🇦🇷 A list of cool projects made in Argentina
- JavaScript
- Java
- C#
- C
- C++
- ActionScript
- Clojure
- CoffeeScript
- Go
- Haskell
- Lua
- Matlab
- Objective-C
- Perl
- Python
- R
- Ruby
- Scala
- Shell
- Swift
- TeX
- VimL
🌟 | Name | Description | 🌍 |
8169 | @mgonto/restangular | AngularJS service to handle Rest API Restful Resources properly and easily | |
6297 | @cazala/synaptic | architecture-free neural network library for node.js and the browser | |
3337 | @flesler/jquery.scrollTo | Lightweight, cross-browser and highly customizable animated scrolling with jQuery | |
1708 | @cazala/coin-hive | CoinHive cryptocurrency miner for node.js | |
693 | @leoasis/redux-immutable-stat… | Redux middleware that detects mutations between and outside redux dispatches. For development use only. | |
650 | @mgonto/angularytics | The solution to tracking page views and events in a SPA with AngularJS | |
647 | @elmasse/nextein | A static site generator with markdown + react for Next.js | |
626 | @rickyrauch/nodejs-starter | Single Page App setup using industry's best practices and modules. Node.js, Express, Mongoose, passport.js, component.io, Jade, Stylus and Bootstrap. | |
619 | @flesler/jquery.localScroll | Animated anchor navigation made easy with jQuery | |
610 | @alcuadrado/hieroglyphy | Transform any javascript code to an equivalent sequence of ()[]{}!+ characters that runs in the browser! | |
606 | @jfromaniello/passport.socketio | access passport.js authenticated user information from socket.io connection | |
523 | @pazguille/voix | 📢 A JavaScript library to add voice commands to your sites, apps or games. | |
522 | @pazguille/viewport | 💻 Gets the dimensions of the Viewport and beyond. | |
388 | @pazguille/aload | Loads images, background images, scripts, styles, iframes, videos and audios asynchronously (just 241 bytes). | |
310 | @flesler/hashmap | HashMap JavaScript class for Node.js and the browser. The keys can be anything and won't be stringified | |
297 | @pazguille/flipload | Flipping elements and show a loading indicator easily. | |
284 | @leoasis/react-sound | Sound component to play audio in your web apps | |
263 | @impronunciable/moviedb | MovieDB API node.js Library | |
233 | @cazala/shoal | autonomous agents + genetic algorithms | |
227 | @jfromaniello/winser | Run a node.js application as a window service using nssm. | |
220 | @pazguille/scrolling | [DEPRECATED: You should use https://github.com/pazguille/decouple] Decouple the scroll event from the callback functions. | |
182 | @flesler/jquery.serialScroll | Animated scrolling of series with jQuery | |
175 | @impronunciable/Tuiter | Twitter API lib for nodejs | |
164 | @jfromaniello/url-join | Join all arguments together and normalize the resulting url. | |
157 | @cazala/mnist | mnist digits in javascript | |
151 | @leoasis/graphql-tag.macro | Babel Macro for graphql-tag | |
150 | @cazala/react-coin-hive | Mine cryptocurrency while your users haven't engaged with your content lately | |
150 | @mgonto/mgo-mousetrap | Handling keyboard interaction on an Angular app: An Angular Mousetrap wrapper | |
146 | @pazguille/shuffle-array | Randomize the order of the elements in a given array for the browser and node.js. | |
137 | @pazguille/is-near | Calculates if the mouse position is near to a given element. | |
107 | @jfromaniello/express-unless | Conditionally add a middleware to express with some common patterns | |
90 | @pazguille/sticky | Stick elements to the top of the viewport when the user scrolls down. | |
78 | @jfromaniello/selfsigned | Generate self-signed certificates from node.js | |
73 | @flesler/config-node | Flexible lightweight configuration loader for Node | |
63 | @elmasse/Ext.ux.Cover | Coverflow implementation for Sencha Touch | |
61 | @impronunciable/hackdash | Ideas for a hackathon | |
57 | @pazguille/clicktap | A JavaScript library to prevent the 300ms click delay on touch devices (just 736 bytes). | |
53 | @mgonto/mgo-ui-router-goto | A directive for ui-router that lets you link to states instead of URLs | |
51 | @mgonto/meaner-seed | A better organised, more complete and updated MEAN seed | |
49 | @pazguille/jvent | An universal JavaScript Emitter based on NodeJS EventEmitter. | |
48 | @leoasis/workshop-pensando-en… | Workshop introductorio a React | |
47 | @pazguille/decouple | Decouple the DOM events from expensive functions. | |
45 | @fernandezpablo85/Xb | a simple js library for backoff callbacks | |
45 | @jorgeucano/30DiasConRxJS | https://medium.com/@jorgeucano/30-d%C3%A… | |
44 | @federicobond/solidity-parser-antl… | A Solidity parser for JS built on top of a robust ANTLR4 grammar | |
43 | @flesler/node-spider | Generic web crawler powered by NodeJS | |
41 | @cristiandouce/mongoose-voting | Mongoose plugin for upvote/downvote models. Extends Mongoose model with voting functionality. | |
39 | @leoasis/graphql-persisted-do… | Webpack loader that adds a documentId to a compiled graphql document, which can be used when persisting/retrieving documents | |
36 | @jfromaniello/node-gpstracker | server library for a GPS / GPRS tracker | |
36 | @mgonto/gulp-browserify-libr… | This is a seed (kickstarter) project to create your own library which will use Browserify and Gulp | |
34 | @pazguille/musique | 🎵 A JavaScript Music Player API to create custom players. | |
34 | @ianaya89/vue-sticky-js | Vue.js directive to make sticky elements built on sticky-js | |
33 | @elmasse/elmasse-bundle | [UNMAINTAINED] A Resource bundle implementation for ExtJS | |
32 | @jfromaniello/li | JavaScript utility to parse and generate the Link header according to RFC 5988. | |
31 | @pazguille/path | Simple routing library using HTML5 history.pushState or hashbang for web browsers. | |
31 | @ianaya89/generator-vue-compon… | 📦 Yeoman generator to build your own Vue.js components | |
31 | @federicobond/eth-mutants | 👾 A mutation testing tool for Solidity contracts | |
31 | @jfromaniello/zero-downtime-node | ||
29 | @cazala/donger | npm package to generate dongers ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ | |
29 | @woloski/nodeonazure-blog | Node on Azure blog based on wheat | |
28 | @ianaya89/vue-glitch | 👻 Vue.js component to apply glitch effect in any kind of text | |
28 | @pazguille/async-img | [DEPRECATED: You should use https://github.com/pazguille/aload] Asynchronous Image Loader. | |
27 | @federicobond/solcheck | A Solidity linter written in JS | |
26 | @ianaya89/vue-esc | 🏃 Vue.js directive to add a document event listener on escape keyup. | |
24 | @pazguille/upfile | Makes file inputs a pleasure to use with progressive enhancement. | |
23 | @prigazzi/slider-jquery | Mejorando el Slider - Un tutorial de jQuery | |
23 | @leoasis/makery.js | Factory-style (via blueprints) object creation for tests. Inspired by Ruby Machinist. | |
23 | @jfromaniello/passport-hawk | Passport strategy for the Hawk authentication schema. | |
23 | @elmasse/Ext.i18n.Bundle-touc… | Bundle implementation for Sencha Touch | |
22 | @mgonto/angular-ux | A library that helps you create live, navigable prototypes with the help of AngularJS but without having to learn how to code ;). DESIGNERS, I'm looking at you! | |
19 | @pazguille/selfstorage | Library for caching JavaScript resources in the localStorage. | |
19 | @federicobond/soli | A set of utilities (currently in alpha) for exploring Solidity contracts | |
19 | @jfromaniello/refresh-token | Helper to get a valid oauth 2 token given a refresh token. | |
18 | @a0viedo/can-you-tell-if-your… | ||
18 | @jfromaniello/node-windows-certs | Get certificates from the windows cert store from node.js | |
18 | @jfromaniello/npm-install-retry | Command line utility that retries npm install when NPM fails with npm ERR! cb() never called |
17 | @leoasis/fnky | A funky (and "souly"?) library for functional programming in Javascript | |
17 | @eordano/sherlock | A wallet for the Bitcoin connoisseur | |
17 | @pazguille/CORS | Simple and tiny CORS component | |
17 | @matiu/dolar-blue | Client for the Dolar blue API in nodejs | |
16 | @flesler/parallel | CLI tool to execute shell commands in parallel, based on GNU parallel command | |
16 | @flesler/jquery.rule | ||
16 | @pazguille/camera-action | 📷 Camera-action is a component to ease camera (getusermedia) management. | |
16 | @elmasse/hyper-markdown-previ… | Preview Markdown files right from your Hyper Terminal! | |
15 | @retrofox/calendar-tools | Calendar Tools | |
15 | @jfromaniello/parse-links | Parse a Links header into a JavaScript object. | |
15 | @pazguille/euclidean | Calculates the distance between two points. | |
14 | @cazala/haha | humorous javascript obfuscation tool | |
14 | @flesler/uver-cli | CLI for uver, bump the version on package.json and other files | |
14 | @germancutraro/Mei.js | a minimal, simple and helpful library for you | |
13 | @Villanuevand/openve-cli | 📡 Localiza las comunidades tecnológicas de Venezuela 🇻🇪 que hacen vida en Telegram reconocidas por OpenVE. | |
13 | @pazguille/emitter-es6 | A JavaScript Emitter written in ES6. | |
13 | @pazguille/mediumjs | A small library that implements the Mediator Pattern in JavaScript. | |
13 | @cazala/react-redux-perf | Performance Engineering with React + Redux | |
12 | @jfromaniello/mongo-getdb | A very opinionated way to connect with the mongodb driver. | |
12 | @flesler/connect-pause | Connect/Express middleware to simulate latency for debugging | |
12 | @pazguille/gloomy | A simple and semantic substitution template engine for the browser :[ | |
12 | @leoasis/react-style-hot-relo… | Exploring how to make react-style work with HMR and react-hot-loader | |
12 | @retrofox/datatable | DataTable component | |
12 | @ianaya89/vue-i18n-directives | 🎏 Helper directives for vue & vue-i18n | |
11 | @pazguille/editable-plugin | Simple and tiny in-place Editor | |
11 | @lortmorris/curso.nodejs.eduit | Curso Node.js, EducacionIT. Powered by César Casas | |
11 | @pazguille/route66 | Simple routing library using hashbang for web browsers. | |
10 | @jfromaniello/slido | A web application to generate HTML5 slideshow from markdown. | |
10 | @mgonto/angular-101-from-n00… | AngularJS Training with excercises | |
10 | @pazguille/ask | ❔ A JavaScript library to ask basic questions. | |
10 | @retrofox/nodejs-doc-es | nodejs - documentación en español | |
10 | @flesler/jquery.preload | Multi-functional image preloader plugin for jQuery | |
10 | @jfromaniello/mockuire | require a module with mocked dependencies in node.js | |
9 | @pazguille/editable | ✏️ Simple and tiny in-place Editor component | |
9 | @jorgeucano/bootcamp | Bootcamp Angular 2 & Firebase | |
9 | @elmasse/nextein-example | ||
9 | @flesler/node-http-codes | Map of HTTP status messages to their code, based on Node's built-in mapping | |
9 | @jfromaniello/fstream-s3 | Advanced FS streaming to amazon s3 for Node | |
9 | @jfromaniello/teamcity-badges | Teamcity Badges | |
9 | @cazala/synaptic-wikipedia | This is the source code for Synaptic's Wikipedia example | |
9 | @jfromaniello/passport-sharejs | Use passport.js user profile from session to authorize operations on Share.js documents. | |
8 | @mgonto/angular-security-wor… | Security workshop with Angular | |
8 | @jfromaniello/winston-winlog | Windows Event Log logger for the node.js Winston module. | |
8 | @leoasis/redux-state-router | Define your urls as a function of your state | |
8 | @cazala/cheapbase | like Firebase, but for free (thanks to Heroku). | |
8 | @cristiandouce/merge-util | Deep merge object utility | |
7 | @ianaya89/platzi-music-api | 📻 REST API for platzi-musci-vue projects built with Node.js & Express. This API acts like a reverse proxy to Spotify REST API. | |
7 | @flesler/uver | Bump the version on package.json and other files | |
7 | @germancutraro/Login-App-nodejs | 😉 Authentication System for public usage | |
7 | @lortmorris/curso.react.eduit | Curso de React de EducaciónIT | |
7 | @cazala/synaptic-workshop | Synaptic workshop for MuleSoft's MeetUp 2017 | |
7 | @germancutraro/LinkedList-Data-Stru… | ❄️ Linked List Data Structure in JavaScript | |
7 | @flesler/XMLWriter | XML generator for Javascript, based on .NET's XMLTextWriter. | |
7 | @pazguille/oops.js | Oops! JS is an Object Oriented JavaScript Library | |
7 | @jfromaniello/lru-memoizer | Memoize functions results using an lru-cache. | |
7 | @impronunciable/gbot | Google Talk bot based on http://simonholywell.com/post/2013/02/cr… :) | |
7 | @flesler/lucky | CLI tool to measure the state of your luck, at the moment | |
7 | @cristiandouce/mongoose-gravatar | Mongoose plugin for generating gravatar.com urls | |
7 | @elmasse/nextein-starter | Nextein starter | |
7 | @elmasse/ext-jwt-test | Using JWT Tokens with Node & ExtJS 5 | |
6 | @ianaya89/vs-storage-checker | 📺 Node console app to check the status of your Vidispine storages. | |
6 | @lortmorris/curso.mongodbavanzad… | Curso de MongoDB, plan para EducacionIT. Powered by Cesar Casas | |
6 | @federicobond/c3-linearization | A package for doing Solidity and Python-style C3-linearization in ECMAScript | |
6 | @jfromaniello/strider-hipchat | Strider plugin for hipchat | |
6 | @pazguille/jquery.cors | Simple and tiny CORS jQuery Plugin (only 0.447 kb) | |
6 | @mgonto/reactive-frontend-os… | Reactive Frontend Oscon Slides | |
6 | @cazala/nftmarketcap | top non-fungible tokens by (avg) market capitalization | |
6 | @manoloide/P5Pen | App for drawing in P5js | |
5 | @impronunciable/zelig | Classic convolution filters on top of component/convolve | |
5 | @impronunciable/hackdash-front | ||
5 | @impronunciable/NJStream | Newline delimited JSON streaming made easy | |
5 | @lortmorris/restfulmodel2 | Restful Application (API) scaffolding. Easy way to build enterprise API Applications using swagger. | |
5 | @federicobond/beats | A small web interface for MPD. [Not maintained] | |
5 | @elmasse/cement | CustomElements / WebComponents | |
5 | @matiu/stupid-clones | Detect Bitcoin Transaction Clones (due to transaction id malleability) | |
5 | @germancutraro/youtube-clone-reactj… | ||
5 | @germancutraro/Shopping-Cart-MERN | 💸 Simple Online Shopping Cart made with the MERN Stack | |
5 | @jfromaniello/ejs-amd | standalone and express/connect middleware to serve EJS template as AMD .js files to the browser | |
5 | @a0viedo/accountdown-oauth | AccountDown plugin to manage OAuth authentication | |
5 | @impronunciable/aframe-chartbuilder-… | ||
5 | @jfromaniello/master-process | reload node.js apps with no downtime | |
5 | @federicobond/solidity-extract-imp… | A simple tool to extract imports from Solidity source files | |
5 | @impronunciable/emo | A simple example project using preact | |
4 | @ianaya89/generator-babel-webp… | Yeoman generator for npm client side libs using babel, webpack & karma | |
4 | @evaferreira/SlideShowSys | Slideshow system, a mix of deck.js and CSSS | |
4 | @pazguille/saw.js | Simple Ajax for Web Workers | |
4 | @leoasis/cycle-poc | Playing with Cyclejs | |
4 | @fernandezpablo85/hackday | hackday | |
4 | @mgonto/instagram-user-hash-… | Searcher for pictures for a particular user that contain a particular hashtag | |
4 | @Villanuevand/fanatico-f1 | Fanático F1, es una aplicación donde se pueden visualizar los resultados de la Formula 1. Creada con fin de conocer y comprender AngularJS. | |
4 | @eordano/warrolight | ||
4 | @ianaya89/vue-jsx-demo | Vue.js web app with JSX | |
4 | @retrofox/component.js | Component daemon | |
4 | @gvilarino/docker-testing | Simple node.js app for container linking testing | |
4 | @retrofox/slugize | String slugize component | |
4 | @jorgeucano/nativescript-whatsap… | example in nativescript with firebase ... pseudo whatsapp | |
4 | @jfromaniello/socket-io.sessions | access express.js session from socket.io | |
4 | @elmasse/postcasts-mvp | postcast app | |
4 | @cazala/earthquakes | just an experiment mixing Firebase open datasets + Google's WebGL Globe | |
4 | @flesler/electron-wi-fine | A connectivity monitoring app, built on Electron | |
4 | @cristiandouce/csv | CSV Component. | |
4 | @mgonto/angello-angularjs-in… | NodeJS Express app for Angello sample in AngularJS in Action | |
4 | @jfromaniello/rendirect | Express middleware to render a message and redirect the browser | |
3 | @cristiandouce/query | X-Browser DOM element selector supported by jquery/sizzle and inspired in component/query | |
3 | @retrofox/romanize | Convert a number to roman numerical format | |
3 | @retrofox/buttonset | buttonset component | |
3 | @federicobond/ethereum-paypub | An ethereum implementation of the PayPub protocol for trustless payments for information release | |
3 | @retrofox/standarize | String standarize component | |
3 | @pazguille/bus | 🚌 A JavaScript Event Bus written in ES6. | |
3 | @fernandezpablo85/react-typescript-tut… | react tutorial written with TSX and es6 classes | |
3 | @germancutraro/Spotify-client-react… | 🎧 Spotify song searcher using the Spotify API, React and Redux 🎵 | |
3 | @lortmorris/movies | Single model rest using swagger for demos into course Node.js. If you aren't student, ignore! | |
3 | @ianaya89/heroku-alarm-clock | 🕘 cron node app to prevent heroku apps from sleeping. | |
3 | @mgonto/reactive-all-the-thi… | Reactive All The Things talk in ngConf | |
3 | @jorgeucano/typescript-bootcamp | bootcamp for .NetConfAr | |
3 | @mgonto/angularjs-good-pract… | AngularJS Good Practices | |
3 | @ianaya89/demo-auth-jwt-api | 🔑 Express demo API with JWT Authentication | |
3 | @retrofox/mooDoo | Simple clase que implementa un slide show usando un film | |
3 | @flesler/stress-node-server | Node Server for running stress tests | |
3 | @cristiandouce/timeago | Simple timeago component with moment.js i18n support. | |
3 | @flesler/node-http-status | HTTP Status class for NodeJS and Express | |
3 | @retrofox/node-cal | calendars manager | |
3 | @jfromaniello/extract | ||
3 | @woloski/yaml-config-azure | read a yaml config file from azure blob storage and use it for sensitive configuration data | |
3 | @jfromaniello/tortu | AJLogo command line interpreter | |
3 | @woloski/wstrust-saml-javascr… | ||
3 | @impronunciable/talk-plugin-emoji-co… | Emoji-friendly Coral Project talk comments | |
3 | @jfromaniello/sns-subscribe-intern… | Subscribe an SNS Topic to an internal webhook. | |
3 | @impronunciable/random | Component that generates random numbers. | |
3 | @jfromaniello/xtail | Restart, stop or start service while watching its log file. | |
3 | @leoasis/react-job-board | Quick example job board app using React. | |
3 | @eordano/fidelity.link | A pseudonymous anti-spam identity system based on bitcoin. | |
3 | @lortmorris/restfulmodel | RESTFul Scaffolding | |
3 | @retrofox/nodejs-learning-es | Aprendiendo Nodejs en idioma español | |
3 | @elmasse/taskr-standard | a taskr plugin to run standard linter | |
2 | @impronunciable/8n | Visualizaciones de hhba acerca del #8n. | |
2 | @cristiandouce/cqnc | Simple manager for sequence fx animations or whatever | |
2 | @mgonto/gon.to-old | The blog & website for gon.to | |
2 | @eordano/landgiver | ||
2 | @eordano/explbtc | ||
2 | @cristiandouce/Kolors | dead-simple color picker | |
2 | @cazala/cazala.github.io | this is the source of my website | |
2 | @retrofox/node-saveAs | "Save As ..." a complete website in server side | |
2 | @fernandezpablo85/linkedin-js-test | A test harness for LinkedIn's javascript API | |
2 | @fernandezpablo85/backbone-jQuery-exam… | One todo list sample application, written in backbone and jQuery to compare both | |
2 | @fernandezpablo85/dust-java | render dust from java using rhino | |
2 | @mgonto/restangular-talk-wit… | Restangular talk with rights for images | |
2 | @retrofox/remove | remove elements from array | |
2 | @elmasse/elmasse.github.io | Personal Blog - Now Powered by Nextein (https://nextein.now.sh) | |
2 | @retrofox/to-object | Converts an array to object | |
2 | @elmasse/nextein-www | nextein-www with Nextein ❤️ - Use the source! | |
2 | @a0viedo/glob-cli2 | CLI tool to expand globs | |
2 | @elmasse/es7-next-test | Trying ES7 decorators and other goodies | |
2 | @retrofox/namize | String namize component | |
2 | @elmasse/sencha-cmd-plus | Sort of Sencha Cmd Version Manager. Not quite there yet. | |
2 | @germancutraro/mern-crud-system | 🌟 Crud using the MERN Stack: MongoDB, Express.js, Reactjs & Node.js | |
2 | @gvilarino/api-starter | Express-based simple REST API starter project, with ES6 support | |
2 | @germancutraro/Simple-simulation-of… | ♍ A very simple shopping cart console simulation using classes of js-es6 | |
2 | @elmasse/yalex | Yet Another Lexer | |
2 | @germancutraro/reactive-search-node… | ⚡ Reactive search using node-axios-express-mongodb | |
2 | @leoasis/js-runner-fatigue | JS (runner) Fatigue - A game to cope with learning different JS stacks | |
2 | @germancutraro/Contact-Form-nodejs | Contact Form using Nodemailer for the email service | |
2 | @flesler/art-store | ||
2 | @germancutraro/Queue-Data-Structure | ❄️ Queue Data Structure in JavaScript | |
2 | @flesler/jwt-crack | Multi-threaded brute force JWT cracker in pure Node.js | |
2 | @germancutraro/CRUD-nodejs | 🎉 A customers admin application using nodejs, express and mongodb | |
2 | @flesler/todo-list | A single HTML page tool to track time spent on tasks | |
2 | @germancutraro/React-Starter | React skeleton with React-Router, Redux, Redux-Persist, Axios and more! | |
2 | @flesler/stress-node | Stress test library for Node JS | |
2 | @germancutraro/Chart.Js-MongoDB-nod… | 📊 Simple ChartJs with data from mongodb | |
2 | @flesler/word-clock | A responsive HTML5 Word-based clock | |
2 | @jorgeucano/ngxuploader | ||
2 | @flesler/idonethis-form | Very simple mobile-friendly HTML form to submit dones to IDoneThis | |
2 | @manoloide/manoloide.github.io | mini site | |
2 | @impronunciable/isopo | augmented sounds using the Web Audio API | |
2 | @ianaya89/js-meets-blockchain | 🤝 Demo of JavaScript Meets The Blockchain Talk | |
2 | @impronunciable/nicar-whois | Express example app for meetup #nodejs_ar. | |
2 | @ianaya89/node-explorer | A file explorer in your browser served with NodeJS | |
2 | @impronunciable/indec | Google Drive to JSON for the browser | |
2 | @leoasis/enter-hangman | Hangman game made with React for a live coding session at Meetup.js Buenos Aires | |
2 | @woloski/AspNetWebApiWithSubd… | test repo to repro asp.net web api issue |
🌟 | Name | Description | 🌍 |
385 | @nicolasjafelle/PagingListView | PagingListView is a ListView with the ability to add more items on it when reaches the end of the list. | |
286 | @nicolasjafelle/PagingGridView | A Paging GridView with the same behavior as PagingListView. | |
256 | @nicolasjafelle/SherlockNavigationDr… | SherlockNavigationDrawer is the implementation of the latest Google UX component, Navigation Drawer. It should work exactly as Google Drive plus!! It works with ActionBarSherlock and devices with pre HC. | |
215 | @nicolasjafelle/ExpandableView | ExpandableView is a View showing only a content and when clicked on it, it displays more content in a fashion way | |
201 | @vcalvello/SwipeToAction | An easy way to add a simple 'swipe-and-do-something' behavior to your RecyclerView items. Just like in Gmail or Inbox apps. |
154 | @nicolasjafelle/RefreshMenuItem | Menu item to show an indeterminate progress in the Android ActionBar. | |
137 | @nicolasjafelle/AndroidDemo | Demo app to show how to start an Android App | |
88 | @zurche/plain-pie | A simple plain pie chart widget fully customizable | |
88 | @fernandospr/javapns-jdk16 | Apple Push Notification Service Provider for Java | |
74 | @nicolasjafelle/Qachee | Qachee is a generic cache system to use specially for Android Apps. | |
32 | @fernandospr/spring-jetty-example | Spring MVC 4 example application | |
31 | @sebacipolat/SuperStateView | An Android Library created to make easy the implementation of stateviews like empty states views, error messages,other. | |
31 | @BrianValente/WAMOD | Android Studio project of WAMOD, a WhatsApp mod | |
25 | @nicolasjafelle/GoogleMapsV2Demo | Demo project of the Google Maps API v2 fully working in Android Studio! | |
25 | @fernandospr/java-wns | Java Service Provider to send push notifications to Windows 8/10 devices through WNS | |
15 | @emigonza/JavaPOS | JavaPOS Device Controls, Device Services and Events v1.13 | |
12 | @EmmanuelMess/Simple-Accounting | Android app that helps you balance | |
12 | @emigonza/POSdeviceSimulator | Simulator of JavaPOS devices. http://code.google.com/p/pos-device-simu… | |
11 | @emigonza/POStest | Open Source project designed to give developers a GUI based utility for exercising POS devices using JavaPOS. http://postest.sourceforge.net/ | |
10 | @gcorallo/tallerProcessing | tallerProcessing | |
10 | @zurche/beer-detector | An Android Beer Detector developed to test Google's Vision API | |
10 | @jcodagnone/jiolsucker | ITBAOnline Scrapper | |
9 | @zurche/open-weather-map-and… | An API wrapper of OpenWeatherMap.org for Android | |
7 | @zurche/mvp-firebase | This project demonstrates how to setup a project to use a firebase database using Model View Presenter & Interactors architecture. | |
7 | @amouly/scrolltricks | ScrollTricks Android example for Android Studio | |
7 | @nicolasjafelle/AndroidOrmLiteDemo | This is a demo to show how powerfull and easy ORMLite could be. | |
7 | @benoffi7/cursoAndroidUTN | Curso Android UTN | |
6 | @patriotaSJ/LeerComentariosDBRem… | accedemos a una base de datos remota | |
6 | @nicolasjafelle/AndroidCastDemo | Android Studio project of the "cast-android-tictactoe". | |
6 | @111milprogramadores/01-cine | Ejercicio 1 de Programación Orientada a Objetos y Bases de Datos | |
6 | @fernandospr/android-overlay-dial… | A customizable dialog shown on top of the window | |
5 | @nicolasjafelle/HoloForFroyo | Holo for Froyo | |
5 | @patriotaSJ/LoginBDRemote | Es una aplicación de Android que se conecta con una base de datos remota para hacer un simple LOGIN | |
5 | @patriotaSJ/MenuLateralSlide | menu lateral personalizado | |
4 | @champo/TPE-PAW | Trabajo practico especial para Proyectos de Aplicacion Web | |
4 | @emigonza/UnicentaPOS | Unicenta POS 2.80 - Based on Openbravo POS | |
4 | @xmarianox/Subte.io | ||
4 | @groldan/geoserver_trunk | Clone of the GeoServer central subversion trunk branch | |
4 | @patriotaSJ/Bluetooth | Conexion arduino con android | |
4 | @patriotaSJ/ProyectoTuristico-ma… | listview viewpager turismo completo | |
3 | @Fersca/Mercadolibre-API-Dem… | Mercadolibre-API-Demo in order that you can do a copy & paste and create your own ML-API Application | |
3 | @amouly/foscam-android-sdk-e… | Android app using Foscam SDK | |
3 | @leonardxfce/9024-XP | Practica de XP segundo año ies 9024 | |
3 | @nicolasjafelle/GalleryCameraDemo | Example of Gallery and camera image/file pick up | |
3 | @zurche/osm-droid-example | This project is to understand how OSMDroid maps functionality is implemented in an Android Studio Gradle Android project. | |
3 | @sebasjm/antlr | A mirror of ANTLR project repository | |
2 | @zurche/color-weather | A location based weather app for Android. | |
2 | @emigonza/SmartPOSERPExtension | Smart POS ERP Extension | |
2 | @emigonza/jpfbatch | JPFBatch es un clon de la utilidad pfbatch.exe de epson escrito en java | |
2 | @emigonza/UnicentaPOS302 | UnicentaPOS 3.0.2 | |
2 | @emigonza/SmartPOSERPCustomiza… | SmartPOS ERP Customization | |
2 | @emigonza/UnicentaPOS_AD | UnicentaPOS sincronized with ADempiere | |
2 | @jcodagnone/openkraken | ||
2 | @gcorallo/LUT_1D | ||
2 | @Fersca/Neuroph | Neuroph artificial neural network implementation for color detection | |
2 | @champo/dUta | Special assigment for Communication Protocols at ITBA | |
2 | @Fersca/MercadoLibre | Problemas de programación - Mercadolibre | |
2 | @emigonza/OpenBravoPOS | Open Bravo POS for SmartPOS Adempiere | |
2 | @fernandospr/android-maps-userloc… | Demonstrates how to use maps and the current user location | |
2 | @delucas/2011-LenguajeDeProgr… | Sitio con trabajos de alumnos, de clase, y en general, de la materia de la UNTreF (Argentina) | |
2 | @fernandospr/android-groups-recyc… | ||
2 | @delucas/UNTreF-LP1 | Proyecto con los ejemplos de clase de Lenguaje de Programación 1, UNTreF | |
2 | @lbalmaceda/libgdx_flappy | FlappyBirds Demo from a libgdx tutorial | |
2 | @111milprogramadores/CertificacionInstruc… | Material para la Certificación de Instructores | |
2 | @sebacipolat/Squire | An Android news reader example app, using The Guardian API. Is a good example of a basic app with MVP + Retrofit +RXJava+ Picasso + ButterKnife + Material Design | |
2 | @111milprogramadores/02-pizzeria | Ejercicio 2 de Programación Orientada a Objetos y Bases de Datos | |
2 | @frapeti/DeviceSettings | CyanogenMod Device Settings ported to Stock ROMs | |
2 | @zurche/partify | Application intended to be used in parties to ease and share the process of choossing the party music. | |
2 | @patriotaSJ/Sqlite | utilizamos una bd local con sqlite | |
2 | @delucas/java-warrior | juego educativo para programadores, basado en el ruby-warrior |
🌟 | Name | Description | 🌍 |
651 | @MarcosMeli/FileHelpers | The FileHelpers are a free and easy to use .NET library to read/write data from fixed length or delimited records in files, strings or streams | |
275 | @kblok/puppeteer-sharp | Headless Chrome .NET API | |
237 | @Zaphyk/project-skylines | procedural retro 3d game for the GitHub Gameoff 2017 | |
111 | @pcibraro/hawknet | Hawk protocol implementation for .NET | |
68 | @kzu/NuDoq | A standalone API to read .NET XML documentation files and optionally augment it with reflection information. | |
59 | @kzu/InjectModuleInitiali… | Console program and nuget package to inject a module initializer method into a built .NET assembly | |
48 | @lontivero/peer2net | A P2P library to create peer-to-peer applications with .Net | |
46 | @lontivero/vinchuca | A resilient peer-to-peer botnet agent in .NET | |
45 | @nmilcoff/EasyTipView | C# port of https://github.com/teodorpatras/EasyTipV… EasyTipView is a fully customisable tooltip view for iOS. | |
42 | @kzu/NuGetReferences | Save time by managing your NuGet references right from the Solution Explorer packages.config | |
30 | @lontivero/BlockchainParser | a .NET bitcoin's blockchain parser | |
29 | @m4v/RCSBuildAid | Kerbal Space Program plugin for RCS thruster placement | |
21 | @redknightlois/performance-course | ||
17 | @pcibraro/SelfHostUtilities | A set of helper classes for easing the initialization of the self host web applications in .NET. This project contains classes for registering a new self signed certificate and the port registration to run under https. | |
15 | @nmilcoff/TagsView | Simple and highly customizable Xamarin.iOS tag list view. Originally inspired by https://github.com/ElaWorkshop/TagListVi… | |
15 | @ealsur/auth0swagger | Swagger documented API and Autorest generated client with Auth0 | |
15 | @ealsur/HTTPDataCollectorAPI | Azure Log Analytics HTTP Data Collector API wrapper | |
14 | @lontivero/Open.HttpProxy | An fully asynchronous .Net HTTP proxy focused on performance | |
13 | @ealsur/WebJobs.Extensions.G… | Extension for Azure Webjobs SDK that returns groups of messages of an Azure Queue | |
12 | @kzu/SmartReferences | Smarter project and assembly references with MSBuild | |
12 | @lontivero/Open.WinKeyboardHook | A simple and easy-to-use .NET managed wrapper for Low Level Keyboard hooking. | |
11 | @kzu/Schematron | A Schematron ISO/IEC standard processor for .NET, written in C# | |
11 | @ealsur/auth0documentdb | Sample repository for Auth0 & Azure DocumentDB integration | |
11 | @edgardozoppi/analysis-net | Static analysis framework for .NET programs. | |
11 | @davidrevoledo/Inyector | Library to Implement Automatic dependency injection by Configuration over Scaned Assemblies | |
10 | @redknightlois/cudalearn | Advanced machine learning algorithms in C# | |
10 | @kzu/xunit.assemblyfixtur… | Provides per-assembly fixture state support for xunit | |
9 | @kzu/corebuild | Simplified MSBuild-based build scripts | |
9 | @lontivero/BitcoinWatcher | Bitcoin Transaction Analyzer | |
8 | @redknightlois/fastdictionary | An alternative implementation of Dictionary<K,V> on C# | |
8 | @ealsur/minicompiler | Minification, bundling and compiling sample | |
8 | @ejadib/handoff-to-human-sam… | A bot showing a simple approach to hand-off to a human using Microsoft Bot Framework | |
7 | @kzu/OctoHook | GitHub hooks made easy | |
7 | @davidrevoledo/ServiceBus.LogginPlu… | Plugin to log Service bus message in an storage account | |
7 | @MarcosMeli/ExamplesFx | Allows super fast and great looking examples for any library, using compiled examples instead of plain text/html | |
6 | @kzu/xunit.vsix | Xunit for creating VSIX integration tests | |
5 | @eugeniomiro/Terrarium | A fork of https://terrarium2.codeplex.com/ commit 69709 | |
5 | @ealsur/concurrentdocdb | Azure DocumentDB concurrenty-aware extensions | |
5 | @ejadib/WikiSampleBot | A bot showing how to use QnAMaker to create a wiki from any channel | |
4 | @ejadib/ParentChildFormBotFr… | Sample code of a Parent Child Form Flow using Microsoft Bot Framework | |
4 | @kzu/NuGetToolkit | A NuPattern toolkit for generating NuGet packages in a Visual Studio solution | |
4 | @ejadib/scriptcs-azuremedias… | Script pack for accessing Azure Media Services from scriptcs CSX script and scriptcs REPL. | |
4 | @nmilcoff/Presentations | Slides & demos for presentations | |
4 | @ejadib/LUIS-DateTimeV2-Exte… | Extension methods to extract LUIS DateTimeV2 Prebuilt entity values for your Microsoft Bot Framework bot | |
3 | @ejadib/PromptDialogsQuickRe… | Using Facebook’s QuickReplies with PromptDialogs | |
3 | @kzu/AutoCodeFix | Applies Roslyn code fixes automatically during build | |
3 | @edgardozoppi/call-graph-orleans | Distributed Call-Graph analysis for C# built using Roslyn and Orleans frameworks. | |
3 | @kzu/InformationSchema | Allows inspecting the standard INFORMATION_SCHEMA views on databases that support it, through Entity Framework Code First | |
3 | @lontivero/KeyPadawan | Tool for showing the pressed keys in the screen. | |
3 | @kzu/System.Diagnostics.T… | An improved API on top of System.Diagnostics | |
3 | @ejadib/QuickReplies | Sending Facebook’s Quick replies using Microsoft Bot Framework | |
2 | @nanotaboada/mono | Mono sample projects | |
2 | @ejadib/RCE-Transform-Manage… | IIS Transform Manager Task that takes an MMP Video Editor Project XML file (which includes the EDL) as input, and outputs a new encoded video that represents the MMP Video Editor edits | |
2 | @ealsur/loganalytics-extensi… | Azure Log Analytics Logger extension for ASP.NET Core | |
2 | @ealsur/auth0search | Azure Search implementation over Auth0 and Azure DocumentDB using ASP.NET Core | |
2 | @ealsur/mvpstreambot | BotFramework for MVP content | |
2 | @ealsur/CognitiveServicesTex… | .Net Core implementation of Microsoft Cognitive Services Text Analysis API | |
2 | @lontivero/fravegabot | A tiny chatbot for search products in fravega | |
2 | @edgardozoppi/analysis-explorer | Analysis.NET framework visualization tool | |
2 | @lontivero/PasswordManager | A solution for generating and remembering one millon passwords | |
2 | @kzu/SemanticGit | Automatic versioning based on SemVer-formated Git tags. | |
2 | @kzu/Gherkinator | Lightweight library for running unit tests described via Gherkin files. | |
2 | @lontivero/gcs | Golomb-coded set of filters for ClientSideFiltering Bitcoin light clients | |
2 | @kzu/NuGetStorage | Library for reading and monitoring the nuget packages folder and packages.config files. | |
2 | @redknightlois/arrayslice | ArraySlice allows to build shared memory array views without performance impact. It uses IL manipulation to achieve the fastest implementation. |
🌟 | Name | Description | 🌍 |
23 | @heyimjuani/html5timetracker | A simple Time Tracker for the browser, using localStorage | |
10 | @octaviovillegas/CursoIngresoJS | Curso de ingreso con JavaScript | |
7 | @ignacioricci/chateau-theme | Chateau WordPress Theme | |
6 | @CarlosManotas/star-wars-ng2 | Jugando con la Api de swapi y ng2 | |
4 | @heyimjuani/nav | ||
2 | @steffaru/tictactoe | Basic game tic tact toe | |
2 | @andresgalante/UPS | Unified Push Console new UI design | |
2 | @CarlosManotas/angular2-productos | ||
2 | @octaviovillegas/Flisol2018 | 14º Festival Latinoamericano de Instalación de Software Libre el 28 de abril 2018 | |
2 | @heyimjuani/css-nav | CSS only dropdowns and submenues | |
2 | @heyimjuani/minuta | A little something to take notes during meetings | |
2 | @ignacioricci/instant-fort |
🌟 | Name | Description | 🌍 |
44 | @pabloruiz55/AirdropCentral | An AirdropCentral where anyone can submit tokens to be distributed among users | |
16 | @relopezbriega/relopezbriega.github… | Personal Blog | |
9 | @impallari/The-Lobster-Font | The latest version of The Lobster Font | |
7 | @battaglr/naked | A minimal boilerplate for web apps | |
4 | @impallari/Dosis | Dosis Fonts | |
3 | @jlgasparrini/sistema-legislativo-… | Sistema legislativo digital - Concejo Deliberante - Río Cuarto, Córdoba, Argentina | |
3 | @impallari/DancingScript | Dancing Script fonts | |
3 | @battaglr/smlst | The smallest valid HTML5 document | |
3 | @battaglr/griss | Simple and modular grid system | |
2 | @matiaspunx/polymer-firebase | Mini app con Polymer 1.x y Firebase |
🌟 | Name | Description | 🌍 |
1171 | @andmarti1424/sc-im | SC-IM - Spreadsheet Calculator Improvised -- An ncurses spreadsheet program for terminal | |
144 | @ortegaalfredo/kscope | ||
123 | @fgont/ipv6toolkit | SI6 Networks' IPv6 Toolkit | |
29 | @martinribelotta/cortex-m-llvm | Cortex M3/M4 with LLVM toolkit | |
17 | @tecnicaturasutnfra/programacion_1_labor… | Material educativo de las materias Programación I y Laboratorio I | |
16 | @martinribelotta/elfloader | ARMv7M ELF loader | |
16 | @epernia/sAPI | ||
15 | @fgont/ipv6mon | UK CPNI's IPv6 Address Monitoring Daemon | |
13 | @uroboro/mach_portal | https://bugs.chromium.org/p/project-zero… | |
12 | @codeutnfra/programacion_1_labor… | Material educativo de las materias Programación I y Laboratorio I | |
12 | @ezequielgarcia/stk1160-standalone | stk1160 driver (aka easycap) | |
8 | @Fevax/android_device_k3gxx | Device repository for Samsung Galaxy S5 SM-G900H Exynos 5422 | |
8 | @martinribelotta/ChibiOS-JS | ChibiOS Javascript environment | |
8 | @uroboro/Hexdiff | CLI tool for viewing differences between two similar files | |
7 | @epernia/IDE4PLC-LPC17xx | A libre Programming Software for PLC comply with IEC 61131-3 | |
7 | @elopez/keybinder | Simple program to map keypresses to commands | |
6 | @nomius/ktsuss | ktsuss stands for "keep the su simple, stupid", and as the name says, is a graphical version (frontend) of su written in C and GTK+ 2. The idea of the project is to remain simple and bug free. | |
4 | @pridolfi/uPOSIX | A POSIX-like API for microcontrollers. | |
4 | @andmarti1424/survive | terminal survival game for terminal | |
3 | @martinribelotta/ciaa_lpcopen_bare | Bare Metal, LPCOpen projects for EDU-CIAA-NXP | |
3 | @ortegaalfredo/nfcread | ||
3 | @pcostesi/c-data-structures | Simple Data Structures | |
3 | @pcostesi/ctnetstring | An experimental C library to parse Tagged NetStrings (tnetstrings -- http://tnetstrings.org/) | |
3 | @rodralez/td3 | Archivos de la parte práctica de la cátedra de Técnicas Digitales III, Universidad Tecnológica Nacional, Facultad Regional Mendoza, Argentina. | |
3 | @pridolfi/workspace | Embedded software development workspace for some microcontrollers. | |
2 | @nomius/kwtools | Kwort tools is a set of scripts and applications used in Kwort, including package manager, user and network manager | |
2 | @ezequielgarcia/ginga.ar-diet | ||
2 | @ezequielgarcia/zeta-devel | All my devel stuff | |
2 | @epernia/cese-edu-ciaa-templa… | Plantilla de proyecto de EDU-CIAA-NXP para asignaturas de la CESE de UBA. | |
2 | @nomius/kpkg | kpkg is the binary Kwort package manager. It allows you to install, remove and download and upgrade packages. | |
2 | @nventuro/HC12Lib | A C library for Freescale's CodeWarrior containing interrupt-driven drivers for different peripherals of the MC9S12XDP512 microcontroller and some devices that use them. | |
2 | @electgpl/Firmware-Electronica | Repositorio de Firmware multiplataforma | |
2 | @Fevax/android_hardware_sam… | Hardware repository for exynos8890 | |
2 | @Fevax/exynos8890_stock | ||
2 | @Fevax/android_kernel_samsu… | ||
2 | @uroboro/ffs | Small text based file system | |
2 | @joseluisdiaz/tigerc | A tiger compiler in scala | |
2 | @pridolfi/cmsis_dap_cdc | CMSIS-DAP and CDC firmware for LPC11U35. | |
2 | @pridolfi/learning_make | Some basic examples showing how to use Makefiles :) | |
2 | @pcostesi/TP-PI-2010Q1 | Mirror del tp en google code |
🌟 | Name | Description | 🌍 |
351 | @ckaiser/Lightscreen | Screenshot tool. | |
168 | @dacap/clip | Cross-platform C++ library to copy/paste clipboard content | |
119 | @leozimmerman/ofxAudioAnalyzer | openFrameworks wrapper for Essentia. Audio analysis algorithms in real-time | |
97 | @lvklabs/QSsh | SSH and SFTP support for Qt. This project is based on Qt Creator's libQtcSsh.so | |
77 | @leozimmerman/ShadersLibrary | Collection of GLSL Shaders for OpenGL 3.2+ working with openFrameworks. | |
76 | @chparsons/ofxCamaraLucida | Kinect Projector System | |
35 | @lvklabs/chatbot | Chatbot is an open source platform to create Facebook and Gtalk/Gmail chatbots | |
32 | @dacap/vaca | An experimental Win32 wrapper for C++ to develop GUI programs | |
31 | @KrossX/Pokopom | Input Plugin for Emulators | |
15 | @dacap/observable | Observer pattern and signals/slots for C++11 projects | |
14 | @pablospe/MVCDemo | Mean-Value Cloning (original code provided by authors) | |
11 | @lvklabs/gaan | gaan is an Android NDK wrapper for the Google Analytics API | |
9 | @leozimmerman/Sonoscopio | Audio analysis and audio-based music information retrieval software tool | |
8 | @dacap/undo | C++ library to implement non-linear undo/redo functionality | |
7 | @Helios-vmg/cppred | A port of the original Pokémon Red/Blue for Gameboy to modern C++. | |
4 | @dacap/cpp-utils | C++ Utilities | |
4 | @K-ballo/ki | An experimental programming language (attempt) | |
4 | @pablospe/LipiTk | Lipi Toolkit (LipiTk) is an open source toolkit for online Handwriting Recognition (HWR), created by HP Labs India | |
4 | @lvklabs/sprite-animator-tool | A WYSIWYG 2D Sprite animation tool for cocos2d-x and cocos2d-iphone | |
3 | @armdz/recursionRect | Little OF example app to apply recursion image process to an image | |
3 | @armdz/ofxGDImageDownload | Little openFramework's addon to download images in Google Drive | |
3 | @cosimani/handpose-ra | Hand Pose Estimation for Markerless Interaction with Augmented Reality Applications | |
2 | @chparsons/ofxECS | [WIP] Entity Component System with features for configuration and parameters sync. Based on Artemis https://github.com/vinova/Artemis-Cpp | |
2 | @chparsons/ofxGPGPU | ||
2 | @Helios-vmg/Borderless | ||
2 | @K-ballo/packs | Efficient Packing | |
2 | @fern17/Kinect-Test | Compilation of test done with Microsoft's Kinect | |
2 | @fern17/geometriacomputacion… | Conjunto de algoritmos de la asignatura Geometría Computacional | |
2 | @dacap/format | Experimental C++11 type-safe sprintf like functionality | |
2 | @maanuel/Isle-of-Conquest | Here is what i have done with gyullo for Isle of Conquest, using some parts of Socolin's and Josh's patch. I also want to thanks to anothers TCDev for the help, like QAston, linencloth and Shauren. | |
2 | @dacap/handy | Handy text editor | |
2 | @dacap/defenderofnothing | Defender Of Nothing - A clon of Defender, but like an anti-videogame (my entry for SpeedHack 2007) | |
2 | @fern17/PDIfich |
🌟 | Name | Description | 🌍 |
32 | @Flare3D/engine | Flare3D Engine and core functionality. | |
22 | @Flare3D/labs | Flare3D experiments and non-fully tested code. | |
5 | @7interactivestudio/Genome2D-DragonBones… | A simple DragonBones extension for Genome2D with examples. | |
2 | @fpanettieri/mozzarella | Gaming Fondue's Mozzarella VG | |
2 | @fpanettieri/Push-The-Button | Codigo Fuente de 'Push The Button' |
🌟 | Name | Description | 🌍 |
35 | @code54/buildversion-plugin | A maven plugin that extracts current build information from git projects | |
6 | @ClojureBA/twit-bot | Skeleton project to build a Twitter bot in Clojure |
🌟 | Name | Description | 🌍 |
2 | @alfa256/noflo-irc | Irc components for noflo. |
🌟 | Name | Description | 🌍 |
202 | @albertito/chasquid | [mirror] SMTP (email) server | |
178 | @leonelquinteros/gotext | Go (Golang) GNU gettext utilities package | |
35 | @albertito/dnss | [mirror] DNS over HTTPS | |
33 | @nvellon/hal | A Golang implementation of HAL media type standard | |
18 | @jackgris/build-web-applicatio… | Esta es una traducción al español sobre un libro de desarrollo web con Go que esta bajo una licencia libre | |
16 | @dankomiocevic/mulifs | Music Library Filesystem creates a filesystem to organise your music files. | |
11 | @viniciusfeitosa/gotains | A module to verify the content of Slices and Arrays | |
11 | @jrizza/haveibeenpwned | Go package for https://haveibeenpwned.com API | |
11 | @diegohce/camerata | Simple and easy to use server orchestration set of tools made with love and Go. | |
10 | @cfsalguero/test_mongo_mock | Example of a test file that mocks MongoDB responses and uses Gorilla/mux as router | |
10 | @ljgago/MusicBot | A multi-server music bot for Discord built in Go | |
7 | @albertito/remoteu2f | [mirror] Use U2F for PAM remotely | |
7 | @viniciusfeitosa/MyFirstAppWithGo | ||
7 | @diegohce/nexer | Content based network multiplexer or redirector made with love and Go | |
5 | @leonelquinteros/gorand | Random data generation methods for Go | |
5 | @viniciusfeitosa/QConSP2016 | ||
4 | @gato/aofgrep | grep like tool for searching in aof (redis incremental backup file) | |
3 | @viniciusfeitosa/PalestraGo | ||
3 | @perrito666/goworkon | A humble attempt at getting the functionality of virtualenv for go. | |
3 | @leonelquinteros/thtml | Template HTML static site generator | |
3 | @viniciusfeitosa/mascon2018 | ||
3 | @pablanka/rtbroadcaster | Real time broadcaster, it broadcasts messages from one client to all connected clients. Golang based, using Gorilla websocket package (https://github.com/gorilla/websocket). | |
3 | @gato/aof | Go library to parse aof (redis append only files) | |
3 | @perrito666/goSQLMarshal | A go package that allows struct serialization into SQL statements. | |
2 | @KaiserAndres/pdf-cutter | A program to cut double paged PDF's into single paged PDF's | |
2 | @schmidtjohannes/social-media-data-mi… | go tool to harvest data from APIs of social media | |
2 | @go-loco/gr | Redis 3 Client for Go (Golang) | |
2 | @go-loco/restful | A Rest Client for Go (Golang) | |
2 | @js-arias/xgb | X Go Binding, a fork of the xgb package https://code.google.com/p/x-go-binding… | |
2 | @viniciusfeitosa/TalkRubyConf |
🌟 | Name | Description | 🌍 |
17 | @alvare/discogs2pg | Discogs to PostgreSQL importer | |
5 | @Svartskogen/Int.-A-Los-Algoritmo… | Repositorio de la materia "Introduccion a los Algoritmos" del primer año de la licenciatura en ciencias de la computacion de FAMAF, adjuntando los .pdf's de los practicos, asi como los codigos desarrollados | |
5 | @BsAsHaskell/workshop-1 | Introducción a Haskell práctico: Servidor REST en Scotty | |
4 | @alvare/tateti-tateti | Meta tic-tac-toe ncurses game. | |
3 | @alvare/dson-parsec | DSON parser in Haskell with Parsec. | |
3 | @juanbono/tapl-haskell | Implementacion de los lenguajes explicados en Types and Programming Languages | |
3 | @BsAsHaskell/imager3000 | Scrapping concurrently as a workshop. | |
2 | @miguelpagano/equ | Chequeador de demostraciones de lógica ecuacional | |
2 | @juanbono/parser-combinators | Aprendiendo a usar parser combinators. Implementaciones de cosas vistas en papers. Practicas. Etc | |
2 | @alvare/quickcheck-examples | ||
2 | @fmaste/hgraph | A Haskell graph library |
🌟 | Name | Description | 🌍 |
49 | @Positive07/material-love | Implementing parts of the material-design spec in LÖVE | |
26 | @Senscape/Asylum-Teaser | Decay surrounds you, dread around every corner. You feel imprisoned while traversing the endless hallways... Asylum is a chilling journey through the intricate floors of the Hanwell Mental Institute, in which unimaginable atrocities have occurred in the past. This horror adventure aims to marry cutting edge visuals with thrilling storytelling to give you the ultimate experience in fear. | |
12 | @malucooo/otxserver-new | ||
11 | @Positive07/cube | Cube is a library (and application) made for LÖVE to run .love files (SO META!) | |
10 | @CriztianiX/lapis-elasticsearch | Model support for elasticsearch | |
9 | @Positive07/obey | Execute Lua commands and tasks | |
4 | @Positive07/lfs-ffi.lua | LuaFileSystem-FFI is an implementation of LuaFileSystem functionality using LuaJIT FFI | |
4 | @SJElizalde/quick-asyncNet | Asynchronous paralell HTTP requests for Marmalade Quick. | |
4 | @Positive07/wonderland.lua | Tweening for lua with keyframes chaining | |
3 | @CriztianiX/luaws | lua bridge to aws-cli (a proof of concept) | |
3 | @CriztianiX/lapis-cache | Cache engines for lapis framework | |
2 | @ciber96/mtabg | Official MTA:BattleGrounds Gamemode Repository | |
2 | @CriztianiX/eluastica | Elasticsearch library for lua based on http://elastica.io/ | |
2 | @Positive07/Fruit | Fruit is a set of UI elements built for LÖVE using Middleclass | |
2 | @Positive07/lowerclass | Object Orientation for Lua with a Middleclass-like API | |
2 | @Positive07/luacheck-love | Generate LÖVE standard for Luacheck | |
2 | @Positive07/Risem | Antenna rotator system, designed an built as a highschool final project (Electronics, Software and Mechanics) | |
2 | @Positive07/Challenger | A text editor made with Lua and lots of LÖVE |
🌟 | Name | Description | 🌍 |
2 | @ferchaure/celestina | A graphical tool for the qualitative analysis of the merge operation in Wave_clus |
🌟 | Name | Description | 🌍 |
1080 | @Julioacarrettoni/UIImageView_FaceAwar… | This category applies Aspect Fill content mode to an image and if faces are detected it centers them instead of centering the image just by its geometrical center. | |
620 | @bubudrc/MPCoachMarks | MPCoachMarks is an iOS class that displays user coach marks with a couple of shapescutout over an existing UI. This approach leverages your actual UI as part of the onboarding process for your user. | |
230 | @Julioacarrettoni/EXPhotoViewer | A drop-in full screen photo viewer for iOS with zoom, SUPER easy to use, JUST ONE LINE OF CODE. It has the "zoom the rest of the app away effect" It works with any UIImageView, just laying around, in a table, in a cell in a custom made carousel, everywhere! Whats the "EX" for? it is for EXTRA AWESOME!!! | |
122 | @marianoabdala/ZRYWordPicker | Horizontal word picker, ideal as keyboard input accessory view. | |
60 | @marianoabdala/ZYActivity | Easier UIActivity inheritance. | |
42 | @iNinja/CCSpriteFloodFill | CCSprite subclass that implements flood fill algorithm | |
36 | @iNinja/CCTextField | cocos2d replacement for UITextField's text input | |
17 | @Julioacarrettoni/SpringyFlowLayoutExa… | Implementation of the SpringyFlowLayout as seen on the WWDC 2013 session 217 | |
13 | @marianoabdala/ZYInstapaperActivity | iOS UIActivity for reading later on Instapaper. | |
11 | @seqoy/jump | Jump | |
10 | @ElAleyo/MMReachabilityViewCo… | A UIViewController subclass that using the apple reachability show a 'missing internet connection' content automatically adjusting the content of the view owned by the controller | |
10 | @marianoabdala/ZRYAlertView | Stop abusing your UIAlertViews. | |
9 | @Julioacarrettoni/iOS-ImageManager | An objective-c (iOS SDK iPhone/iPad/iPod Touch) Library than manage the download and local cache storage of images with an easily extendable objects for special needs. Ideal for avatars or remote images. It automatically keeps the app footprint low and deletes old images to reduce hard drive usage. | |
9 | @mrojas/MRBarChart | A simple scrollable bar chart based on UICollectionView | |
9 | @marianoabdala/ZRYAsyncTestCase | Asynchronous unit testing for your Xcode apps. | |
9 | @Julioacarrettoni/DEVJACAutoBalancedLa… | Dead simple Objective-C UILabel subclass that balance text horizontally across several lines so all the lines have similar length and you don't end with a screen wide UILabel where the last line has only 1 word | |
8 | @volonbolon/Gestures | Sample application of UIGestureRecognizer APIs | |
7 | @mgoffan/AirHockey | An Air Hockey using cocos2d! | |
5 | @diegoreymendez/horizontalTableViewE… | Example of how to create and use a horizontal table view in iOS | |
5 | @Julioacarrettoni/peekMyApps | I was curious about all this "twitter is spying my apps" thing so I got my hands on what apparently is the scheme list used by twitter to scan you your device and wrote this very small app that list the apps it detects on your device in less than 1 hour, so you can expect ugly code. | |
5 | @volonbolon/Task-Completion | Demo of Task Completion API in iOS 4 | |
5 | @marianoabdala/CrashyApp | Demostration of a technique that allows the developer to provide help to the user in the case of a crash. | |
4 | @volonbolon/Regions | Demo App of some of the additions to Core Location | |
4 | @Julioacarrettoni/Dev_Jac-AnimatedImag… | Simple category to load animated image files into an UIImageView. This category supports GIF and APNGs (Animated PNG) | |
4 | @mrojas/MRTableViewTest | Table view test | |
3 | @volonbolon/Stacked-Animations | Simple demo of a stacked animation | |
3 | @mgoffan/ortEnglish | A game for english learners using cocos2d | |
3 | @Julioacarrettoni/iOS-performeSelector… | I explore the use of swizzleMethod in order to add a new "cancelPreviousPerformRequestsWithSelect… that only requires the selector as a parameter and it will cancel ALL of the performRequest no matter the target nor the arguments. In order words you don't need a pointer to the targets anymore. | |
3 | @volonbolon/Grand-Central-Dispat… | Grand Central Dispatch demo with iOS 4 | |
2 | @devcarlos/MyClockAlarm | MyClockAlarm is an iOS (iPhone and iPad) based clock alarm with retina display support | |
2 | @devcarlos/UIColor-HexUtils | UIColor Hex Utils Category | |
2 | @volonbolon/VBXcodeSummary | VBXcodeSummary | |
2 | @volonbolon/Directions | ||
2 | @mgoffan/MGNotification | A simple library to post notifications that adds handling with blocks. | |
2 | @mrojas/MRBarView | A single bar chart for iOS | |
2 | @mgoffan/AirHockey-Box2D | Airhockey using Box2D | |
2 | @andresinaka/ACExpandableDescript… | Custom title and expandable description view | |
2 | @Julioacarrettoni/Chain-Of-Delegates | This object is intended to fix the problem when you need several delegates from the same object or for when you want to "delegate" some delegate methods in one object and some on other. |
🌟 | Name | Description | 🌍 |
3 | @Hugmeir/utf8mess | ||
2 | @Hugmeir/p5-mariadb-nonblocki… | Attempt at using the MariaDB non-blocking API | |
2 | @darkstar76/jost | Script perl para proyecto usuario jost |
🌟 | Name | Description | 🌍 |
1166 | @neitanod/forceutf8 | PHP Class Encoding featuring popular Encoding::toUTF8() function --formerly known as forceUTF8()-- that fixes mixed encoded strings. | |
315 | @fedeisas/laravel-mail-css-inl… | Inline the CSS of your HTML emails using Laravel | |
209 | @dignajar/nibbleblog | Easy, fast and free CMS Blog. All you need is PHP to work. | |
126 | @mariano/disque-php | PHP library for Disque, an in-memory, distributed job queue | |
69 | @jeffochoa/factory-stories | Create model factory stories on Laravel 5.* | |
49 | @rtroncoso/Laravel-Context | Contextual Service Providers for Laravel | |
43 | @mariano/geocode | Geocode plugin for CakePHP | |
40 | @mariano/syrup | CakePHP Plugins, Behaviors, and other goodies! | |
33 | @MZAWeb/wp-log-in-browser | Allows you to log data from your PHP WordPress code to your browser's console. | |
28 | @alemohamad/ci-excel-reader | CodeIgniter library that reads XLS files and returns an array. | |
27 | @jeffochoa/voyager-bread-genera… | Create BREAD from the console using artisan | |
26 | @fastslack/jUpgrade | ||
24 | @jeffochoa/laravel-package-boil… | A simple boilerplate to create new laravel packages. | |
22 | @mariano/li3_doctrine2 | Lithium integration with Doctrine2 | |
19 | @jeffochoa/laravel-wordpress-cl… | A small client to request data from a wordpress project using the built-in JSON API | |
19 | @jeffochoa/validator-factory | Standalone library to use Illuminate\Validation package outside the Laravel framework. | |
16 | @fastslack/jUpgradePro | jUpgradePro an extension that help Joomla! users to migrate or move their data. | |
12 | @mariano/li3_gearman | Lithium integration with Gearman | |
11 | @barbanet/my-collabtive | Collabtive-CI is web-based project management software. This is a copy with custom modifications. | |
11 | @mariano/robot | Robot plugin for CakePHP | |
11 | @MZAWeb/bbpFauxData | Quick and dirty plugin to help you populate a bbPress instance with faux data to test performance | |
11 | @barbanet/magento-dc-translato… | Manage Locale packages from the Magento Admin without editing csv files. | |
10 | @MefhigosetH/vikeep | Vikeep. Keep viki.com videos, yours. | |
9 | @neitanod/backdav | Light and simple WebDAV backdoor to your PHP server | |
9 | @mariano/email | Email plugin for CakePHP | |
9 | @jeffochoa/amp-validator | AMP validation test | |
9 | @xmarcos/ElasticsearchService… | A Silex Service Provider for Elasticsearch | |
9 | @mariano/openid | CakePHP OpenID plugin | |
8 | @eridal/Cadenza | Cadenza is just Composer, but without the junk. | |
8 | @xmarcos/DotContainer | DotContainer enables deep array access using dot-notation. | |
7 | @eridal/prelude-database | A Database-Agnostic set of Abstractions built on top of PDO | |
7 | @mariano/slim-sample-app | Slim (3.* and later) sample app with a feeling of DDD | |
7 | @MZAWeb/business-hours-plugi… | This is a development version, and it's most likely broken. To get a stable version go to the WordPress plugin repo | |
6 | @fedeisas/laravel-dolar-blue | Laravel package to fetch latest USD conversion rate on Argentina's black market | |
6 | @andrezrv/wp-remote-markdown | Include contents in your WordPress posts and pages from a remote markdown-formatted file | |
6 | @dignajar/nibbleblog-markdown | Nibbleblog + Markdown | |
6 | @andrezrv/hide-this | This WordPress plugin provides a shortcode that lets you hide some parts of the content from your posts and pages. You can easily manage inclusions and exclusions for hidden content in three levels: absolute, groups and capabilities, and specific user. | |
6 | @dignajar/docker-nginx-php-fpm | Docker: Nginx + PHP-FPM | |
6 | @alemohamad/ci-google-authentica… | CodeIgniter library to create and verify Google Authenticator web service's secret codes. | |
5 | @barbanet/bender | ||
5 | @alemohamad/ci-steam-api | CodeIgniter library that connects with the Steam API. | |
5 | @Germanaz0/elgg_profiler | just an alpha review of something | |
5 | @Germanaz0/laravel-ckan-api | API Client for Ckan - Laravel 5 | |
5 | @barbanet/magento-dc-thumbr | Handle the Magento's images through the Thumbr.io CDN. | |
4 | @Germanaz0/argentina-backup | Backup tool | |
4 | @alemohamad/ci-excel | CodeIgniter helper for export custom Excel spreadsheets created in realtime. | |
4 | @alemohamad/ci-starter | A CodeIgniter project starter for new projects. | |
4 | @barbanet/magento-dc-slider | Simple slider manager for Magento compatible with RWD | |
4 | @andrezrv/agnosia-bootstrap-ca… | This WordPress plugin lets you use the [gallery] shortcode to show a Bootstrap Carousel. | |
4 | @soyFelixBarros/Sintoniza.la | 📻 Radios en vivo y notas. | |
3 | @barbanet/magento-dc-googletra… | Add Google Translate’s automatic translations to your store. | |
3 | @MZAWeb/capsule-create-gist | Allows you to export a Capsule entry to an anonymous Gist | |
3 | @fastslack/joomla-cli-tools | Collection of useful cli scripts for Joomla! Platform | |
3 | @carlosbelisario/juegos_con_clases | jueos con clases mientras sigo aprendiendo POO | |
3 | @alemohamad/ci-social-stats | CodeIgniter library for get URL shares in social networks (Twitter, Facebook, Google+, Pinterest, LinkedIn and StumbleUpon). | |
3 | @Germanaz0/santafe-checker | Checkea si hay concursos abiertos en la provincia | |
3 | @MZAWeb/bbpress-whos-online | Who's online widget for bbPress (work in progress) | |
3 | @MZAWeb/Retry | Don't give up just now! | |
3 | @barbanet/magento-dc-regions | Adds a Regions Manager to Magento. | |
3 | @fedeisas/CodeIgniter-2-i18n | CodeIgniter 2 Internationalization (i18n) Library | |
3 | @fastslack/matware-libraries | Matware Libraries for Joomla! | |
3 | @andrezrv/follet-core | A simple and reliable framework to create WordPress themes. | |
2 | @milardovich/snippets | This is a collection of code snippets written by me. | |
2 | @innerspirit/wordpress-plugin-sta… | A simple starter for building awesome WordPress plugins | |
2 | @lodeale/MyCart | Un simple carrito con CodeIgniter. | |
2 | @lodeale/Spam-Tools | Envio de correo masivo, depurador de lista y eliminación de duplicado. | |
2 | @andrezrv/agnosia | Agnosia Theme Framework for WordPress | |
2 | @jeffochoa/twitter-cli | Send tweets from the console | |
2 | @alemohamad/ci-google-analytics | CodeIgniter helper to track visits and events with Google Analytics. | |
2 | @fedeisas/anvard | Anvard fork from bitbucket atticmedia/anvard | |
2 | @eridal/prelude | A small preface for your masterpiece. | |
2 | @barbanet/magento-dc-featuredp… | Create an unlimited number of product groups and add those groups into cms pages using widgets. | |
2 | @barbanet/magento-dc-decidir | Integration between Magento and Decidir (payment gateway). | |
2 | @alemohamad/laravel-requirements… | Environment checklist for the Laravel framewrok. | |
2 | @barbanet/magento2-samplemodul… | Magento2 sample module | |
2 | @fastslack/websocket-example | WebSocket example using Joomla! Platform and CMS |
🌟 | Name | Description | 🌍 |
3527 | @rmax/scrapy-redis | Redis-based components for Scrapy. | |
1684 | @maurosoria/dirsearch | Web path scanner | |
832 | @nitely/Spirit | Spirit is a modern Python based forum built on top of Django framework | |
660 | @llazzaro/django-scheduler | A calendaring app for Django. | |
360 | @santiagobasulto/smartcsv | CSVs are awesome, yet they're pretty dumb. Let's get them smarter! | |
337 | @reingart/pyfpdf | Simple PDF generation for Python (FPDF PHP port) | |
283 | @mgaitan/waliki | A wiki engine powered by Django and Git | |
277 | @feliam/pysymemu | An intel 64 symbolic emulator | |
225 | @chinoogawa/fbht | Facebook Hacking Tool | |
216 | @mgaitan/sublime-rst-completi… | Restructured Text snippets and code completion hotkeys for Sublime Text 2 and 3 | |
203 | @pablocelayes/rsa-wiener-attack | A Python implementation of the Wiener attack on RSA public-key encryption scheme. | |
179 | @rafacarrascosa/samr | An entry to kaggle's 'Sentiment Analysis on Movie Reviews' competition | |
173 | @llazzaro/packyou | Import any python project from github easily | |
160 | @matagus/django-planet | 🌐 A django planet and feeds (RSS and ATOM) aggregator application for Django | |
146 | @jmg/crawley | Pythonic Crawling / Scraping Framework based on Non Blocking I/O operations. | |
126 | @codexgigassys/codex-backend | CodexGigas malware DNA profiling search engine discovers malware patterns and characteristics assisting individuals who are attracted in malware hunting. | |
120 | @reingart/pyafipws | Factura Electrónica AFIP y otros servicios web (proyecto software libre) — Interfases, tools and apps for Argentina's gov't. webservices (soap, com/dll simil-ocx, pdf, dbf, xml, json, etc.) #python | |
103 | @rmax/dirbot-mysql | Scrapy project based on dirbot to show how to use Twisted's adbapi to store the scraped data in MySQL. | |
100 | @llazzaro/analyzer | 💹 Python framework for real-time financial and backtesting trading strategies | |
91 | @chinoogawa/instaBrute | Instagram bruteforce exploit module | |
73 | @feliam/CVE-2014-4377 | ||
73 | @jmg/pyfb | A Python Interface for the Facebook Graph API | |
72 | @santiagobasulto/debug-inspector-pane… | A django-debug-toolbar panel to get information about certain variables. | |
66 | @nitely/python-react-v8 | ⭐ Render React.js views server-side | |
61 | @feliam/miniPDF | A python library for making PDF files in a very low level way. | |
61 | @mgaitan/preciosa | Inteligencia colectiva contra la inflación | |
56 | @rmax/scrapy-inline-reques… | A decorator to write coroutine-like spider callbacks. | |
54 | @jmg/data-layer-generator | A data layer generator for python domain objects | |
52 | @reingart/gui2py | Simple and powerful GUI framework for agile development | |
49 | @rmax/scrapy-boilerplate | Small set of utilities to simplify writing Scrapy spiders. | |
47 | @mgaitan/sphinxcontrib-mermai… | Mermaid diagrams in yours sphinx powered docs | |
45 | @nitely/django-infinite-scro… | 🌀 True infinite pagination using the seek method (keyset paging or offset-less pagination) | |
35 | @j0hn/guicavane | Graphical User Interface for Cuevana | |
32 | @fitoprincipe/geebap | Gee Bap - Best Available Pixel (BAP) composite in Google Earth Engine (GEE) using the Python API | |
28 | @rmax/databrewer | The missing datasets manager. Like hombrew but for datasets. CLI-tool for search and discover datasets! | |
27 | @santiagobasulto/party-parrot | Bring the party to your terminal | |
26 | @nitely/django-djconfig | 👀 Dynamic configuration made easy | |
21 | @nitely/ochDownloader | The One Click Hoster Downloader, built on top of Qt | |
21 | @feliam/CVE-2013-2729 | ||
21 | @reingart/pyfiscalprinter | Drivers for invoice/tickets fiscal printers (Epson & Hasar) Argentina - mirror of https://code.google.com/p/pyfiscalprinte… | |
21 | @reingart/rad2py | Rapid Aplication Development platform for python (mirror) | |
20 | @facundobatista/yaswfp | Yet Another SWF Parser | |
20 | @llazzaro/pystock | 💰 Stock Market Relational Model/Schema (SQLAlchemy) | |
20 | @rafacarrascosa/countminsketch | A minimalistic Count-min Sketch for Python | |
16 | @rmax/databrewer-recipes | DataBrewer Recipes Repository. | |
15 | @feliam/PyPMF | A small python module to manipulate Windows Internals Process Monitor PMF Filter files | |
15 | @lvm/django_nsa | An easy way for the NSA to see what's going on in our Django projects. | |
15 | @feliam/pysmtlib | A python layer to interface with several SMTLIBv2 enabled SMT solvers | |
15 | @malderete/django-jsonvalidator | A simple decorator that validates JSON data against a fixed schema | |
15 | @feliam/CVE-2014-4378 | ||
14 | @abenassi/xlseries | Python package to scrape time series data from only-human readable excel files. | |
14 | @nitely/django-hooks | ⚓ A modular plugin system for Django | |
14 | @humitos/obd2lib | OBD-2 library to read information from cars | |
14 | @nitely/emoji-unicode | 🤔 Replace unicode emojis in any text. Supports Unicode 10 | |
14 | @matagus/django-generic-links | Simple and generic application for Django projects to attach and handle links for any object | |
13 | @lvm/tida1vm | Another Tidal Docker container | |
13 | @humitos/flickr-bulk-uploader | Upload a lot of photos to flickr, avoiding duplicate files | |
12 | @ramiro/service.subtitles.su… | Subdivx.com subtitles download Add-on for Kodi/XBMC v13 Gotham or newer. | |
12 | @mgaitan/pymips | A pipelined MIPS processor implemented in Python | |
12 | @mgaitan/radiocut_downloader | Download contents from radiocut.fm | |
11 | @csrocha/odoo_fpoc | Fiscal Printer on the Cloud addon for Odoo | |
11 | @mgaitan/moin2git | Migrate a MoinMoin wiki as a Git repository | |
10 | @santiagobasulto/tpb-download | A python utility to download torrent files from The Pirate Bay. Repo for learning purposes. | |
10 | @nitely/python-signals | A thread-safe event/signal dispatcher | |
10 | @mgaitan/miau | Remix speeches for fun and profit | |
10 | @csrocha/odooenv | Odoo environment manager | |
9 | @llazzaro/analyzerdam | Data Access Model for analyzer | |
9 | @facundobatista/certg | A certificate generator, from a SVG to a lot of PDFs | |
9 | @jjo/src-juanjo | ~/src/juanjo misc stuff | |
9 | @llazzaro/analyzerstrategies | 💸 Analyzer Strategies | |
9 | @nitely/kua | ⚡ Lightning fast URL routing in Python (trie router) | |
8 | @matagus/django-rsscloud | An app to make your django blog rsscloud enabled | |
8 | @reingart/vb2py | Visual Basic to Python Converter (experimental fork) | |
8 | @reingart/py_efactura_uy | Factura Electronica para DGI (Uruguay) implementación en python | |
8 | @llazzaro/lsa_python | LSA implementation in python | |
8 | @facundobatista/recordium | ||
8 | @jmg/py2nsis | A Nsis installers generator for python projects | |
8 | @facundobatista/logassert | A simple Log Assertion mechanism for Python unittests | |
8 | @jmg/simple-web-browser | A Simple Fully Functional Web Browser implemented over Qt and QtWebKit. | |
7 | @matagus/django-lastfm-auth | Let users signin/signup into your website using their Last.fm account credentials. This app uses Last.fm Api 2.0 http://www.last.fm/api/ | |
7 | @matagus/django-haystack-algo… | An algolia.com backend for Django apps using on Haystack 2.x | |
7 | @mgaitan/tisu | your project's issue tracker, in a text file | |
6 | @jmg/django_deployment | Easy deploy for your django apps | |
6 | @feliam/ucrashcatcher | Mini crash catcher in pure python (no deps) | |
6 | @jjo/openstack-python-exa… | Openstack API python-lets examples | |
6 | @matagus/django-jamendo | A django pluggable app to store, browse and search jamendo.com data/api | |
6 | @jmg/PyMusic | A 100% Python Open Source Music Player! | |
5 | @malderete/python-ipinfodb | A python library to consume ipinfodb web services version 3 | |
5 | @abenassi/Zulip-Pinging-Bot | Zulip bot to ping participants in a conversation. | |
5 | @jmg/elixir | Elixir's git mirror from http://elixir.ematia.de/svn | |
5 | @feliam/CVE-2014-4481 | Apple CoreGraphics framework fails to validate the input when parsing CCITT group 3 encoded data resulting in a heap overflow condition. A small heap memory allocation can be overflowed with controlled data from the input resulting in arbitrary code execution in the context of Mobile Safari. | |
5 | @dlitvakb/md5collider | A Brute Force MD5 Hash Collider written in Python | |
5 | @humitos/turtle-confusion-es | Spanish translation of the book "Turtle Confusion" by Barry Newell | |
5 | @rmax/parsel-cli | Parsel Command Line Interface | |
5 | @curita/batoto-downloader | Scrapy spider to download manga series from Batoto | |
4 | @humitos/argentinaenpython.co… | Sitio web oficial del proyecto "Argentina en Python" | |
4 | @jjo/oxgate | OpenVPN XMPP gateway | |
4 | @feliam/ReaderSandboxExcepti… | A WinAppDbg script to dump all Adobe Reader Sandbox exceptions | |
4 | @reingart/pymotw3 | Fork of Doug Hellmann's Python Module of the Week https://bitbucket.org/dhellmann/pymotw-3… | |
4 | @jmg/scrabbly-cloud | scrabble online platform built on the top of scrabbly engine | |
4 | @santiagobasulto/django-tastypie-exam… | Example of a tastypie project. | |
4 | @santiagobasulto/slack.py | A simple command line tool to interact with Slack | |
4 | @rmax/dask-avro | Avro reader for Dask. | |
4 | @malderete/python-simple-gcm | A library to interact with Google Cloud Messaging (GCM) service | |
4 | @malderete/PyPlugin | A generic plugin library for python projects | |
4 | @nitely/spirit-heroku | Spirit one-click deploy to Heroku | |
4 | @llazzaro/acpype | A tool based in Python to use Antechamber to generate topologies for chemical compounds and to interface with others python applications like CCPN or ARIA. | |
4 | @codexgigassys/neokanji | ||
4 | @matagus/python-gbif | A simple and pythonic client for Gbif Taxon Webservice | |
4 | @reingart/pymotw | Python Module of the Week (Spanish Translation) | |
4 | @jmg/django_conventions | Django Convention Over Configuration Routing Plugin | |
3 | @jmg/scrabbly | Scrabble game engine implemented in pure python | |
3 | @mgaitan/discursos_cfk | Discursos de Cristina Fernández de Kirchner | |
3 | @santiagobasulto/djangoday.com.ar | Official website for djangoday Argentina 2012 | |
3 | @santiagobasulto/django-comments-util… | Util lib for making Django Comments framework development easier | |
3 | @santiagobasulto/mult.be | Multiple URL Shortener | |
3 | @mgaitan/h2dp | Hamster to dotProject logs sync tool | |
3 | @reingart/openerp_pyfiscalprin… | OpenERP module for Argentina's Fiscal Invoicing printers | |
3 | @jmg/erequests | Requests + Eventlet | |
3 | @reingart/openerp_pyafipws | OpenERP module for Argentina's Electronic Invoicing and related webservices | |
3 | @facundobatista/infoauth | A small but handy module and script to load/save tokens from/to disk | |
3 | @dlitvakb/horrible_dad_jokes_b… | An example of a Serverless Telegram bot - using Contentful as a Data store | |
3 | @mgaitan/one | one, the missing Python function | |
3 | @dlitvakb/charla_patterns | ||
3 | @rmax/cookiecutter-scrapyc… | A bare minimum Scrapy project template ready for Scrapinghub's Scrapy Cloud service. | |
3 | @jmg/pyTateti | A Classic 3-InLine game with an Invincible IA | |
3 | @santiagobasulto/flask-rest-toolkit | A set of tools to create simple Flask REST web services and APIs | |
3 | @llazzaro/jarvispatrick | Jarvis-Patrick Clustering that uses a nearest neighbor approach to clustering objects | |
2 | @csrocha/l10n_ar_fpoc_pos | Fiscal Printer on the Cloud for Argentina Localization. Addon to use with POS. | |
2 | @mgaitan/trestapas | A platform to analyze historical newspaper discourses | |
2 | @jmg/crawley3-toolbox | Crawley Toolbox for python3 | |
2 | @jmg/Tweet-Bot | A bot capable to randomly choose from a list and teewt periodically | |
2 | @rmax/dask-kafka | Dask-Kafka reader | |
2 | @abenassi/freight-transport-ne… | Python implementation of a bimodal (railway and roadway) freight transport network cost model. | |
2 | @mgaitan/hamster2jira | Post your Hamster logs into Jira | |
2 | @mgaitan/git-hooks | scripts to be used as git hooks | |
2 | @reingart/web2conf | Web2py / Python application for Conference Registration and Management. | |
2 | @nitely/regexy | 〰️ Linear time regex matching supporting streams and other goodies | |
2 | @jjo/mapreduce | mapreduce | |
2 | @jjscarafia/odoo-help | Odoo modules with help pages | |
2 | @dlitvakb/MOVEapp | An Experiment using MOVE concepts in a Flask application | |
2 | @j0hn/BMPy | Small python library to edit BMP files | |
2 | @csrocha/l10n_ar_fpoc | Fiscal Printer on Cloud for Odoo - Argentina Localization | |
2 | @nitely/django-app-defaults | ⚙️ Overridable default static settings for apps and projects | |
2 | @rafacarrascosa/quepy-presentation-m… | Slides, snippets and stuff useful to explain Quepy | |
2 | @humitos/blog | http://elblogdehumitos.com.ar/ | |
2 | @jmg/potion | Elixir-like declarative layer for sql-alchemy | |
2 | @llazzaro/django-pywars | A turn based tank game for Python bots | |
2 | @humitos/your-reminder | Schedule some tweets to be post for you | |
2 | @feliam/rcfast | This is supposed to be used after a crash is found via a trivial bitflipping fuzzing session. This expects a normal not crashing control file and a mutated same sized crashing file. It will try to reduce the mutations on the crashing file checking that the resultant file still crashes on the configured application. | |
2 | @llazzaro/pyquant | Automatically exported from code.google.com/p/pyquant | |
2 | @llazzaro/chem-fingerprints | Automatically exported from code.google.com/p/chem-fingerprints | |
2 | @santiagobasulto/huikau | Micro ad-server for AppEngine |
🌟 | Name | Description | 🌍 |
41 | @mcpasin/web-analytics-dashbo… | This is a simple Web Analytics Dashboard created with R and Shiny package. Visualizations are interactive and make use of Google Charts. | |
33 | @mcpasin/PlayingGoogleAnalyti… | Packing a couple of inspiring Google Analytics visualizations within a R Shiny Dashboard | |
26 | @eliocamp/metR | Tools for Easier Analysis of Meteorological Fields | |
21 | @saraswatmks/Machine-Learning-in-… | This repository contains my ML scripts in R | |
19 | @jcrodriguez1989/shinyParallel | Run Shiny applications in a multi-session mode. | |
14 | @mcpasin/schedule-Rmarkdown-r… | Automate an R markdown report and email it as an attached document (with the Windows task scheduler) | |
7 | @eliocamp/ggperiodic | Easy ploting of periodic data with ggplot2 | |
7 | @jcrodriguez1989/shinyWYSIWYG | Shiny What You See Is What You Get (WYSIWYG) editor | |
4 | @ptdrow/Rtrava | Library for the Strava API v3 in R | |
2 | @mcpasin/For-Loops-to-Automat… | Some examples on how to incorporate for loops in predictive models and analyse quickly large datasets | |
2 | @mcpasin/Query-Multiple-Googl… | How to Query Multiple Google Analytics View IDs using the RGoogleAnalytics package |
🌟 | Name | Description | 🌍 |
5055 | @norman/friendly_id | FriendlyId is the “Swiss Army bulldozer” of slugging and permalink plugins for ActiveRecord. It allows you to create pretty URL’s and work with human-friendly strings as if they were numeric ids for ActiveRecord models. | |
2626 | @deivid-rodriguez/byebug | Debugging in Ruby 2 | |
1366 | @deivid-rodriguez/pry-byebug | Step-by-step debugging and stack navigation in Pry | |
371 | @norman/babosa | A library for creating slugs. Babosa is an extraction and improvement of the string code from FriendlyId, intended to help developers create similar libraries or plugins. | |
329 | @nsanta/fbgraph | Facebook Open Graph API in Ruby | |
313 | @lucasefe/themes_for_rails | Theme Support for Rails 3 | [:arrow_upper_right:](This very same page :)) |
260 | @patriciomacadden/hobbit | A minimalistic microframework built on top of Rack. | |
253 | @norman/disqus | A Ruby library for the Disqus commenting API and Javascript widgets. | |
146 | @djanowski/cutest | Isolated tests in Ruby. | |
132 | @inkel/fallen | A simpler way to create Ruby fallen ængels, better known as dæmons | |
117 | @norman/haml-scaffold | Rails scaffold generator that outputs Haml and better functional tests. | |
72 | @norman/squirm_rails | Easily use and manage Postgres stored procedures with Active Record. | |
59 | @djanowski/batch | Iterate over Enumerables with progress reporting. | |
51 | @norman/friendly_id-globaliz… | Globalize support for FriendlyId | |
51 | @djanowski/pygmentize | A Ruby gem that vendors Pygments | |
50 | @asterite/crystal | The Crystal programming language | |
47 | @robertodecurnex/rack-jsonp-middlewar… | A Rack JSONP middleware | |
43 | @inkel/haproxy-ruby | Ruby gem for interfacing with HAProxy | |
43 | @tute/refactoring-workshop | Refactoring Workshop | |
43 | @norman/ambry | Ambry is a database and ORM replacement for (mostly) static models and small datasets. It provides ActiveModel compatibility, and flexible searching and storage. | |
34 | @waj/redmine_google_apps | Redmine plugin to use Google Apps users | |
31 | @djanowski/tele | ||
30 | @djanowski/mock-server | ||
29 | @tonchis/fat | Ruby C extension where dig meets fetch. | |
28 | @tonchis/hatch | An address without a street? A person without a name? You don't need no invalid objects! | |
27 | @nsanta/fbgraph_example | Rails 3 app example, using fbgraph gem | |
26 | @asterite/cukecooker | Write cucumber scenarios with aid | |
26 | @djanowski/dependencies | Specify your project's dependencies in a single place. | |
23 | @gramos/panthro | The idea is to speed up the gem command caching gem and spec files. Rubygems proxy cache Is a rack app that cache static files into a local machine, where is runing. Is does not cache /api calls. | |
23 | @deivid-rodriguez/nipanipa | New home https://gitlab.com/deivid-rodriguez/nipa… | |
22 | @asterite/rgviz-rails | Google Visualization API Query Language for Ruby on Rails | |
21 | @inkel/ruster | Control your Redis Cluster from the command line | |
21 | @lucasefe/gn | gn is the simplest file generator you could ever find. | |
19 | @norman/squirm | A library that simplifies working with Postgres stored procedures. | |
18 | @norman/has_image | A lightweight and hackable library for attaching images to ActiveRecord models. | |
18 | @djanowski/collage | Rack middleware that packages your JS into a single file. | |
18 | @munshkr/freeling-analyzer-ru… | Ruby wrapper for FreeLing's analyzer tool | |
17 | @patriciomacadden/hobbit-contrib | Contributed Hobbit extensions. | |
16 | @djanowski/replete | ||
15 | @djanowski/joe | Release your gems, no pain involved. | |
15 | @inkel/disyuntor | Simple Circuit Breaker pattern in Ruby | |
15 | @gramos/dayset | Generate a set of any number of days of a month | |
15 | @norman/phonenumber | Allows parsing and formatting of phone numbers | |
12 | @djanowski/google_services | Rails plugin that provides simple integration with Google services like Analytics, Webmaster Tools, etc. | |
12 | @norman/enc | Notes and slides from my Encodings talk at RubyConf Brasil 2010 | |
12 | @asterite/rgviz | Google Visualization API Query Language for Ruby | |
11 | @norman/spanish | Linguistic utilities for working with Spanish words. | |
11 | @gramos/rails21-book-es | Traducción al español del libro "Ruby on Rails 2.1 Waht's new?" | |
11 | @inkel/spdy-examples | SPDY Ruby server examples | |
11 | @djanowski/havanna | Ruby workers for Disque. | |
11 | @djanowski/twisque | A Buffer clone using Ruby and Disque, deployed to Heroku for free. | |
10 | @norman/nearby | Quick and easy geocoding using Geonames.org data and TokyoCabinet. | |
10 | @patriciomacadden/fogata | Fogata is an open source group chat. Basically, Fogata is an open source Campfire clone. | |
10 | @apillet/flonkerton | Gosu toys for the bored rubyist. | |
10 | @miloops/share-this | Simple plugin to share pages with most popular social sites. | |
10 | @mgarciap/cf-auto-scaling | Stupid simple scripts for automaticaly scale applications hosted in Cloudfoundry | |
9 | @munshkr/easing-ruby | A Ruby implementation of the well-known Robert Penner's easing functions | |
8 | @djanowski/helm | A command line interface to interact with project management tools. | |
8 | @pasku/kata-roar | The solution that we show in our workshop at http://conferencia2013.agile-spain.org. | |
8 | @patriciomacadden/sat | Sinatra Application Template. | |
8 | @patriciomacadden/hat | Hobbit Application Template | |
7 | @robertodecurnex/vigenere | Vigenère Cipher ruby implementation | |
7 | @djanowski/layout | Enable Rails to handle layouts programatically | |
7 | @djanowski/redis-pool | A Redis connection pool on top of redis-rb. | |
7 | @djanowski/redic-pool | A Redis connection pool using Redic. | |
7 | @norman/friendly_id_manual_s… | A Rails 3 app showing how to manually control FriendlyId slugs | |
7 | @djanowski/ost-bin | ost(1) | |
7 | @norman/nt54 | Argentine phone number parsing, validating, formatting and meta-info | |
7 | @patriciomacadden/oktobertest | Small test library. | |
6 | @munshkr/georuby-pip | GeoRuby extension for asking whether a given point lies inside a polygon | |
6 | @patriciomacadden/ment | (environ)ment adds methods for asking what's the value of ENV['RACK_ENV']. | |
6 | @norman/base-site-generator | The current base layout and helpers I'm using to scaffold quick projects. Feel free to use if and as you wish. | |
6 | @patriciomacadden/icd | International Classification of Diseases (ICD) | |
6 | @patriciomacadden/microbenchmarks | Benchmarking microframeworks. [DEPRECATED] See luislavena/bench-micro | |
6 | @gramos/imagetooth | This library allows to generate images of teeth for odontograms with tooth faces painted | |
6 | @munshkr/layout-analysis | Document layout analysis tools | |
6 | @spalladino/bivo | Bivo | |
5 | @munshkr/sinatra-mobile-adsen… | Sinatra extension that provides a helper for showing Google Adsense for Mobile. | |
5 | @djanowski/cacho | A careless caching client optimized for scraping. | |
5 | @tonchis/assert-send | Easy message expectation for tests in Ruby. | |
5 | @djanowski/cpa | A CLI tool to query Argentinean zip codes. | |
5 | @tonchis/fat-rb | Ruby implementation of the Fat gem | |
5 | @norman/fatalistic | Table locking for Active Record | |
5 | @nubis/crypto_arbitrer | Convenience methods for calculating arbitrage fees related to cryptocurrencies | |
5 | @djanowski/sequel-fusiontables | Fusion Tables adapter for Sequel | |
5 | @djanowski/dolarhoy | ||
4 | @norman/squirm_model | Model API for Squirm | |
4 | @gramos/robbie | Capistrano tasks. They include convenience methods for managed a database, mongrel, nginx, monit or other services. | |
4 | @djanowski/redis-scripted | A Ruby client that supports the experimental scripting feature of Redis. | |
4 | @nubis/has_duration | Rails plugin to validate and serialize ActiveSupport::Duration objects in your models. | |
4 | @norman/micro_factory | Minimal factories for Active Record. | |
4 | @patriciomacadden/time_sugar | Syntactic sugar for handling time. If you are familiar with Active Support, but you don't want to add the whole library for just handling time, time_sugar may be helpful. | |
4 | @inkel/andale | Ándale: a simple SPDY framework | |
4 | @djanowski/rails_basic_helpers | A Ruby on Rails plugin providing some super simple helpers. | |
4 | @patriciomacadden/isco | International Standard Classification of Occupations. A browsable database of ISCO 08. | |
4 | @norman/utf8_utils | Utilities for cleaning up UTF8 strings. | |
4 | @patriciomacadden/miniconfig | Minimalistic configuration files for your projects. | |
4 | @joelibaceta/live-coding-circle | Live Coding Tool, a project for developers circle hackathon | |
4 | @asterite/geochat-rails | My try to implement geochat-core in rails :-P | |
3 | @robertodecurnex/the-trend-factory | A Pakyow Sample Application | |
3 | @patriciomacadden/ser | Lightweight foreman alternative | |
3 | @patriciomacadden/nice_generators | Nice generators for rails 3. | |
3 | @djanowski/snippets | Include snippets of content in your Rails views and let the client take it from there. | |
3 | @tonchis/assert-url | Semantical helpers to test your URLs in Ruby | |
3 | @robertodecurnex/caesar | Caesar Cipher ruby implementation | |
3 | @robertodecurnex/spectro | Specs driven social meta-programming | |
3 | @munshkr/lug | Small Ruby logger for debugging libraries and applications | |
3 | @mgarciap/iot-sensor-simulator | ||
3 | @tute/parrot | Simple commenting Rails Engine. Adds commentable behavior to any model easily. | |
3 | @inkel/redic-cluster | Redis Cluster support for Redic | |
3 | @miloops/random-key | Plugin to generate a unique random key in a table using ActiveRecord models. | |
3 | @miloops/s3sync | Amazon S3 sync tools. This repo intention is to have it working on Ruby 1.9. | |
3 | @patriciomacadden/goqr | QR codes for ruby/rails using goqr.me API | |
3 | @djanowski/validate_options | Validate your options hash. | |
3 | @hdf1986/diabolic-chat | As if the Dark Lord had programmed Slack 🍉 | |
3 | @hdf1986/angelhack | Winning project of AngelHack BA 2016 | |
3 | @lucasefe/heroku-prompt | This plugins adds a command to the heroku cli, so you can run other command always with the same global options. | |
3 | @spacecowb0y/Grooveshark-Status-A… | Update your Adium/iChat status with the current song on Grooveshark. Only Mac OS X + Grooveshark VIP Users! | |
2 | @patriciomacadden/sinatra-verbose | Sinatra verbose logging extension | |
2 | @norman/gem_init | My Ruby Gem initialization biolerplate | |
2 | @munshkr/trenes-ba | Estadísticas sobre el servicio de trenes Mitre / Sarmiento | |
2 | @munshkr/supervisor-capistran… | Supervisor integration for Capistrano | |
2 | @gramos/video-streaming-blue… | An app demo using bluemix and ustream. | |
2 | @norman/phonology | Phonology utilities for Ruby | |
2 | @robertodecurnex/supercarrier | Deploying Heroku apps 24/7 | |
2 | @robertodecurnex/rack-json_stringify | This Rack middleware takes any JSON response and format all the values (but null) to string whenever the proper header value is set. | |
2 | @lucasefe/trekky | ||
2 | @miloops/ai | Search Procedures | |
2 | @nsanta/tire_library-ruby | TireLibrary API client in Ruby | |
2 | @norman/hash_formatter | Hash Formatter is a library that formats Ruby hashes for code editors. | |
2 | @nsanta/gplus | google plus api wrapper | |
2 | @patriciomacadden/bootstrap-generators | Rails generators for twitter/bootstrap goodness | |
2 | @tute/dotfiles | My dotfiles, on top of https://github.com/thoughtbot/dotfiles. | |
2 | @patriciomacadden/weegoo | weegoo is a location-aware social network. | |
2 | @apillet/cutest-report | Beautiful reports for Cutest. | |
2 | @patriciomacadden/simple_gravatar | Add gravatars to your ruby project as simple as possible. | |
2 | @matipan/odin_book | Build a Facebook clone - Final project of the Rails course - The Odin Project | |
2 | @patriciomacadden/lazy_form | Forms for the rest of us, the lazy. | |
2 | @djanowski/ft | Low-level interface to Fusion Tables + CLI tool | |
2 | @gramos/cf-vagrant-installer | Vagrant installer for cloudfoundry ng | |
2 | @djanowski/selenium-rc | ||
2 | @ncuesta/vh | Virtual Hosts Manager CLI tool. | |
2 | @alfredormz/lmki | Minimalist timer inside the command-line terminal for macOS | |
2 | @djanowski/tti | Ruby (and Rails) text to image generation. | |
2 | @djanowski/par | ||
2 | @inkel/haproxy-mobile-front… | Mobile frontend to HAProxy statistics |
🌟 | Name | Description | 🌍 |
162 | @pablosmedina/ckite | CKite - A JVM implementation of the Raft distributed consensus algorithm written in Scala | |
49 | @gvolpe/fs2-rabbit | RabbitMQ stream-based client built on top of Fs2 | |
35 | @gvolpe/light-play-rest-api | This project aims to be the reference to create a Light Weight REST API using Play Framework 2.4.x. | |
33 | @gvolpe/typelevel-stack.g8 | Unofficial Giter8 template for the Typelevel Stack (Http4s / Doobie / Circe / Cats Effect / Fs2) based on Cats v1.x.x | |
29 | @gvolpe/fs2-redis | Redis stream-based client built on top of Fs2, Cats Effect and Lettuce | |
22 | @gvolpe/advanced-http4s | Code samples of advanced features of Http4s in combination with some features of Fs2 not often seen. | |
15 | @gvolpe/http4s-tracer | End to end tracing system for Http4s | |
15 | @gvolpe/akka-cluster-demo | Testing the Akka 2.4 feature "akka.cluster.sharding.remember-entities… | |
13 | @gvolpe/social-graph-api | Authentication & Social Graph API built on top of Redis, Neo4J and Play! | |
13 | @gvolpe/console4cats | Effect-type agnostic Console I/O for Cats Effect | |
9 | @gvolpe/hll-algorithm-sample | HLL Algorithm and Web Scraping sample | |
9 | @gvolpe/akka-stream-full-pro… | Complete project using Akka Stream with Error Handling and ~100% Test Coverage | |
8 | @gvolpe/typed-actors-demo | Simple demo using Typed Actors by @knutwalker | |
8 | @gvolpe/simple-http4s-api | Just a simple API using "http4s" and Json support on top of Play Json and Circe | |
8 | @gvolpe/cats-functional-data… | Functional Data Validation in Scala using the Cats library | |
5 | @gvolpe/users-api-test | Basic Users API including Authentication using Http4s v0.18 and Cats Effect v0.5 | |
4 | @pablosmedina/kvstore | KVStore - Sample application using CKite | |
4 | @readren/akkaHttp-angular2-ty… | Identical to "play-angular2-typescript" but uses akka-http instead of play. | |
3 | @gvolpe/http4s-crud-demo | CRUD operations and Error Handling using Http4s | |
3 | @gvolpe/advanced-scala-exerc… | Solved exercises of the Advanced Scala with Scalaz book by Noel Welsh and Dave Gurnell | |
3 | @gvolpe/pricer-streams-demo | Scalaz Streams demo project | |
3 | @gvolpe/social-network | Social Network example Twitter-alike (followers / following) implemented on top of Titan Db | |
2 | @pmincz/spray-slick-api-exam… | Rest API example in Scala with Spray and Slick | |
2 | @gvolpe/play-oauth-silhouett… | Example using OAuth with Play! Framework and Silhouette | |
2 | @gvolpe/functional-chain-of-… | Functional Chain of Responsibility pattern | |
2 | @gvolpe/dependent-types | Personal notes taken from the course ThCS. Introduction to programming with dependent types in Scala. | |
2 | @gvolpe/pricer-fs2-demo | Demo project using FS2 (Functional Streams for Scala) | |
2 | @gvolpe/simple-file-reader-a… | Simple file reader using Akka actors in Scala | |
2 | @lalloni/sutil | A set of scala language general utilities not found in other libraries. | |
2 | @gvolpe/logger-writer-monad | Pure functional log of transactions using the Scalaz Writer Monad. | |
2 | @lukiano/monadasync | Clone of | |
2 | @gvolpe/free-as-a-monad | Running 2 or more algebras with Coproduct and Inject when using the Free Monad | |
2 | @lukiano/rxspray | Consume Twitter Streams using Spray-Client and map them to a RxJava observable | |
2 | @gvolpe/play-cors-filter | Play! Framework API with CORS Filter | |
2 | @gvolpe/coursera-reactive-pr… | Curso online de programación reactiva https://www.coursera.org/course/reactive |
🌟 | Name | Description | 🌍 |
32 | @damianmr/heroku-node-settings | Prevent your Heroku Dyno from killing your Node app because of high memory consumption | |
27 | @osiris/org-bash-utils | Mirror of https://gitlab.com/osiux/org-bash-utils | |
27 | @djgera/archiso | Project from Arch Linux + my working branchs | |
16 | @farfanoide/yat.sh | Yat.sh --- Simple tmux sessions management. | |
10 | @zokeber/docker-postgresql | PostgreSQL Dockerfile on CentOS 7 | |
6 | @azimut/daily-pic | daily wallpaper downloader | |
3 | @osiris/mails2dot | Mirror of https://gitlab.com/osiux/mails2dot/ | |
3 | @osiris/git-bash-utils | Mirror of https://gitlab.com/osiux/git-bash-utils | |
2 | @azimut/wakeupneo | ||
2 | @farfanoide/dotfiles | ||
2 | @x11tete11x/dropbox-plasma-dark-… | Dropbox icons for Plasma 5 Dark Panels | |
2 | @vando/docker-saltstack | Installs SaltStack 2015.8.3 (Alpine:3.3) | |
2 | @zokeber/docker-iredmail | iRedMail Dockerfile in CentOS 7 | |
2 | @osiris/aps2dot | Mirror of https://gitlab.com/osiux/aps2dot | |
2 | @zokeber/docker-pfn | Docker PFN : PHP + PHP-FPM + NGINX compiled from the sources | |
2 | @cig0/blockets | i3blocks blockets | |
2 | @3manuek/query_review_helper | Gather important information from a MySQL database before a query review. |
🌟 | Name | Description | 🌍 |
4539 | @marcosgriselli/ViewAnimator | ViewAnimator brings your UI to life with just one line | |
865 | @marcosgriselli/EasyTransitions | A simple way to create custom interactive UIViewController transitions | |
858 | @marcosgriselli/Sizes | View your app on different device and font sizes | |
485 | @fmo91/PluggableApplication… | Smallest AppDelegate ever by using a decoupled-services based architecture. 🛠 | |
436 | @marcosgriselli/SwipeableTabBarContr… | UITabBarController with swipe interaction between its tabs. | |
45 | @fmo91/MapKitGoogleStyler | Customize iOS MapKit using Google JSON styles | |
44 | @guidomb/Portal | A (potentially) cross-platform, unidirectional data flow framework to build applications using a declarative and immutable UI API. | |
43 | @marcosgriselli/AppStoreSearch | An example implementation of the iOS 11 App Store Search tab | |
26 | @fmo91/Microfutures | Lightweight implementation of Futures that shares a similar subscription interface with RxSwift. | |
24 | @gchiacchio/AlamoImage | Image downloading with Alamofire | |
15 | @guidomb/PortalView | A (potentially) cross-platform, declarative and immutable Swift library for building user interfaces | |
14 | @fmo91/Conn | Minimal yet modular networking layer for Swift. | |
8 | @fmo91/DequeuableRegistrabl… | Safe and convenient registering and dequeuing of UITableViewCells and UICollectionViewCells without using strings. | |
8 | @f0go/OpenMailbox | E-mail Client | |
8 | @gchiacchio/AlamoArgo | Alamofire extensions to parse JSON objects with Argo | |
5 | @fmo91/FOTask | Object oriented Swift tasks microframework with concurrency and composition 🎉 | |
3 | @fmo91/Facemoji | Sample app that replaces faces in photos with emojis. | |
3 | @f0go/NavBarSections | ||
3 | @Fedenieto90/iOS-Geofence | Geofence : How to implement virtual boundaries in the real world using Swift? | |
2 | @nameghino/Upcoming | Shows upcoming movies from the TMDB api | |
2 | @AdrianFerreyra/FunctionalSwiftNSCon… | Material adicional sobre temas de Functional Swift de mi charla en NSConfArg 2015. | |
2 | @guidomb/voices | An open source Twitter client | |
2 | @georgealegre/UNCmorfi | Non official iOS app for keeping track of users' balance, menu of the week and servings left from the UNC Comedor. | |
2 | @lucascortes/NeonFilters | Example iOS app written in Swift, using ARM NEON assembly to do image processing | |
2 | @guidomb/StateModeling | An example of using ReactiveCocoa and state machines. |
🌟 | Name | Description | 🌍 |
2 | @manumena/aed3-summary | A summary of Algorithims and Data Structures III |
🌟 | Name | Description | 🌍 |
20 | @saaguero/dotvim | My cross-platform vimrc | |
9 | @saaguero/vim-textobj-pastedte… | A convenient text object for last pasted text |
There are few ways to get help:
- Please post questions on Stack Overflow. You can open issues with questions, as long you add a link to your Stack Overflow question.
- For bug reports and feature requests, open issues. 🐛
- For direct and quick help, you can use Codementor. 🚀
Have an idea? Found a bug? See how to contribute.
I open-source almost everything I can, and I try to reply to everyone needing help using these projects. Obviously, this takes time. You can integrate and use these projects in your applications for free! You can even change the source code and redistribute (even resell it).
However, if you get some profit from this or just want to encourage me to continue creating stuff, there are few ways you can do it:
Starring and sharing the projects you like 🚀
—I love books! I will remember you after years if you buy me one. 😁 📖
—You can make one-time donations via PayPal. I'll probably buy a
coffeetea. 🍵 -
—Set up a recurring monthly donation and you will get interesting news about what I'm doing (things that I don't share with everyone).
Bitcoin—You can send me bitcoins at this address (or scanning the code below):
Thanks! ❤️