing and server side persistence.
150 @bramstein/funcy An experiment in adding functional pattern matching to JavaScript
150 @paldepind/dffptch A micro library for diffing and patching JSON objects using a compact diff format
148 @mafintosh/hypercore Hypercore is a protocol and network for distributing and replicating feeds of binary data.
146 @mafintosh/polo Polo is a zero configuration service discovery module written completely in Javascript.
134 @mafintosh/tar-fs fs bindings for tar-stream
128 @mafintosh/tar-stream tar-stream is a streaming tar parser and generator.
125 @Munter/hyperlink A node library and command line tool to test the integrity of your internal an external hyperlinks
120 @mafintosh/webrtc-swarm Create a swarm of p2p connections using webrtc and a signalhub
115 @mafintosh/multicast-dns Low level multicast-dns implementation in pure javascript
108 @mafintosh/mp4-stream Streaming mp4 encoder and decoder
100 @mafintosh/airswarm Network swarm that automagically discovers other peers on the network using multicast dns
99 @mafintosh/deejay Music player that broadcasts to everyone on the same network
90 @ThomasBS/domainzter Domainzter is a self-hosted domain control panel - a simple web app to keep track of domains.
85 @Munter/assetviz Assetviz is a web application code base visualization tool. Generate a self encapsulated html-file with a force directed graph representing the assets in your project and their relations.
84 @freeall/single-line-log Output one line and move to beginning of line. Useful for progress bars and counters with no breaks in the terminal
81 @mickhansen/dottie.js Fast and safe nested object access and manipulation in JavaScript
80 @sebastianseilund/node-json-socket
78 @freeall/progress-stream Read the progress of a stream
78 @bramstein/url-template A JavaScript URI template implementation (RFC 6570 compliant)
73 @daviferreira/react-sanfona Accessible react accordion component ↗️
70 @AndreasMadsen/trace Creates super long stack traces ↗️
67 @raix/Meteor-EventEmitter Client and server event emitter
65 @daviferreira/react-viewport-slide… react-viewport-slider is a react component (obviously) that displays a sequence of contents using 100% of the viewport with and height. ↗️
62 @bramstein/promis A small embeddable Promise polyfill
59 @daviferreira/twitter-bootstrap-ad… Admin interface using twitter bootstrap.
58 @bramstein/opentype An OpenType, TrueType, WOFF, and WOFF2 parser in JavaScript
56 @bramstein/bit-array JavaScript implementation of bit arrays.
54 @papandreou/node-cldr node.js library for extracting data from CLDR (the Unicode Common Locale Data Repository)
52 @bramstein/stateofwebtype Up-to-date data on support for type and typographic features on the web. ↗️
52 @sorribas/tcp-spy TCP Proxy server for debugging.
47 @bramstein/hyphenation-patterns Hyphenation patterns for use with Hypher
43 @saebekassebil/musicjson Parses and translates MusicXML to MusicJSON and back again
41 @Munter/node-histogram Javascript histogram library that gives you a data structure describing your PNG/JPEG/GIF. Works in NodeJS and any canvas supporting browser. Added bonus: Exports AMD module in the browser if require.js is loaded, otherwise falls back to exposing histogram on window.
41 @cyberglot/bradoc A node module to gen, validate and format Brazilian documents' numbers (aka CPF/CNPJ).
40 @mickhansen/ssacl-attribute-role… Simple attribute whitelisting/blacklisting with roles for Sequelize
38 @bramstein/jsizes jQuery CSS size properties plugin ↗️
37 @AndreasMadsen/clarify Remove nodecore related stack trace noise
37 @papandreou/express-processimage Express middleware that processes served images according to the query string
37 @bramstein/text-overflow jQuery Text Overflow plugin ↗️
35 @paldepind/functionize A library which aids in making any JavaScript library more functional.
33 @raix/Meteor-EventDDP A server and client event package, events via ddp ↗️
33 @paldepind/Kran An entity system written in JavaScript.
31 @papandreou/node-pngquant The pngquant utility as a readable/writable stream
29 @dreamineering/start.ionic gulp sass browserify angular ionic
28 @papandreou/node-inkscape The inkscape utility as a readable/writable stream
27 @daviferreira/viewport-slider ViewportSlider is a pure JavaScript implementation of Apple's product page showcase ↗️
26 @sorribas/fully-connected-topo… Node module to create a network with a fully connected topology.
26 @raix/docmeteor A mix of java like annotations and literal markdown for meteor package documentation ↗️
25 @AndreasMadsen/stack-chain API for combining call site modifiers
25 @Munter/unexpected-dom DOM plugin for the unexpected assertion libary
24 @bramstein/jslint JSLint: The JavaScript Quality Tool, command line version (Node.js)
23 @saebekassebil/piu Infer/Recognize chords from collections of notes
23 @AndreasMadsen/dprof Sync but mostly async profiling and visualizing done dynamically
22 @sorribas/after-all Call several asynchronous functions and invoke a callback 'after all' of them are done.
22 @bramstein/junify JUnify ― JavaScript Unification Library ↗️
22 @freeall/redis-eventemitter Redis pubsub using an event emitter for node.js
22 @AndreasMadsen/immortal Deprecated: Daemon tool made in pure javascript
21 @freeall/dombo A very thin layer on top of the DOM to make working with the DOM much easier. Also include some extra jquery-like features to work with events and classes.
20 @freeall/create-repository Automatically creates and sets up a new github repository
20 @cyberglot/heart React component to easily add Made with β™₯ to your project/whatever. ↗️
20 @papandreou/inter A JavaScript locale library based on information extracted from the Unicode CLDR database
19 @papandreou/node-pngcrush The pngcrush utility as a readable/writable stream
18 @papandreou/node-optipng The optipng utility as a readable/writable stream
18 @freeall/currency-codes Node.js module to work with currency codes based on ISO 4217
18 @saebekassebil/subito A music engraver framework in JavaScript
17 @bramstein/knockout.selection A selection binding for Knockout.js
17 @bramstein/datrie A JavaScript Double Array Trie
16 @daviferreira/jquery-sticky-column jQuery plugin that allow you add sticky sidebars to your content. ↗️
16 @Munter/express-systemjs-tra… Express middleware to speed up systemjs development loads by running translations serverside
16 @bramstein/knockout.dragdrop A HTML5 drag and drop binding for Knockout.
16 @raix/Meteor-handlebar-bin… Handlebar helpers for twoway binding templates to collection
16 @cyberglot/eventick.js JavaScript wrapper around Eventick's API.
16 @bramstein/node-typekit A minimal Typekit API client in Node.js
16 @paldepind/sync-promise Ultra compact synchronized promise implementation. Promises/A+ incompliant. Works inside IdexedDB transactions.
16 @cyberglot/iamworking node cli to log working hours
15 @sorribas/send-json Node.js module to send objects as JSON over http.
15 @jseidelin/wolf3d Wolfenstein 3D HTML5
15 @bramstein/javascript Various JavaScript projects & tools.
14 @mickhansen/koa-sequelize-transa… Wrap all koa calls in a transaction
14 @raix/Meteor-famous-timbre Famous Meteor Timbre example Famono Style... ↗️
13 @sorribas/choppa Node.js module to chop a stream into specified size chunks.
13 @saebekassebil/microphone-stream A stream of raw audio data from the microphone
13 @Munter/todomvc-challenge Challenge: Use assetgraph to build every example app from TasteJS/TodoMVC
13 @bramstein/unicode-tokenizer Unicode Tokenizer following the Unicode Line Breaking algorithm
13 @bramstein/text-align jQuery Text Alignment plugin ↗️
13 @freeall/github-with-auth Get started using the github in no time! Instantiates github module by using ghauth.
13 @saebekassebil/fontviewer A part of the Subito Project. Providing an easy way to list all glyphs contained by a SVG font file.
12 @paldepind/dot-compose Function composition with dot as a composition operator.
12 @bramstein/tpo Next generation of browser typesetting
12 @Munter/contentsecure A Content Security Policy auto generator
12 @gausby/pursuit A Fast JavaScript Object Property Matching Language
12 @bramstein/calcdeps A Node.js port of Google Closure library
12 @AndreasMadsen/dgram-emitter Very simple EventEmitter on top of a UDP server/client
12 @AndreasMadsen/steer Use steer to control your chrome (the browser)
11 @freeall/mtgjson Node.js module that fetches AllSets.json from and caches it so you are always sure to have the newest version.
11 @AndreasMadsen/async-hook Inspect the life of handle objects in node
10 @graulund/secretdungeonemotes Secret Dungeon Emotes: A set of cool (in-joke) emoticons that you can use anywhere on Twitch.
10 @daviferreira/react-component-star… This is supposed to be a simple starter-kit for creating Open Source React Components
10 @sorribas/onstop Detect when a recurring event has stopped happening, given a time interval.
10 @bramstein/js-preprocess JavaScript Preprocessor ↗️
10 @AndreasMadsen/execspawn spawn stream for child_process.exec
10 @sorribas/submongojs sub-sections of mongodb databases with mongojs
10 @bramstein/fonzie A tiny @font-face loader
10 @saebekassebil/react-counter Simple incremental counter with easings
10 @sorribas/handlebars-stream Through stream that renders objects with handlebars templates.
10 @Munter/expush Express with spdy push of static assets and proxy passthrough for non-static assets
10 @Munter/generator-npm-webapp A full and clean frontend web workflow Yeoman generator with npm as task runner. Simple configuration, powerful preprocessing and image pipeline, livereload and a highly optimized production build output
10 @freeall/tvcom A simple module for getting data from
10 @sorribas/after-sequence Run several async functions and run a callback when they are gone.
10 @cyberglot/sapphire experimental ruby-inspired macros for javascript.
10 @raix/library Famono library
9 @bramstein/phantomjs-typekit A simple demo of using Typekit with PhantomJS
9 @bramstein/epub2ts ePub to Treesaver conversion ↗️
9 @AndreasMadsen/xorshift Random number generator using xorshift128+
9 @AndreasMadsen/distributions A collection of probability distribution functions
9 @AndreasMadsen/tcpnet Create zero config horizontal tcp cluster
9 @paldepind/seamless-fantasy Make fantasy land seamlessly compatible with plain JavaScript data structures.
9 @paldepind/ryter A tiny JavaScript router
9 @AndreasMadsen/piccolo Isomorphic projection framework
9 @saebekassebil/corda A simple canvas chord symbol renderer
9 @freeall/dependency-hunter Find node.js dependencies in github repositories
9 @Munter/grunt-livestyle A static file development server with automated file watching, less/sass/jsx preprocessing, image preprocessing, autoprefixing and proxy passthrough
9 @freeall/mtgtop8 Get events and decks data from
9 @saebekassebil/clavier Render magnificent piano keyboards with velvet borders and everything
9 @graulund/superdAmn SuperdAmn is a userscript that implements tons of fixes for dAmn, the deviantART Message Network.
8 @gausby/translitit-cyrillic-… A cyrilic russian to latin transliteration function written in JavaScript
8 @cyberglot/superbird superagent + bluebird = superbird :: promisified superanget for the greater good.
8 @cyberglot/tsuki Graph data structure for JavaScript
8 @saebekassebil/ftpkick Simply a module that kicks your folder out the door onto an FTP server
8 @AndreasMadsen/flower Deprecated: flowers is a collection of stream helpers
8 @AndreasMadsen/mathfn Some basic but difficult to implement mathmatical functions
8 @freeall/mtgjson-render Generates images from Magic: The Gathering card data based on the format
8 @papandreou/node-memoizeasync Yet another memoizer for async functions and methods
7 @raix/Meteor-include Small prototype
7 @saebekassebil/daccord Forgiving music chord parser
7 @paldepind/flyview Efficient views powered by streams/ovservables/functional reactive properties.
7 @raix/Meteor-CloudFS Cloud version of CollectionFS - PROTOTYPE!!
7 @bliker/scribe-plugin-image-… Simple prompt for creating images in Scribe
7 @Munter/jspm-config-test A tool to run through your jspm config and check if all modules load without errors. Helps debug missing dependencies or shims
7 @Munter/eztv-query Command line interface to search a specific episode of a TV-show on
7 @cyberglot/kakuna ES6 promise wrapper around superagent.
6 @raix/Meteor-rssfeed Adds basic support for rss feed v2.0
6 @AndreasMadsen/ttest Perform the Student's t hypothesis test
6 @AndreasMadsen/domstream HTML manipulation with progressiv output stream
6 @AndreasMadsen/editdistance A much faster than the naΓ―ve levenshtein distance algoritme
6 @AndreasMadsen/talk-async-wrap Talk: Introduction to Async Wrap ↗️
6 @anissen/rush A simple phaser game
6 @raix/Meteor-localforage DEPRECATED - Use meteor 1.3 and the official Mozilla npm version instead
6 @sorribas/lispjs A small lisp-like language that compiles to JavaScript
6 @freeall/http-monitor Check if a server is running. Both a module and an executable.
6 @sorribas/receive-json Node.js module to receive JSON over an HTTP request.
6 @papandreou/express-hijackrespon… Rewrite HTTP responses on their way out
6 @AndreasMadsen/startpoint Converts a single buffer or array of objects intro a stream
6 @sorribas/length-prefixed-mess… Node.js module that reads and writes binary length prefixed messages.
5 @raix/Meteor-jshint JSHINT for meteor
5 @sorribas/mongo-write-stream Node.js module that creates a writable object stream to a mongodb collection.
5 @gausby/ecoule The Γ‰coule static page engine core
5 @graulund/GraphJS Graph theory drawing/editing/calculating app made in HTML5
5 @sorribas/onstoptyping Fire an event when a user stops typing on an input or textarea.
5 @daviferreira/defprogramming Django app to show quotes about coding and programming. ↗️
5 @Munter/webapp-skel Web application skeleton directory set up for builds of webapps with Ext JS using assetgraph-builder
5 @AndreasMadsen/interpreted node-tap wrapper for testing input/output functionality
5 @AndreasMadsen/rfc-csv RFC 4180 CSV stream parser
5 @papandreou/node-mountfs fs-compatible module with the ability to mount other fs-compatible modules at specific locations
5 @gausby/rebelle Start a repl session with one or more modules loaded
5 @Munter/episode JavaScript utility function to find tv series season and episode numbers from a string
5 @mickhansen/retry-as-promised Retry a failed promise
5 @paldepind/web-swipe-view Horizontal swipe views for mobile web applications
4 @papandreou/express-compiless Express middleware that compiles less files to css on the way out.
4 @Munter/JS-snippets Collection of often used JS scripts
4 @kasperisager/handlebars-spec The Handlebars.js specification converted to JSON, ready for cross-platform consumption. ↗️
4 @freeall/funcle "We have the output, you have the input" - the algorithmic jeopardy game
4 @kasperisager/metalsmith-myth Metalsmith plugin to preprocess CSS files with Myth.
4 @lipis/electron-experiments
4 @cyberglot/neptune super simple full-text search for JavaScript.
4 @cyberglot/ninetails Layer Manager for your UI components
4 @Munter/yify-query Find torrent magnet links from the yify database directly from the command line or in your node modules
4 @saebekassebil/erroneous A JavaScript live exception handler and logger
4 @anissen/behave Behavior Trees library written in CoffeeScript
4 @AndreasMadsen/configme Simplest possible configuration tool. without conflict - with defaulting!
4 @gausby/prise A utility that finds plugins for NPM based frameworks.
4 @Munter/playify Play movies from yify directly from the command line using torrentstream
4 @paldepind/fake-raf A fake requestAnimationFrame perfect for unit testing.
4 @Munter/bower-to-jspm Utility to help you migrate from bower to jspm. Finds packages on npm and github and generates jspm install command lines
4 @AndreasMadsen/talk-tracing-tool Talk: Writing an asynchronous traceing tool
4 @Munter/pipetteur A function to extract any colors from a string
4 @sorribas/each-series Asynchronously iterate an array as a series in Node.js
4 @steffentchr/banklet Bookmarklet for importing bank account data across internet bank sites.
4 @AndreasMadsen/feedfinder Transform stream there extracts feed links from a HTML page
4 @AndreasMadsen/modulebox node.js like module environment in the browser
4 @paldepind/flyd-obj Functions for working with stream in objects.
4 @papandreou/assetgraph-middlewar… Express middleware for optimizing and manipulating HTML pages and their related assets while serving them
4 @paldepind/flyd-forwardto Create a new stream that passes all values through a function and forwards them to a target stream.
4 @Munter/pressable JavaScript representations of pressable keys that aren't text. These are stored in the Unicode PUA (Private Use Area) code points, 0xE000-0xF8FF.
4 @Munter/ambitus A calendar interval controller
4 @AndreasMadsen/riakdb riak client with stream interfaces using protocol buffers
4 @AndreasMadsen/summary Takes an array of numbers and calculates some descriptive statistics
4 @daviferreira/release Release is a JavaScript plugin that enables the execution of an action after the user keeps the mouse pressed for a custom amount of time. ↗️
4 @Munter/ezflix Play video directly from eztv torrents
3 @raix/Meteor-date-picker Cross platform time and date picker UI helper
3 @kasperisager/generator-java Generic Java generator with out-of-the-box support for Gradle, JUnit, Groovy Console, and Checkstyle. ↗️
3 @nul800sebastiaan/CodeGarden2012 Used in my CG12 talk "The ultimate deployment".
3 @kasperisager/vanilla-mediumeditor An entirely new editing experience for Vanilla using the MediumEditor plugin by Davi Ferreira. ↗️
3 @nul800sebastiaan/Umbraco6Examples Examples of how you can use all the lovely features of Umbraco 6
3 @Munter/LSB-improvement LΓ₯n og Spar netbank forbedring via Chrome/Firefox userscript
3 @Munter/node-color-commando Nothing but the bare naked color math. CLI owns a pretty color picker every time!
3 @papandreou/node-cachedfs Caching wrapper for node.js' built-in fs module (or compatible)
3 @papandreou/node-svgfilter A readable/writable stream that manipulates SVG files
3 @Munter/toggleprint Defines a hotkey that can toggle your print stylesheets to be applied on your screen for fast print stylesheet iteration
3 @Munter/buildfu A collection of CLI tools for improving web performance optimization and building webapps
3 @anissen/8track-controller Chrome extension that lets you control your music on 8tracks without leaving your tab
3 @lipis/lightbox Yet another lightbox ↗️
3 @paldepind/flyd-scanmerge Flyd module for conveniently merging and reducing several streams into one.
3 @daviferreira/daviferreira.github.… GitHub Pages ↗️
3 @paldepind/dnd-scroll Proper edge scroll when dragging with HTML 5 drag and drop!
3 @papandreou/express-extractheade… Express middleware for setting response headers based on tags in the response body
3 @paldepind/flyd-filter Filter function for Flyd.
3 @sorribas/print-dom-element npm module to print an HTML element. To be used with browserify.
3 @paldepind/list-difference Fast algorithm for finding edits between lists.
3 @sorribas/piechart An HTML canvas piechart.
3 @saebekassebil/mp3-concat Transform several mp3 stream into one
3 @sorribas/jquery-ghost A fast, lightweight "ghost text" plugin for jQuery.
3 @kasperisager/docpad-plugin-tree DocPad plugin that when given a collection will construct a hierarchical tree of documents. Perfect for navigation menus! ↗️
3 @freeall/mtg-printer Nice shell interface for generating images from Magic: The Gathering card data based on the format.
3 @kasperisager/generator-vanilla A Yeoman generator for Vanilla that will make your Application, Plugin, and Theme development a breeze. ↗️
3 @AndreasMadsen/cahier static file conversion, writing and reading
3 @raix/Meteor-localforage-w… DEPRECATED - Use meteor 1.3 and the official Mozilla npm version instead
3 @AndreasMadsen/drugged Prototypal extendable HTTP router with domain integration
3 @raix/Meteor-pageview Adds PageView
3 @saebekassebil/pitch-fq Calculate the frequency of a note coord
3 @mickhansen/genymotion.js Launch Genymotion player from node.js and wait for it to be as booted as possible.
3 @daviferreira/fillintheblanks Javascript Fill In The Blanks generator ↗️
3 @kasperisager/vanilla-bootstrapmar… Editor plugin for Vanilla using the Bootstrap Markdown jQuery plugin. ↗️
2 @kasperisager/vanilla-wordcount Provides word and character counts when composing discussions and comments in Vanilla. ↗️
2 @anissen/ld34 Entry for Ludum Dare 34, "Growing"
2 @raix/md5 FastMD5 by @iReal based on Joseph Myers`s high-performance md5. (wrapped for meteor) ↗️
2 @raix/Meteor-mrtbulkreleas… Easier to publish packages for Meteor
2 @kasperisager/hamming-lsh An implementation of locality-sensitive hashing for Hamming space
2 @jseidelin/extbuffer Extends the Buffer object with additional convenience functions
2 @graulund/tppcommands Helping you press what you want on the touch screen in Twitch Plays Pokemon by converting commands into coordinates
2 @raix/Meteor-localforage-i… DEPRECATED - Use meteor 1.3 and the official Mozilla npm version instead
2 @sorribas/mongoexpressgen Small generators for APIs and CRUDS with Express and MongoDB
2 @sorribas/parse-mongo-url Parse mongodb connection strings.
2 @kasperisager/smk-data-explorer Experimental web front-end to the "Statens Museum for Kunst" Solr-backed database. ↗️
2 @nul800sebastiaan/UmbracoProductivityE… Umbraco Productivity Chrome Extension
2 @kasperisager/doem A functional DOM traversal and manipulation library for modern browsers
2 @cyberglot/romantique How about converting Roman to Arabic?
2 @paldepind/planetsimulator A physical simulation of planetary motion written in JavaScript ↗️
2 @cyberglot/visuber testing out react-vis from uber
2 @gausby/pursuit-core A framework for building Fast JavaScript Object Property Matching Languages
2 @mickhansen/koa-ssacl Easily set the ssacl actor from koa
2 @gausby/math-problem A solution to the math problem that preschool children can solve within minutes, programmers within hours (because they have to set up unit tests) (This is a joke)
2 @raix/npm-meteor-check Check whether a value matches a pattern library from Meteor made compatible for Nodejs and Browserify
2 @Munter/colorcat Demo: CSS3 nyan cat with color adjustment inputs using One-color.js
2 @daviferreira/tableless Artigos/Exemplos do Tabless ↗️
2 @Munter/requirejs-istanbul RequireJS plugin to instrument modules with Istanbul for code coverage
2 @sorribas/spyglass Web interface for hms
2 @Munter/ Build system experiment using as an example
2 @daviferreira/dfcom-take-1 My portfolio ↗️
2 @paldepind/flyd-lift Lift function for Flyd.
2 @daviferreira/jquery_drag_and_drop Exemplo de funcionamento de uma interface drag and drop com jQuery. ↗️
2 @gausby/bon-etat Bon Γ©tat - a finite state machine.
2 @daviferreira/smartbar smartbar is a sticky navbar/header that appears only when the user scrolls up ↗️
2 @papandreou/passerror Simple helper for handling error and success with two different callbacks
2 @freeall/think A small puzzle game
2 @papandreou/stubbornizeasync Helper for making an async function stubborn (retry the operation on failure)
2 @freeall/td-combiner
2 @papandreou/node-gettemporaryfil… Generate temporary file names in your OS' temporary dir
2 @freeall/trend Find out how a chart (array of values) are trending. Compares the last X points to the previous Y points before them.
2 @saebekassebil/mingler A simplistic Javascript concatenation tool
2 @saebekassebil/notecoord Describes the relative intervals between two notes
2 @raix/Meteor-EventState Evented state ↗️


🌟 Name Description 🌍
2617 @SimonVT/android-menudrawer DEPRECATED A slide-out menu implementation, which allows users to navigate between views in your app. ↗️
829 @MizzleDK/Mizuu Popular media indexer app for Android. ↗️
783 @SimonVT/schematic Automatically generate ContentProviders
568 @SimonVT/MessageBar An Android Toast replacement, similar to the one seen in the GMail app. ↗️
547 @SimonVT/android-numberpicker A backport of the Android 4.2 NumberPicker ↗️
243 @SimonVT/android-datepicker Android ICS DatePicker backported to 2.2 ↗️
228 @SimonVT/android-calendarview Android CalendarView widget backported to 2.2 ↗️
133 @SimonVT/adapterviewanimator A helper class for animating views within an AdapterView
102 @SimonVT/fragmentstack Helps manage a stack of fragments in a single container
92 @chrisvest/stormpot A fast object pool for the JVM ↗️
82 @SimonVT/android-timepicker Android ICS TimePicker and TimePickerDialog backported to 2.1 ↗️
76 @SimonVT/cathode
73 @SimonVT/ThreePaneLayout A three pane layout where up to two panes are visible at a time.
44 @SimonVT/staggeredgridview A modified version of the StaggeredGridView found in AOSP
37 @Philzen/WebView-MultiTouch-P… A polyfill to gap missing multitouch functionality in HTML5 apps on Android 2.x
22 @MizzleDK/IntroActivity The IntroActivity library allows you to easily create beautiful intro screens for your app.
16 @SimonVT/multiple-ui-threads A sample that displays how to have multiple UI threads
12 @cmelchior/trifork-ibeacon-demo Demo app for demonstrating various iBeacon frameworks on Android
12 @helipilot50/aerospike-LDT-techni… Large Data Type techniques with Aerospike
11 @chrisvest/benchkit Super simple benchmarking framework for Java – DISCONTINUED
8 @MizzleDK/Muzei-500px
8 @chrisvest/nanopool Lightweight and fast JDBC connection pool – DISCONTINUED ↗️
7 @cmelchior/asciihexgrid Java library for pretty printing hexagonal grids to the command line using ASCII art.
7 @cmelchior/hivemind HiveMind is a Java based stand-alone AI implementation for the board game Hive by John Yianni.
6 @GirafiStudios/BetterTitleScreen Better Title Screen provides the ability to change the Minecraft title screen text.
6 @TATDK/BankAccount Bukkit Plugin ↗️
5 @chrisvest/object-pool-benchmar… Benchmarks for various object pools that run on the JVM. Built with JMH.
5 @cmelchior/Monetizing-Android-D… Demo project presented at the Trifork GeekNight "Monetizing Android: In-app billing and ads"
5 @superrob/Youtube-giveaway-hel… A brand new version of my utility for drawing random winners of youtube giveaways.
4 @SimonVT/add-in-layout Displays an issue where child views added in layout are not all redrawn
3 @alathon/DM-Wizard BYOND DreamMaker Plugin for Eclipse
3 @helipilot50/aerospike-batch-proc… A simple example to batch process all records in an Aerospike namespace
3 @MizzleDK/Mizuu-Android-TV Media indexer for Android TV
3 @blekinge/percipio This is yet another file identification tool. Unlike most, it has the ability to refine it's file signatures by scanning known good files.
2 @alathon/mailman Mailman
2 @helipilot50/aerospike-top-10-agg… Finding the top 10 with an Aerospike aggregation
2 @superrob/Super-Diamond-Mind-B… Open source robot til's Super diamond mind.
2 @GirafiStudios/Culinary-Cultivation Culinary Cultivation
2 @Sheeo/dProg2 Coursework for the Programming 2 course at 2010.
2 @casperin/Hello_java Me learning Java
2 @chrisvest/stormpot-benchmark The benchmark program for my Stormpot Java object pool.
2 @chrisvest/stormpot-jdbc A fast JDBC connection pool, based on Stormpot:
2 @MizzleDK/traktr-old Abandoned project - was supposed to be a simple Trakt client


🌟 Name Description 🌍
139 @ploeh/Hyprlinkr A URI building helper library for ASP.NET Web API
131 @fehaar/FFWD This is the FFWD framework for XNA, that allows you to port Unity3D games to XNA for use on WP7 or XBox360 (XBLIG)
119 @ploeh/Albedo A .NET library targeted at making Reflection programming more consistent, using a common set of abstractions and utilities
111 @LindaLawton/Google-Dotnet-Sample… Sample Projects for using the Google .net client lib -… ↗️
97 @AngryAnt/UnityHacks Slides and examples from the "Unity Hacks" talk from Unite Korea, Japan, China and Nordic 13.
88 @AngryAnt/Path Pathfinding library for the Unity engine. Issue tracking, wiki and releases are available on the release project URL: ↗️
65 @Cheesebaron/Cheesebaron.MvxPlugi… A collection of plugins for MvvmCross
63 @improvedk/OrcaMDF A C# parser for MDF files. Allows you to read tables, metadata and indexes from MDF files without it being attached to a running SQL Server instance. ↗️
56 @MartinF/Dynamo.IoC Another IOC container - but faster! ↗️
55 @Cheesebaron/ViewPagerIndicator Port of Android-ViewPagerIndicator to Xamarin.Android.
53 @Cheesebaron/Xam.Forms.Mvx Just a demo showing Xamarin.Forms working with MvvmCross
45 @AngryAnt/PracticalAIinUnity Slides and examples from the "Practical AI in Unity" talk from Unite Seattle 2014. Presentation recording at…
45 @Cheesebaron/SlidingMenuSharp A direct port of… to C# to work with Xamarin.Android
41 @sitereactor/umbraco-console-exam… Sample implementation of a Console application using the Umbraco ContentService for creating and saving content
41 @Larsjep/monoev3 Lego mindstorms EV3 C# library ↗️
41 @Cheesebaron/LegacyBar A port and extention of…
31 @Cheesebaron/SlidingUpPanel A port of… to Xamarin.Android
24 @Cheesebaron/DrawerSample A quick and dirty port of… to Xamarin.Android
22 @MartinF/IOCBattle IOC Container Performance Comparison ↗️
20 @Cheesebaron/FloatingActionButton Port of…
19 @perploug/UkFest-AngularJS-Dem… Demo plugin, showed off at Umbraco Ukfest 2013
19 @AngryAnt/Unity--Network-Code-… Slides and examples from the "Unity, Network Code and You" talk from Unite 12.
16 @Cheesebaron/CaptureSignature Sample which shows how a drawn signature on the device can be saved to the SDcard utilizing some of the Android SDK API Samples.
16 @Cheesebaron/MonoDroid.Horizontal… Mono implementation of the HorizontalPager found here:…
14 @Cheesebaron/Cheesebaron.MvvmCros… Bindings for MvvmCross
13 @davestasiuk/Exoskeleton2
13 @fehaar/FFWD-Templates This is a supporting project for FFWD that provide templates for getting started with using FFWD
12 @Cheesebaron/Cheesebaron.Horizont…
12 @Cheesebaron/SearchView-Sample Sample showing how to Filter ListView's using SearchView and custom Filter implementation.
12 @Cheesebaron/MonoDroid.DialogSamp… Just a bunch of Dialogs using Activity and Fragments.
11 @Cheesebaron/WiFiDirectSample A port of the WiFi P2P sample from Android SDK API 14 samples to Xamarin.Android
10 @Cheesebaron/SGTabbedPager Port of
10 @Cheesebaron/Cheesebaron.FontSamp…
10 @Cheesebaron/RottenTomatoSample A sample showing how to use Portable Class Libraries with async, await, HttpClient and JSON.Net. And as a reference in an Xamarin.Android project.
10 @AngryAnt/Sketch Modify meshes in your Unity project assets using this simple setup. One-day FAFF project - craves polish. Public domain licensed.
9 @Cheesebaron/SmoothProgressBarSha… A port of…
9 @Cheesebaron/FoldingLayout A port of…
8 @mookid8000/DillPickle Slim Gherkin-compliant BDD story runner for .NET ↗️
8 @ploeh/RunningJournalApi The code in this repository is sample/demo code used for Mark Seemann's presentation "REST with the ASP.NET Web API"
8 @ploeh/BookingExercise Start code for refactoring exercises
8 @AngryAnt/obfuscar Clone of…
7 @Cheesebaron/TZStackView Port of… to Xamarin
7 @Cheesebaron/RippleEffect Port of
7 @mookid8000/TypedFactoryExample Simple Windows Forms application sample showing a way to implement an MVC pattern using Castle Windsor and TypedFactoryFacility ↗️
7 @ploeh/loan This is sample code accompanying my presentation "Faking Homoiconicity in C# with graphs".
5 @improvedk/unQuery unQuery is a micro-ORM that makes it as simple as possible to consume and interact with data in SQL Server.
5 @MartinF/Dynamo.AutoTT Visual Studio Add-in for automatically running T4 Text Template (TT) files when one of the registered triggers are hit.
5 @Cheesebaron/MvxFragmentsAndHambu… Sample showing Fragments and Hamburger menu working.
4 @perploug/Umbraco-5-Sample-Tes… Sample VS solution with a Seperate Test project, with a in-memory hivemanager and a mocked page context
4 @Cheesebaron/MonoDroid.ColorPicke… Sample library with ports of different Color Picker implementations.
4 @AngryAnt/JavaPluginBuilder Editor extension for streamlining development of Java plugins in Unity android projects.
4 @Cheesebaron/SharpFinn A simple sentiment analysis tool for C# using AFINN.
4 @perploug/UmbracoTemplateConve… Automatic Template to View Conversion for Umbraco 4.10+
4 @Cheesebaron/KioskModeSample Sample showing a robust way of doing Kiosk Mode in Android
3 @Cheesebaron/MonoTouch.WAToolkit A port of the Winodws Phone 7 Windows Azure Toolkit
3 @Cheesebaron/MonoDroid.VerticalSe… A simple Vertical SeekBar implementation for Mono for Android
3 @Cheesebaron/ALRadialMenu A port of Alex Littlejohn's ALRadialMenu…
3 @jhovgaard/autoonline AutoOnline for
3 @PeterHorsbollMoller/mbWindowHelper The WindowHelper MapBasic tool for MapInfo Professional ↗️
3 @lkalif/ShowBot IRC client in C# for posting podcast show title suggestions
3 @AngryAnt/Learn Because I couldn't find a decent C# neural net back-propagation implementation with non-contageous licensing. Pull requests are welcome.
3 @alexrp/atomique Sane atomic operations for .NET based on the C++11 memory model. ↗️
3 @Cheesebaron/MonoDroid.WAToolkit A port of the Winodws Phone 7 Windows Azure Toolkit
2 @AngryAnt/IOIOInterface A Unity -> IOIO interface project
2 @AngryAnt/BuildingYourProjectA… BuildingYourProjectAndTool
2 @lkalif/PrimMesher Dahlia Trimble's Prim Mesher:…
2 @mookid8000/CorrelationIds Two Web APIs and two Rebus endpoints that display just how contagious correlation IDs can be
2 @mookid8000/F.T.Windsor Experimental augmentation of Castle Windsor to take greater advantage of the container when extending it
2 @mookid8000/RespectOrderDirectiv…
2 @mookid8000/Basis Event sourcing basis
2 @LindaLawton/GoogleAuthSimple Simple connection to Google using Oauth2
2 @tt/NDjangoContrib


🌟 Name Description 🌍
26 @lamotta/specialsboard Special Boards (Coda) Color Scheme for Sublime Text 2
4 @peterbrinck/cockpit-starter Cockpit Starter - ↗️


🌟 Name Description 🌍
76 @csete/rtlizer Simple spectrum analyzer ↗️
74 @csete/bonecam Beaglebone-based IP camera. ↗️
54 @netoptimizer/network-testing Network Testing Tools for testing the Linux network stack
45 @esmil/lem A Lua Event Machine
36 @csete/qthid An evolution of the Qt-based Funcube Dongle HID controller. ↗️
27 @esmil/musl ↗️
25 @csete/uvccapture My fork and hacks of uvccapture (inactive).
25 @esmil/arduino-netboot A TFTP bootloader for the Arduino Ethernet
21 @netoptimizer/prototype-kernel Prototyping kernel development work outside mainline
20 @csete/gpredict Not the official gpredict repository. Please use Sourceforge ↗️
16 @ahf/irssi-lua Lua bindings for Irssi ↗️
11 @ahf/teneo Reproducible OpenSSH Keys
8 @csete/gr-fcd This repository is obsolete since gr-fcd is now included in GNU Radio. ↗️
8 @netoptimizer/CPAN-IPTables-libipt… Fast Perl interface to the Netfilter/iptables C-library libiptc ↗️
7 @esmil/voorhees Yet another JSON parser for Lua ↗️
7 @csete/aptdec NOAA APT decoder (WIP)
7 @esmil/lem-dbus DBus module for the Lua Event Machine
7 @MatiasBjorling/lightnvm-moved-to-Op… LightNVM: A hostside driver for open-channel SSDs. Moved to ↗️
6 @esmil/lua-csv A CSV parser for Lua
6 @esmil/msp3n1s ..because no one suggested a better name for my MSP430 code
4 @ahf/ircd-ratbox Experimental Ratbox Fork with WebSocket Support
4 @esmil/stupidterm A Stupid Terminal
4 @esmil/oniudra-headers A collection of C inline functions and macros for programming the Arduino
4 @esmil/lem-sqlite3 SQLite3 library for the Lua Event Machine
4 @csete/fcdctl Command line utility for Funcube Dongle Pro and Pro+
4 @jenswilly/AVR-multiremote Firmware for the BTLE IR multi-remote project
4 @csete/ic706-remote Home made remote rig setup for the IC-706
3 @paurkedal/culibs Garbage Collected C Libraries ↗️
3 @jenswilly/AVR-enc28j60-pachube AVR Libc-based project for ATmega328/-168 sending data to Pachube using an ENC28J60 with the Tuxgraphics TCP library.
3 @ahf/irssi-old Old Github clone of the Irssi codebase (before the move to Github).
3 @esmil/lem-postgres PostgreSQL library for the Lua Event Machine
3 @ahf/luke Mirror of
2 @jledet/catwoman CATWOMAN: Inter-Flow Network Coding for the B.A.T.M.A.N routing protocol
2 @jledet/batman-adv-nc Network Coding for the B.A.T.M.A.N. routing protocol
2 @jenswilly/AVR-wifitest Test of ATmega + GS1011M integration
2 @jenswilly/AVR-RGBTumbler Accelerometer controlled RGB LED using an AVR ATmega MCU. ↗️
2 @jenswilly/LPC11U24-TCS3200 A test project for NXP's LPC11U24 ARM Cortex-M0 processor testing the use of multiple timers, UART and GPIO
2 @jenswilly/LPC11U24-GPSTracker A GSM enabled GPS tracker for NXP LPC11U24 ↗️
2 @esmil/lua-gettimeofday A short Lua module to export POSIX gettimeofday()
2 @esmil/lua-ircparse A Lua module for parsing IRC lines
2 @esmil/lem-evdev A Linux event device library for the Lua Event Machine
2 @ahf/irc IRC 2.11 Import from CVS
2 @esmil/lem-ssl Secure socket library for the Lua Event Machine


🌟 Name Description 🌍
164 @simonask/w A simple C++ web framework based on Libevent. ↗️
68 @simonask/reflect A simple C++11 reflection/serialization framework.
47 @vibber/CefWithSyphon A simple browser that shares the window using a Syphon server
36 @mortennobel/RenderE Simple render engine for OpenGL
20 @mortennobel/kick Simple game engine for C++ 11 / OpenGL 3.x +
8 @simonask/js A V8-based JavaScript interpreter and Standard Library
8 @simonask/snow-llvm An reimplementation of the Snow Programming Language based on LLVM. ↗️
6 @mortennobel/QtOpenGL3.2Core An example of creating an OpenGL 3.2 core profile context using Qt 4.8 crossplatform
6 @simonask/ftl It's a Fucking Template Library. A collection of container classes for C++0x, similar to STL, but with more jazz and less fail.
5 @Andos/DeadReckoning MMF2: Dead Reckoning extension ↗️
4 @mortennobel/SoftimageWebGLExport A WebGL export plugin for SoftImage 2011
4 @mortennobel/OpenGL_ClothSimulati… OpenGL cloth simulation based on Jesper Mosegaards tutorial
4 @mortennobel/OpenGL_3_2_Utils Extension to the Angel library (from the book Interactive Computer Graphics 6th ed)
3 @mortennobel/OpenGLVoxelizer
3 @Andos/Parallaxer MMF2: Parallaxer extension ↗️
3 @Mortal/cmines Minesweeper AI in n dimensions redux ↗️
3 @Andos/CreateByName MMF2: CreateByName extension ↗️
3 @Mortal/Chained Mortal's Tetris Attack clone, begun May 5th 2007. Aim: Simulate Tetris Attack physics as closely as possible, allowing pro players to transfer their skills.
2 @simonask/grace-base Base library for the Grace engine.
2 @Mortal/sorting Comparison of the TPIE and STXXL external memory sorting algorithms
2 @revivalizer/knobster Knob image strip generator for VSTGUI applications
2 @Andos/FunctionEggtimer MMF2: Function Eggtimer extension ↗️
2 @Andos/Easing MMF2: Easing extension ↗️
2 @Andos/Perspective MMF2: Perspective extension ↗️
2 @Andos/Flocking MMF2: Flocking extension ↗️
2 @Mortal/md5crack Crack the MD5 hash of a 9-digit decimal number
2 @mortennobel/TopologyOptimization A simple Topology Optimization (based on the 99-line Matlab code by Ole Sigmund)
2 @antialize/djudge
2 @mortennobel/PolyPlane Simple interactive plane visualization using kick


🌟 Name Description 🌍
40 @tonybeltramelli/Air-Kinect-Gesture-L… Air Kinect Gesture Library
3 @lindborg/Nautilida ActionScript 3.0 platform based Game Framework. Created for high dynamic controls and extreme visual game designs. ↗️
2 @Joony/ByteMyAS A toolkit for editing ActionScript bytecode
2 @lindborg/Sepiida ActionScript 3.0 center-stage dynamic Game Framework ↗️
2 @jamalsoueidan/EngineFlexApplicatio…
2 @jamalsoueidan/SmartFoxClient A small framework to make integration with smartfox socket server easier.
2 @jamalsoueidan/GameServer I'm building ruby socket server that can easily communicate with actionsript 3, so I can build flash games easily.


🌟 Name Description 🌍
262 @LauJensen/clojureql ClojureQL is superior SQL integration for Clojure ↗️
205 @mjul/docjure Read and write Office documents from Clojure
41 @enterlab/rente Rente: Clojure, ClojureScript, Reagent (react) + Sente (web sockets). Heroku-ready! ↗️
38 @mjul/cucumber-tutorial Setting up and using Cucumber for Clojure projects
27 @LauJensen/cloneit A small Reddit Clone ↗️
24 @LauJensen/SocialSite A Social Media website ↗️
19 @LauJensen/Claskii Image to Ascii Art converter written in Clojure ↗️
18 @krukow/calabash-script Use ClojureScript to write iOS functional tests
16 @mjul/storm-tutorial Clojure tutorial for Storm stream processing
13 @LauJensen/Fluid-Dynamics Functional Fluid Dynamics in Clojure ↗️
12 @krukow/clojure-circuit-brea… Fast functional circuit-breaker written in Clojure ↗️
9 @Quantisan/mango a concurrent systematic trading strategies backtesting platform
9 @mjul/zeromq-tutorial
9 @LauJensen/sofiaba Small game for < 3 year old kids, binds JMonkeyEngine to Clojure and thus provides a framework for 3D game development. ↗️
9 @LauJensen/ProtoTurtle Protocol Driven Turtle Graphics ↗️
5 @LauJensen/Climate Computational engine which crunches NOAA data in parallel ↗️
3 @Quantisan/clj-exercises collection of exercises done in clojure
3 @LauJensen/gitdoc A Qt front-/backend for parsing Git logs ↗️
3 @mjul/logiclab Examples and tutorial for the excellent Clojure core.logic logic programming library
3 @mjul/top-10-clojure-orede… Slides and code for my Øredev 2011 presentation
3 @klang/snippets Snippet Server from chapter 9.3 in Programming Clojure, updated to use lein and current versions of supporting libraries.
3 @krukow/clojure-in-practice-…
2 @klang/ProjectEuler .. making a point of solving the problems in Clojure. (120) ↗️
2 @klang/RosettaCode My contributions to RosettaCode.

-- Learning a new language is hard without fun stuff to code. Translating from known languages is in tune with the way we learn natural languages, so I'll try this approach. | ↗️ 2 | @mjul/cph-clj-web-dev | Copenhagen Clojure Meetup session on Web Development Nov. 4, 2010 | 2 | @mjul/clojure-in-10-mins | Clojure in 10 Minutes - presentation and code | 2 | @mjul/heroku-zipurl | Example Clojure web app for the Heroku cloud | 2 | @mjul/top-10-clojure-ndc-2… | Top Ten Things to Learn from Clojure that will make you a better developer in any language. Presentation and code for my session at NDC 2011. | |


🌟 Name Description 🌍
8 @8pen/doodle The 8pen Doodle ↗️


🌟 Name Description 🌍
52 @zozor/hgui gui toolkit for go
3 @mbanzon/currency A small Go library to convert currencies.
3 @zozor/Cecils-Adventure A little Game i wrote in Go using SDL library


🌟 Name Description 🌍
69 @np/ling LINear LaNGuage: Type Theory and Process Calculi for Distributed and High-precision programming
24 @diku-kmc/kleenexlang The Kleenex programming language ↗️
20 @pa-ba/compdata Haskell library implementing "Data Types a la Carte" ↗️
8 @reenberg/xmonad XMonad darcs mirror in the vanilla branch, with others and my own modifications that we strive to push upstream ↗️
8 @pa-ba/alfred Haskell library for writing workflows for Alfred 2. ↗️
6 @niswegmann/copilot-language
6 @pa-ba/compdata-dags Compositional Data Types on DAGs ↗️
6 @reenberg/wobot bachelor '09
5 @Athas/gsmenu A visual generic menu program.
5 @niswegmann/copilot-c99 A C99-backend for Copilot
5 @reenberg/XMonadContrib XMonadContrib darcs mirror in the vanilla branch, with others and my own modifications that we strive to push upstream ↗️
4 @np/hlatex LaTeX document builder for Haskell
4 @np/mbox-tools A collection of command line tools on the mbox format
3 @pa-ba/compdata-param Haskell library implementing parametric compositional data types. ↗️
3 @niswegmann/copilot-core Intermediate representation for CoPilot. Strictly follows Haskell 2010 except for universal and existential quantification.
3 @np/tdoc TDoc is a typed document builder with support for (X)HTML
3 @diku-kmc/regexps-syntax
3 @Athas/getflag Plan 9/AT&T Unix/Suckless command flag parsing library for Haskell
3 @Athas/ The web site (without static files) ↗️
3 @reenberg/Regular-expression-b… Regular-expression based bit coding
3 @mraleph/Ganriki A tool for the Java bytecode analysis and manipulation written in Haskell
2 @np/mime-bytestring A for of the mime haskell package to work on bytestrings as well
2 @ulrikrasmussen/Proof Monad for checking proofs in propositional logic, with support for typesetting the proof in LaTeX
2 @niswegmann/copilot-cbmc cbmc based tool for verifying copilot programs
2 @pa-ba/compdata-automata Tree automata on Compositional Data Types ↗️
2 @niswegmann/murmurhash3 Haskell framework for 32-bit non-cryptographic hashing using MurmurHash3.
2 @Athas/twelfppr A tool for prettyprinting Twelf code
2 @Athas/icfp2012 "Solution" to the ICFP 2012 contest by people from DIKU. Seems we're not too good at heuristics.
2 @oleks/diku-oopd-2012
2 @reenberg/.xmonad


🌟 Name Description 🌍
209 @SimonLarsen/mrrescue Arcade-style fire fighting game ↗️
56 @SimonLarsen/sienna Fast-paced one button platformer ↗️
36 @SimonLarsen/duckmarines Free software ChuChu Rocket remake for PC ↗️
23 @SimonLarsen/iyfct In Your Face City Trains
22 @SimonLarsen/90-Second-Portraits Frantic street painting game ↗️
10 @SimonLarsen/DreamWitchErika Ludum Dare 30: Connected worlds
6 @SimonLarsen/safetyblanket Ludum Dare 29 jam game ↗️
6 @SimonLarsen/mutrix
5 @SimonLarsen/rob Herbie and Jamal's Super Rob You Now Adventures
4 @Pilus/Gryphonheart Github for the Gryphonheart AddOns
3 @SimonLarsen/Energy
3 @SimonLarsen/island
3 @SimonLarsen/4hrJamChoplifter


🌟 Name Description 🌍
13 @casperkaae/MATLAB Misc matlab scripts
3 @ulrikls/dicomrt2matlab Import DICOM-RT structures to Matlab
2 @cortrium/CortriumC3_matlab MATLAB scripts to load and process data from Cortrium C3 medical device ↗️
2 @ulrikls/niak Neuroimaging Analysis Kit for Matlab and Octave ↗️


🌟 Name Description 🌍
370 @kasperpihl/KPTimePicker Simplistic and easy-to-use timerpicker to replace Apple's
261 @viezel/TiSocial.Framework iOS6+ Social.Framework. Appcelerator apps are able to share content to Facebook and Twitter.
140 @viezel/NappSlideMenu a new UI component for Appcelerator Titanium
126 @neoneye/autodescribe Prints human-readable information about an instance
125 @viezel/NappUI A collection of extended functionality for the UI components of Titanium SDK
106 @InfiniteLoopDK/ILGeoNames Various helper classes for accessing the free geocoding services at ↗️
84 @InfiniteLoopDK/ILTesting Various helper classes to assist when testing for iOS and Mac OS X
74 @viezel/NappAppearance Use the power of iOS UIAppearance on Titanium UI components
70 @sebreh/SBRXCallbackURLKit Simple library that makes it easy to add x-callback-url support to your app.
67 @Tyilo/NetworkAutoLogin Automagically logs into to Captive Portal Networks
51 @SSA111/SSAPullToRefresh A simple PullToRefresh implementation, heavily inspired by XHRefreshControl, RHRefreshControl, SVProgressHUD & the look of the Facebook iOS App PullToRefresh component.
50 @osteslag/trim-ios-screenshots [NO LONGER MAINTAINED] Xcode project to build Foundation command line utility and Automator action for trimming the status bar from iOS screenshots.
48 @neoneye/newton-commander Dual-pane file manager with tabs for OSX
41 @viezel/NappImageView iOS ImageView that supports ContentModes: AspectFit, AspectFill and Center
32 @viezel/NappScrollViewExtend… TiUIScrollView extended with Pull To Refresh and Infinite Scrolling functionalities.
30 @Fogh/AFWebViewController In-app browser that uses WKWebView
29 @viezel/NappPDFCreator This iOS module lets you generate PDF files from HTML or URL.
25 @Fogh/AFAddressBookManager Get contacts from iOS Address Book by their phone numbers and email addresses. Works on iOS 6+.
23 @viezel/NappWaveformView iOS module for titanium - Shows a graph of an audio file
19 @InfiniteLoopDK/ILBitly Objective C wrapper class for various URL shortening services at ↗️
17 @Tyilo/objc_instance_finder Find instances of objc classes at runtime
16 @SSA111/SSACreditCardValidat… A simple creditcard validation class for iOS
9 @osteslag/custom-container-tra… A custom container view controller built with support for custom child view controller transition animations, in three stages ↗️
9 @trenskow/TrReadWriteLock Simple Objective-C read write lock library written using mutexs and semaphores.
8 @jonathanbp/bluetool enumerates discoverable bluetooth devices within range of your mac ↗️
7 @trenskow/TrAnimate An iOS animation library for advanced animations.
6 @viezel/NappNUI NUI for Appcelerator Titanium. NUI is a css styling UI Kit for iOS.
5 @mbogh/NSManagedObject-Reve… Needed a simple way of reverting changes in small NSMangedObjects and the NSUndoManager was acting up. All props goes to… the only thing I did were avoid NSNull :)
4 @Tyilo/Lid-sleep Automatically sleep a MacBook when closing the lid with an external screen attached.
4 @mariusc/FlyingBirdie A small Cocos2D game for iOS, similar to the helicopter game.
3 @rhummelmose/ePay Easy to use Objective-C library for the payment gateway ePay.
3 @osteslag/cocoa-heads-cph-dk-0… Code and presentation from the CocoaHeads meet-up in Copenhagen on April 14, 2014.
3 @sebreh/SRGridLocation SRGridLocation provides a convenient way to convert between Swedish grid and GPS coordinates.
3 @bthj/Mannanofn Íslensk mannanΓΆfn ↗️
2 @jonathanbp/mapifs fs for an internal rest service
2 @Fogh/iCloudExample iOS Universal app - Shopping list. Simple example of Core Data iCloud synchronization between devices.
2 @neoneye/cocoaheads-2013-game… cocoaheads game in an evening


🌟 Name Description 🌍
37 @MadsAlbertsen/multi-metagenome
17 @henrikbrixandersen/irssi-prowl Irssi plug-in for sending Prowl notifications
8 @MadsAlbertsen/miscperlscripts Small collection of random useful perl scripts
7 @kaare/Role-REST-Client Rest Client Role
4 @kaare/Catalyst-Model-REST Catalyst Model for Restful Interfaces
3 @kaare/JobMachine Job queue using PostgreSQL
3 @henrikbrixandersen/sony-gps-assist Small perl script for updating the GPS Assist Data on a SONY digital camera
3 @tobez/port-tags Browse FreeBSD ports collection by tags, a la delicious. ↗️
2 @kaare/Role-REST-Client-Aut… Basic Authentication for REST Client Role
2 @tobez/DBD-OraLite Oracle emulation mode for SQLite
2 @soren/App-TimeClock A timeclock reporting utility ↗️
2 @tagg/Date-Holidays-DK Determine Danish public holidays ↗️
2 @warming/dbix-lazymethod Perl DBIx::LazyMethod CPAN module
2 @MadsAlbertsen/16S-analysis
2 @kaare/ReportWriter Generic ReportWriter in Moose Perl.


🌟 Name Description 🌍
213 @jokkedk/ZFDebug Debug toolbar for Zend Framework
169 @pluspeople/pesaPi PesaPI is an API for mobile money systems across Africa. Using PesaPI you can save considerable time and effort when integrating mobile money systems into your application, making it easy for your application to detect when a payment has been received. Full details on
127 @lsolesen/pel PHP Exif Library. A library for reading and writing Exif headers in JPEG and TIFF images using PHP
96 @troelskn/konstrukt A HTTP-friendly framework of controllers for PHP5. ↗️
55 @lorenzo/MongoCake CakePHP 2.0 plugin to bridge with Doctrine MongoDB ODM in order to use models as objects persisted by Doctrine. This changes the original CakePHP feature of returning arrays of results, and instead returns objects wich are cleaner to manage and extend.
50 @troelskn/php-tracer-weaver A combined runtime/static code-analysis tool, that can trace parameter types
44 @esbenp/oauth2-server-lumen A lumen bridge for lucadegasperi/oauth2-server-laravel
42 @troelskn/pdoext Simple, yet powerful, ORM for PHP, based on PDO
42 @esbenp/lumen-api-oauth The code for a blog post I wrote about creating web apps using a Lumen API that is authenticated by OAuth2 ↗️
40 @troelskn/bucket Basic di-container for php.
38 @lorenzo/cakephp3-examples A collection of examples for CakePHP 3
36 @Danielss89/ZfcUserAdmin An admin interface for ZfcUser
32 @lorenzo/audit-stash Flexible and rock solid audit log tracking for CakePHP 3
32 @kasperg/drupal-jenkins-demo Drupal site to demonstrate Jenkins code inspection
29 @mindplay-dk/unbox Fast, simple, easy-to-use DI container
27 @mindplay-dk/walkway Elegant, modular router for PHP
26 @lorenzo/cakephp-fixturize CakePHP custom Fixture classes for those having problems maintaining PHP based fixtures.
26 @lorenzo/HipHop CakePHP plugin to help you get you application running on the Facebook's HipHop compiler and interpreter
25 @lorenzo/cakephp-email-queue A email sending queue for CakePHP
24 @NamelessCoder/TYPO3.Fluid WARNING WARNING WARNING! Replaced by
24 @lorenzo/piping-bag CakePHP 3 plugin to include a Dependency Injector Container based on Ray.Di
24 @lsolesen/php-template Lightweight Template engine with the same interface as Savant3 and Smarty
21 @petersuhm/commentable Comments model for Laravel 4
17 @lorenzo/workflow Workflow engine for cakephp
17 @lorenzo/row-locker CakePHP ORM plugin for creating exclusive row locks
16 @mindplay-dk/jsonfreeze Serialize and unserialize a PHP object-graph to/from a JSON string representation
14 @lorenzo/cakephp3-advanced-ex… Example application for the "Agile database access with CakePHP 3"
13 @NamelessCoder/uncache Obsolete - discontinued
13 @nikolajlovenhardt/laravel-user-notific… User notifications for Laravel 5+
13 @jippi/cakephp-newrelic cakephp <3 newrelic
13 @mindplay-dk/middleman Dead simple PSR-7 middleware dispatcher
12 @NamelessCoder/fromage Obsolete - discontinued
12 @lorenzo/cakephp-gearman Gearman utilities for CakePHP
11 @mindplay-dk/composer-locator Locate the installation path for any installed Composer package
11 @lorenzo/cakephp3-bookmarkr A Sample CakePHP 3 application built with the Crud plugin
11 @NamelessCoder/view Obsolete - discontinued
11 @lorenzo/cakephp-sqs CakePHP wrapper and utility methods for AWS Simple Queue System
11 @lorenzo/Foundation CakePHP helpers to output Zurb Foundation friendly html
11 @lorenzo/cakephp-logstash CakePHP log stream adapter for logstash
10 @nikolajlovenhardt/laravel-google-ads Google Ads API for Laravel
10 @NamelessCoder/gizzle A tiny GitHub Webhook Listener written in PHP which can be easily extended with plugins
8 @NamelessCoder/rpc TYPO3 RPC (Remote Procedure Call)
8 @troelskn/csslib CSS parsing and CSS selectors for PHP
7 @anini/ArCaptcha ArCaptcha - Arabic CAPTCHA ΨΉΨ±ΩƒΨ§Ψ¨ΨͺΨ΄Ψ§ - ΩƒΨ§Ψ¨ΨͺΨ΄Ψ§ عربية
7 @troelskn/webwork PHP microframework
7 @troelskn/krudt databasedriven web framework based on konstrukt
7 @mindplay-dk/boxy Open, simple, type-hinted dependency injection container.
7 @lorenzo/osmosis Modular Learning Management System based on the concept of connectivism and web 2.0
7 @lsolesen/apps-deploy Drupal 7 apps server
7 @lorenzo/cakefest-workshop-20… Cakefest workshop 2011
6 @petersuhm/laravel-bdd Example Laravel app, showcasing common BDD concepts.
6 @NamelessCoder/tweetnews TYPO3 extension TweetNews: Create Tweets from EXT:news newsitems
6 @kasperg/phing-drush-task Fork of Phing Drush Task project on ↗️
6 @NamelessCoder/fluidwidget Obsolete - discontinued
5 @mindplay-dk/jsondoc Simple, file-based object/document-database using JSON
5 @kasperg/phing-github Phing tasks for working with GitHub
5 @pluspeople/JumuikaSMS A simple PHP class for using Jumuika's SMS gateway
5 @petersuhm/adventure A WordPress plugin framework built on top of Composer packages.
5 @jacmoe/bugitor A Yii powered issue tracker ↗️
5 @jacmoe/yii2-app-advanced-de… Yii 2 Advanced Application Template with Deployer.php support
4 @mindplay-dk/petitparserphp Lukas Renggli's excellent PetitParser ported to PHP
4 @mindplay-dk/stockpile Type-checked, stand-alone service/configuration-container for PHP (5.3+)
4 @kasperg/symfony-propel-slope… Collaborative filtering for symfony based on Slope One algorithmns ↗️
4 @mindplay-dk/benchpress Simple benchmark suite for PHP 5.3+
4 @petersuhm/laravel-deployment This is just me playing around with Laravel deployment... Nothing fancy here, yet!
4 @petersuhm/laravel-bdd-helpers Stuff that helps you do BDD in a Laravel context.
4 @anini/ammanhs Amman Hackerspace ↗️
4 @Herlevsen/laravel-route-bookma… Generate an html file that will help you bookmark all your laravel 5 routes
4 @lsolesen/konstrukt-example-ap… Example applications for the konstrukt framework. ↗️
4 @NamelessCoder/dialog TYPO3 extension Dialog: Discussion Components ↗️
4 @jacmoe/yii2-app-basic-deplo… Yii 2 Basic Application Template with Deployer.php support
4 @NamelessCoder/fluidspec Fluid CMS reintegration specifications as TYPO3 CMS extension
4 @esbenp/larapi
4 @NamelessCoder/typo3-repository-giz… TYPO3 GitHub Repository Releaser
4 @jayj/Japibas New version of my WordPress theme, Japibas ↗️
4 @mindplay-dk/market WORK IN PROGRESS: a unified test-suite for PHP Markdown parser implementations
3 @lsolesen/structures-ical Parses Ical files
3 @petersuhm/configure A configuration repository for PHP.
3 @jacmoe/yii2-tale-jade A Tale Jade for PHP integration for the Yii2 framework
3 @lsolesen/running-calculations Tools for calculating stuff regarding health ↗️
3 @lsolesen/math-geographicpoint Class used to convert longitude and latitude coordinates between Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) or Lambert Conformal Conic map projections. It is useful to plot latitude and longitude values of points on a map image.
3 @jippi/vault-php-sdk Vault PHP SDK, inspired by sensio consul sdk
3 @lorenzo/cakephp-gridhook CakePHP webhook event handler for SendGrid
3 @lorenzo/cake-orm-example A Simple repo showcasing how to bootstrap the CakePHP 3 ORM
3 @lorenzo/cake-orm-standalone-… A minimal example for using the Cake 3 ORM as standalone
3 @esbenp/onion A before/after middleware implementation ↗️
3 @mindplay-dk/TemplateStubs ProcessWire plug-in: generates stub classes, providing IDE-support for Templates
3 @wulff/drupal-proximity Demos of various ways to do proximity searching with Drupal
3 @mindplay-dk/TemplateDecorator TemplateDecorator module for ProcessWire
3 @NamelessCoder/google_auth TYPO3 extension GoogleAuth: Google OpenAuth v2 authentication service ↗️
3 @troelskn/fable A php port of cucumber testing tool
3 @NamelessCoder/sysutils TYPO3 extension Sysutils: System Utilities for maintenance, backup, reporting ↗️
3 @troelskn/hbind Hbind -- sprintf for HTML ↗️
3 @lsolesen/moodle-sms SMS block to be used with moodle
3 @lsolesen/mdb2-debug-explainqu… A custom error handler for MDB2. Collects all queries being executed in a script and runs explain on them.
2 @troelskn/fejlvarp Incident logger a la Exceptional, for your PHP applications
2 @jacmoe/yii2-app-basic-gulp-…
2 @lsolesen/sitemap-xml Experimental class to create xml sitemaps
2 @lsolesen/wire
2 @mauran/CPR-PHP Godt med CPR
2 @mindplay-dk/middlemark PSR-7 Markdown middleware thang
2 @jippi/php-hipchat-connect HipChat connect (v2) api helpers
2 @lsolesen/services-geocoding Geocoding is the process of converting addresses into geographic coodinates (latitude, longitude)
2 @anini/Takhreej Simple PHP Open Source Web Addresses (URLs) Manager
2 @lsolesen/Ilib_Services_CPSMS PHP library to talk to CPSMS-service.
2 @davidreuss/webphp the no framework framework for building php webapps
2 @mindplay-dk/funit Lightweight unit-testing framework
2 @MrMEEE/dommerbord
2 @mindplay-dk/session Type-hinted session container for PHP
2 @lsolesen/ghpages-manager PHP manager for Github Pages - proof of concept - use with caution
2 @mindplay-dk/pager Generates HTML pager buttons/links/whatever
2 @lsolesen/billy-php-sdk PHP SDK for BillysBilling v2.
2 @esbenp/distributed-laravel
2 @NamelessCoder/TYPO3.Fluid.SchemaGe… Creates XSD schemas for packages containing Fluid ViewHelpers
2 @lsolesen/accounting Experimental work on how accounting classes can be organized
2 @NamelessCoder/notify TYPO3 extension Notify: Subscriptions and Notifications ↗️
2 @esbenp/bruno A base API controller for Laravel that gives sorting, filtering, eager loading and pagination for your resources ↗️
2 @NamelessCoder/TYPO3.Fluid.Lint Lint utility for TYPO3.Fluid templates
2 @Ahrengot/TweenMax-examples a couple of examples using the Greensock tweening framework
2 @NamelessCoder/gizzle-typo3-plugins Gizzle plugins for performing various tasks on repositories which contain TYPO3 extensions
2 @mauran/Digitalocean-PHP-cla… PHP class for the Digital Ocean API
2 @NamelessCoder/typo3-repository-cli… TYPO3 Extension Repository (TER) client library and CLI commands
2 @esbenp/architect Dynamically create API resource structures for related resources ↗️


🌟 Name Description 🌍
924 @andersbll/neural_artistic_styl… Neural Artistic Style in Python
917 @andersbll/deeppy Deep learning in Python
878 @keleshev/schema Schema validation just got Pythonic
362 @KristianOellegaard/django-hvad Painless translations in django, using the regular ORM. Integrates easily into existing projects and apps. Easy convertible from django-multilingual-ng. ↗️
142 @skaae/lasagne-draw Implementation of the DRAW network in lasagne
134 @keleshev/mini Mini: Interpreter and a programming language implemented in Python
127 @andersbll/cudarray CUDA-based NumPy
110 @alrojo/lasagne_residual_net… Recreating the Deep Residual Network in Lasagne
109 @KristianOellegaard/django-health-check a pluggable app that runs a full check on the deployment, using a number of plugins to check e.g. database, queue server, celery processes, etc. ↗️
91 @alesdotio/django-admin-shortcu… Add simple and pretty shortcuts to the django admin homepage.
77 @skaae/transformer_network Spatial Transformer network
69 @keleshev/rome A practical Roman numerals implementation (also an example of Python project structure)
66 @andersbll/nnet Neural networks in NumPy/Cython
62 @piquadrat/django-cms-search This package provides multilingual search indexes for easy Haystack integration with django CMS
54 @simonbs/alfred-youtube-workf… A workflow for Alfred 2.0 which lets the user search for YouTube videos and have them returned to Alfred.
45 @piquadrat/django-localdevstora… A storage backend for local development that downloads files from the live site if they are not locally available
45 @simonbs/alfred-tweetbot-work… Control Tweetbot from Alfred 2.0
44 @andersbll/autoencoding_beyond_… Generative image model with learned similarity measures
35 @piquadrat/django-treeadmin
28 @keleshev/version Semantic versioning (SemVer) implementation for Python
21 @skaae/Lasagne-CTC CTC for lasagne
19 @AndersDeleuran/ShapeOpGHPython Implementation of the ShapeOp C++ framework in GHPython. ↗️
19 @simonbs/alfred-safari-tabs-w… Manage tabs in Safari
15 @KristianOellegaard/dokku-controller
15 @simonbs/alfred-movies-workfl… Lookup movies on IMDb and OMDb
14 @piquadrat/celery-redis-unixsoc… celery store backend and kombu transport for redis that supports connections via unix sockets
13 @KristianOellegaard/cmsplugin-text-ng
13 @simonbs/alfred-cloudapp-work… CloudApp workflow for Alfred 2.0 which allows for managing uploads.
10 @keleshev/docopt-dispatch Dispatch from command-line arguments to functions
10 @AndersDeleuran/KangarooGHPython How to stuff a Kangaroo in your Python using a Grasshopper
10 @KristianOellegaard/python-eureka Python client for Netflix Eureka
9 @AndersDeleuran/MeshAnalysis GHPython Mesh Analysis Components.
9 @KristianOellegaard/django-saml-service-… Easily let users sign in via SAML 2.0 to your django app. Based on python-saml
9 @KristianOellegaard/python-cloudfoundry Cloud Foundry (or derivative) python library/client. Should also work with Stackato and AppFog. ↗️
8 @keleshev/value Value object pattern implementation
7 @alesdotio/django-shop-multiple… Multiple currencies for Django Shop
7 @Eckankar/PySortDemo Visualization of sorting algorithms, done in Python.
7 @KristianOellegaard/catalog django powered webshop or online "catalog" - i, however, recommend django-shop (
7 @alrojo/RNNProteins CB513 results (world record) ↗️
5 @Eckankar/PyWar The card game war, coded in Python.
5 @piquadrat/django-shop-sofortpa… A Sofort Bank payment backend for django SHOP
5 @piquadrat/cmsplugin-filer-html… HTML5 video plugin for django CMS and django-filer, using VideoJS
4 @KristianOellegaard/django-rick a plugin for your personal website or link redirector service ↗️
4 @piquadrat/django-signedforms A signed Django form
4 @KristianOellegaard/django-shop-simple django-shop doesn't come with design and templates - this is an example on how it can be implemented
4 @alesdotio/djangocms-store-loca… A simple store locator plugin for django CMS that uses Google Maps
4 @Eckankar/ects-striden Episk ECTS-strid til dΓΈden (eller kandidaten). ↗️
4 @piquadrat/django-minitrue django-minitrue is a search & replace app for content that is stored in Django models
4 @keleshev/tau Tauβ€”time series database
4 @Tehnix/PyIRCParser A python module for parsing IRC output and returning it in a structured way.
3 @piquadrat/django-lithium-api A (very) limited implementation of the Lithium REST API for Django ↗️
3 @andersbll/deeppy_experimental
3 @Eckankar/HCI-koldskaal KoldskΓ₯lsopgaven til HCI ↗️
3 @andersbll/theano_ops My Theano ops
3 @alesdotio/django-standard-form Simple django template tags for rendering forms.
2 @Tehnix/cred-server Connected Reactive Electronic Devices ↗️
2 @Eckankar/pyset A SET clone in Python
2 @alrojo/ZoomSPN zooming spn
2 @alesdotio/cmsplugin-multiple-f…
2 @KristianOellegaard/cfd Temporary project for the yet-to-be-named config management system ↗️
2 @KristianOellegaard/docker-service-provi… A generic service provisioner, that uses Dockerfiles. Compatible with the heroku provider API.
2 @andersbll/psp Folding@DIKU
2 @KristianOellegaard/plasmatrim-python
2 @piquadrat/cmsplugin-feedlist django CMS feedlist plugin to display a list of items from an RSS/Atom feed (not ready, yet)
2 @KristianOellegaard/django-hostinfo-proj… displays a small site with information about the host, you can use it for testing e.g. a loadbalancer setup
2 @piquadrat/django-shop-saferpay A django SHOP payment backend for saferpay
2 @andersbll/jetdesc Local feature description using image jets
2 @KristianOellegaard/snapsekassen An advanced Schnapps account keeper, written in Django. ↗️
2 @KristianOellegaard/python-harvest
2 @simonbs/dldr Download programs from DR TV.
2 @portify/io_scene_dts A modern Blender plugin for working with DTS/DSQ assets. Includes an importer and an exporter.
2 @KristianOellegaard/dokku-controller-age…


🌟 Name Description 🌍
393 @smbache/magrittr R package to bring forward-piping features ala F#'s > operator. Ceci n'est pas un pipe.
148 @skardhamar/rga R Google Analytics
47 @smbache/import An Import Mechanism For R
45 @smbache/loggr Easy and flexible logging for R
22 @xrobin/pROC Display and analyze ROC curves in R and S+ ↗️
12 @sorhawell/forestFloor R package to visualize mapping structures of random forests with feature contributions ↗️
8 @smbache/squr Structured Query Utility for R
5 @smbache/immutequality Use Equality Assignment for Immutability in R
5 @skardhamar/ga-auth-data Google Analytics Auth Data
4 @haghish/convertGraph R package for converting graphical files to one another
4 @fghjorth/marginsplot R code for creating Stata-like "marginsplot" plots of marginal effects across a moderator variable in R. The ambition is to incorporate the code in an R package.
4 @AEBilgrau/GMCM Unsupervised Clustering and Meta-analysis using Gaussian Mixture Copula Models ↗️
3 @xrobin/mnist Makes the MNIST dataset easily accessible in R
3 @skardhamar/r-youtube-ranking R Youtube Ranking
2 @AEBilgrau/DLBCLdata Gene expression profiles on Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphoma
2 @AEBilgrau/correlateR General purpose correlation and covariance estimation
2 @AEBilgrau/effadj Variance approximations of efficiency adjusted delta-delta-Cq-values
2 @fghjorth/danishpolls R code for extracting and analyzing Danish general election polling data
2 @stanstrup/PredRet Shiny app for retention time prediction
2 @smbache/blatr A simple R wrapper for Blat SMTP mailer for Windows.


🌟 Name Description 🌍
701 @lassebunk/gretel Flexible Ruby on Rails breadcrumbs plugin.
382 @koppen/redmine_github_hook Allow your Redmine installation to be notified when changes have been pushed to a Github repository. ↗️
350 @lassebunk/metamagic Simple Ruby on Rails plugin for creating meta tags.
285 @lassebunk/dish Super simple conversion of hashes into plain Ruby objects. Also works in RubyMotion.
181 @lassebunk/dynamic_sitemaps Dynamic sitemap generation plugin for Ruby on Rails.
176 @vangberg/isaac A smallish DSL for writing IRC bots.
95 @lassebunk/human_power Easy generation of robots.txt. Force the robots into submission!
65 @vangberg/librevox ruby library for interacting with freeswitch
65 @dasch/ruby-bencode Ruby bindings for the bencode data serialization format
46 @vangberg/chowder rack middleware providing session based authentication
45 @koppen/i18n_missing_keys Rake task to find localization keys missing from different locales in a Rails application using the I18n::Simple backend.
42 @vangberg/gaze Serve up your Markdown files with this tiny Sinatra app!
35 @nielsjansendk/cloud An open-source ruby wordcloud generator
31 @vangberg/rack-session-redis redis session store for rack
27 @lukelex/soundcord A phonetic algorithm to make comparison by phonetically similar terms easier.
21 @vangberg/hashidator define schema as a hash, and validate hashes!
21 @vangberg/couchchanges ruby consumer for couchdb's _changes feed
19 @vangberg/em-elasticsearch elasticsearch library for eventmachine
17 @koppen/csv_query Command line tool to query CSV data using SQL
16 @lasseebert/kase Kase gracefully pattern matches [:ok, result]-like return values. ↗️
16 @lukelex/csv_record CSV Object-relational mapping
15 @vangberg/soma Send Ruby to IRB from teh outside! ↗️
14 @dasch/avro_turf A library that makes it easier to use the Avro serialization format from Ruby.
14 @lassebunk/api_builder Ruby on Rails template engine that allows for multiple formats being laid out in a single specification.
13 @lasseebert/agnostic_slugs Slug generator that is agnostic and does not monkey patch ↗️
12 @lassebunk/sitemap_notifier Ruby on Rails plugin that automatically notifies Google, Bing, and Yahoo of changes to your models, i.e. changes to your sitemap.
11 @kvs/kwalify schema validator and data binding for YAML/JSON ↗️
11 @mikker/my_way A Sinatra starting point for your new app. Using rack/test and bundler.
10 @vangberg/shout-everything notifiers till you die.
10 @vangberg/nancie irc bot for collaborative tweeting, with a #sinatra twist.
9 @dasch/ruby-csp Ruby implementation of Communicating Sequential Processes
9 @lassebunk/gretel-trails Strategies for handling Gretel trails.
9 @kvs/ruby-zfs A library for interacting with ZFS, made in the spirit of Pathname.
8 @dasch/rails-complete Bash completion for the rails command
8 @soimort/mayuki [INACTIVE] A minimalist Markdown/YAML-based static wiki generator ↗️
8 @dasch/riot-rack Riot::Rack -- easily test Rack apps using Riot!
7 @kvs/vagrant-proxyssh A Vagrant plugin + ssh_config snippet for ssh'ing to a VM
7 @koppen/webby-less-filter Allows you to use the LESS CSS syntax in your Webby files.
6 @koppen/redmine-flow-theme Flow theme for Redmine - Work in progress
6 @nielsjansendk/active_rbac Fork of active_rbac, with a bugfix ↗️
6 @lassebunk/acts_as_translatable Ruby on Rails plugin for easy translation of Ruby on Rails models and database tables.
6 @lassebunk/item Easy-to-use semantic markup and microdata for Ruby on Rails.
6 @vangberg/mocksocket io/tcpsocket mock for testing
6 @lassebunk/webcam_app Demo on how to get your webcam working with Rails 3
6 @nielsjansendk/acts_as_sanitized Fork of the acts_as_sanitized svn repository ↗️
6 @emiltin/poolparty_example An example of using poolparty to deploy a rails app
5 @lassebunk/checkins_app Demo of a location aware app that stores check-ins based on current location, shows nearby check-ins, and displays check-ins on a map. ↗️
5 @dasch/minx A library for creating massively concurrent applications in Ruby
5 @kvs/drbssh A protocol implementation for Distributed Ruby (DRb), supporting SSH-connections.
5 @nielsjansendk/cloud_examples Examples using the ninajansen-cloud gem
5 @nielsjansendk/simile_timeline A fork of the simile timeline svn repository ↗️
4 @emiltin/healing Experimental cloud healing
4 @polyras/reco Ruby port of the Eco template compiler.
4 @lasseebert/grity Dead simple analytics for your website ↗️
4 @soimort/p99 P-99: Ninety-Nine Prolog Problems (Mort's Solutions)
4 @dasch/warden-facebook A Facebook Connect strategy for Warden
4 @mikker/ Single-serving app that shows your current Rejsekort balance. ↗️
4 @koppen/dotfiles My configuration files
4 @vangberg/ec2meta-rb ec2 instance metadata wrapper for ruby
3 @vangberg/rubybnc my first ruby proj I wrote back in '03 at age 14, way before rails was released. after this I switched back to php. what a shame.
3 @rbgrouleff/cuba_todo Cuba demo for the Aarhus.rb meetup March 13th
3 @soimort/anthy-kaomoji Mort's collection of everyday use kaomojis
3 @nielsjansendk/acts_as_rateable_by An extension of the classic acts_as_rateable plugin that lets any model rate any model
3 @rbgrouleff/acts_as_publishable Rails gem that adds functionality to make Active Record models publishable ↗️
3 @dasch/query_matchers A set of RSpec matchers for Active Record queries
2 @lassebunk/bing_translate_yaml Simple Ruby on Rails plugin for translating your YAML files using Bing.
2 @lukelex/NATO NATO Phonetic Alphabet
2 @koppen/r_asteroids Asteroids-inspired game built in Ruby using Gosu
2 @polyras/banana_split A/B split testing for Rails
2 @kvs/javaobs Java Objects (de)serialization for Ruby
2 @soimort/google_plus_archiver [INACTIVE] A simple command-line tool to archive Google+ profiles and public streams ↗️
2 @kvs/eboks-backup Backup documents stored on
2 @koppen/redmine_velocity
2 @mikker/render_with_view Be explicit about the things you send from your Rails controller to the view.
2 @dasch/ruby-kubernetes A Ruby client library for Kubernetes.
2 @mikker/ Watch DR's TV channels live on your Mac ↗️
2 @dasch/rockpaperscissors A web application used to register games of rock-paper-scissors.
2 @thejspr/yarn Multi-process webserver written in Ruby. Part of my thesis project.
2 @dasch/riot-rails Testing Rails apps with Riot!
2 @thejspr/thesis Developing a concurrent ruby webserver using BDD (Thesis report)
2 @dasch/ruby-xri An XRI wrapper for Ruby
2 @dasch/rake-tags A Rake task that creates a Vi/Emacs tags file
2 @lukelex/csvash Simplify CSV to Model mapping and vice versa ↗️
2 @sorbits/github-email-api Assign labels and close issues via email
2 @koppen/bottleships Pitch your algorithm versus those of your friends in the epic game of Battleships. May the best bot win.


🌟 Name Description 🌍
11 @mads379/Functional-Dictionar… A Lift based web application. It's a dictionary of Functional Programming terms. ↗️
11 @mads379/sbt-plugin-examples Example SBT plugins
7 @mads379/scala-formlets Formlet implementation in Scala
7 @jeppenejsum/lift-crud Sample use cases for sample Lift CRUD scenarios
5 @mads379/Multisets Multiset implementation in Scala ↗️
2 @mads379/lift-blank.g8 Giter8 template for Lift
2 @mads379/monad-transformers-p… Code used for a presentation on Monad Transformers in Scalaz 7
2 @jeppenejsum/lift-gc-ajax
2 @jeppenejsum/gdata-scala-client Fork of gdata-scala-client ↗️


🌟 Name Description 🌍
925 @andsens/homeshick git dotfiles synchronizer written in bash
184 @aiyodk/Alfred-Extensions
133 @simonclausen/dnscrypt-autoinstall Automatic installation and configuration of DNSCrypt (on Debian + Redhat like systems). This script will install DNSCrypt and configure it to start on boot and use an optional dnscrypt service.
6 @andsens/rc-files homesick compatible bashrc and zshrc files
4 @holsta/sitexytools Helper utilities for managing siteXY.tgz files related to OpenBSD installation ↗️
4 @holsta/dotfiles holsta's dotfiles for OpenBSD desktop and OS X laptop
2 @swordfischer/Snapper


🌟 Name Description 🌍
2 @mikkelam/D502e13 Datalogi 5. semester efterΓ₯ret 2013


🌟 Name Description 🌍
3 @ipoddubny/asterisk-vim Vim syntax highlighting for Asterisk configuration files

❓ Get Help

There are few ways to get help:

  1. Please post questions on Stack Overflow. You can open issues with questions, as long you add a link to your Stack Overflow question.
  2. For bug reports and feature requests, open issues. πŸ›
  3. For direct and quick help, you can use Codementor. πŸš€

πŸ˜‹ How to contribute

Have an idea? Found a bug? See how to contribute.

πŸ’– Support my projects

I open-source almost everything I can, and I try to reply to everyone needing help using these projects. Obviously, this takes time. You can integrate and use these projects in your applications for free! You can even change the source code and redistribute (even resell it).

However, if you get some profit from this or just want to encourage me to continue creating stuff, there are few ways you can do it:

  • Starring and sharing the projects you like πŸš€

  • Buy me a bookβ€”I love books! I will remember you after years if you buy me one. 😁 πŸ“–

  • PayPalβ€”You can make one-time donations via PayPal. I'll probably buy a coffee tea. 🍡

  • Support me on Patreonβ€”Set up a recurring monthly donation and you will get interesting news about what I'm doing (things that I don't share with everyone).

  • Bitcoinβ€”You can send me bitcoins at this address (or scanning the code below): 1P9BRsmazNQcuyTxEqveUsnf5CERdq35V6

Thanks! ❀️

πŸ“œ License

MIT © Ionică Bizău


πŸ‡©πŸ‡° A list of neat projects made in Denmark








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