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Merge pull request #384 from Inxton/383-ixc-should-export-also-the-nu…
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PTKu authored Feb 14, 2025
2 parents 94e8947 + a69e3d1 commit 83a7f45
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Showing 7 changed files with 390 additions and 41 deletions.
196 changes: 196 additions & 0 deletions scripts/_change_state.ps1
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,196 @@
param (
[bool]$doNotCheckOldColumnName = 0,
[string]$repoOwner = "Inxton",
[string]$repoName = "axsharp",
[string]$projectName = "simatic-ax"

gh issue list --assignee "@me" --state "open"
$issues = gh issue list --state "open" --assignee "@me" --json number,title | ConvertFrom-Json
$issueIDs = $issues | ForEach-Object { $_.number }
if (-not $IssueId)
$IssueId = Read-Host "Please enter an ID value of the issue"

# Fetch project IDs using GraphQL
$projectIds = gh api graphql -f query='
query($repoOwner: String!, $repoName: String!) {
repository(owner: $repoOwner, name: $repoName) {
projectsV2(first: 10) {
nodes {
}' -f repoOwner=$repoOwner -F repoName=$repoName

$projectId = ($projectIds | ConvertFrom-Json).data.repository.projectsV2.nodes | Where-Object { $_.title -eq $projectName } | Select-Object -ExpandProperty id

$projectOptions = gh api graphql -f query='
query($projectId: ID!) {
node(id: $projectId) {
... on ProjectV2 {
fields(first: 20) {
nodes {
... on ProjectV2SingleSelectField {
options {
}' -f projectId=$projectId | ConvertFrom-Json

$projectColumns = $ | Where-Object { $ -eq 'Status'}
$projectColumnId =$
if(-not $projectColumnId)
Write-Output "Error: No 'Status' field defined in project ID $projectId (name: $projectName)."
exit 1

$oldColumn = $projectColumns.options | Where-Object { $ -eq $oldColumnName}
if (-not $oldColumn) {
Write-Output "Error: No state '$oldColumnName' defined in project ID $projectId (name: $projectName)."
exit 1
$oldColumnId = $

$newColumn = $projectColumns.options | Where-Object { $ -eq $newColumnName}
if (-not $newColumn) {
Write-Output "Error: No state '$newColumnName' defined in project ID $projectId (name: $projectName)."
exit 1
$newColumnId = $

Write-Output "Fetching all items from project: $projectId (name: $projectName)."
# Initialize variables
$hasNextPage = $true
$endCursor = $null
$allItems = @()
$pageNumber = 1
$itemsCount = 0

# Loop through pages
while ($hasNextPage) {
Write-Output "Fetching a page #$pageNumber of items..."
# Execute GraphQL query with pagination
$result = gh api graphql -f query='
query($projectId: ID!, $cursor: String) {
node(id: $projectId) {
... on ProjectV2 {
items(first: 100, after: $cursor) {
nodes {
fieldValues(first: 10) {
... on ProjectV2ItemFieldSingleSelectValue {
field {
... on ProjectV2FieldCommon {
content {
... on Issue {
pageInfo {
}' -F projectId=$projectId -F cursor=$endCursor -F fieldId=$projectColumnId | ConvertFrom-Json

# Append fetched items to $allItems
$allItems += $
$pageNumber = $pageNumber + 1
$itemsCount = $itemsCount + $allItems.Count
# Update pagination variables
$endCursor = $
$hasNextPage = $
Write-Output "Fetched #$itemsCount items..."

# Output all items
Write-Output "Fetched all items: #$itemsCount"

Write-Output "Fetching project cards for issue #$IssueId in the '$oldColumnName' column"
# Find the card associated with the issue
$issueCard = $allItems | Where-Object { $_.content.number -eq $IssueId }
if (-not $issueCard) {
Write-Output "Error: No project card found for issue #$IssueId in project ID $projectId (name: $projectName)."
exit 1

# Discover the 'Status' field value
$fieldValues = $issueCard.fieldValues.nodes
$issueCardHasStatusField = 0
$issueCardIsInOldColumnName = ""
foreach ($fieldValue in $fieldValues )
if ($ -eq "Status")
$issueCardHasStatusField = 1
$issueCardIsInOldColumnName = $

if ($issueCardHasStatusField -eq 0)
Write-Output "Warning: The issue #$IssueId in project ID $projectId (name: $projectName) does not have a defined 'Status' value. Proceeding without 'Status' verification."

if ($issueCardIsInOldColumnName -ne $oldColumnName)
if($doNotCheckOldColumnName -eq 0)
Write-Output "Error: The issue #$IssueId in project ID $projectId (name: $projectName) cannot be moved from '$oldColumnName' to '$newColumnName' as it is in '$issueCardIsInOldColumnName'."
exit 1
Write-Output "Moving issue #$IssueId to '$newColumnName' in project ID $projectId (name: $projectName)."
Write-Output "Moving issue #$IssueId from '$oldColumnName' to '$newColumnName' in project ID $projectId (name: $projectName)."

$cardId = $

# Move the issue card to $newColumnName
gh api graphql -f query='
mutation($projectId: ID!, $cardId: ID!, $projectColumnId: ID!, $newColumnId: String!) {
input: {
projectId: $projectId
itemId: $cardId
fieldId: $projectColumnId
value: {
singleSelectOptionId: $newColumnId
) {
projectV2Item {
}' -F projectId=$projectId -F cardId=$cardId -F projectColumnId=$projectColumnId -F newColumnId=$newColumnId
81 changes: 52 additions & 29 deletions scripts/_create_issue_branch.ps1
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,5 +1,22 @@
param (
[int]$IssueId )
[int]$IssueId ,
[bool]$doNotCheckOldColumnName = 0

# Get the current script directory
$scriptDir = Split-Path -Path $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Definition -Parent
# Construct the full path to _is_on_dev_nothing_to_commit.ps1
$_is_on_dev_nothing_to_commit = Join-Path -Path $scriptDir -ChildPath "_is_on_dev_nothing_to_commit.ps1"

# Call _is_on_dev_nothing_to_commit.ps1
$is_on_dev_nothing_to_commit = & $_is_on_dev_nothing_to_commit
if(-not $is_on_dev_nothing_to_commit)
Write-Host "You are not currently on the 'dev' branch, or you have some uncommited changes " -ForegroundColor Red
Write-Host "Commit your local changes, sync your local 'dev' branch with the remote and start this script again." -ForegroundColor Red
exit 1

gh issue list --assignee "@me" --state "open"
$issues = gh issue list --state "open" --assignee "@me" --json number,title | ConvertFrom-Json
Expand All @@ -16,42 +33,48 @@ if ([int]::TryParse($IssueId, [ref]$null))
# Check if any of the open issue IDs assigned to @me is equal to entered value
if ($issueIDs -contains [int]$IssueId)
# Get selected issue id and issue title
# Get selected issue id ,issue title and issue label
$selectedIssue = $issues | Where-Object { $_.number -eq [int]$IssueId }
$selectedIssueNumber = $selectedIssue.number
$selectedIssueTitle = $selectedIssue.title
# Checkout dev
Write-Output "Checkout to dev"
git checkout dev
$currentLabels = $selectedIssue.labels | ForEach-Object { $ }
# Create branch for the selected issue
Write-Output "Creating branch for the issue number: '$selectedIssueNumber', title: '$selectedIssueTitle'"
gh issue develop $IssueId --base dev --checkout
$currentBranch = git branch --show-current
if($currentBranch -eq "dev")
if ($currentBranch -match "^(\d+)-")
# Get remote changes, if any
git pull
# Create branch for the selected issue
Write-Output "Creating branch for the issue number: '$selectedIssueNumber', title: '$selectedIssueTitle'"
gh issue develop $IssueId --base dev --checkout
# Add all changes
git add .
# Commit all changes
git commit --allow-empty -m "Create draft PR for #$selectedIssueNumber"
# Write changes to remote
Write-Output "Pushing the branch to remote"
git push -u origin $(git branch --show-current)
# Create draft PR
Write-Output "Creating a draft pull request into 'dev'"
gh pr create --base dev --head $(git branch --show-current) --title "$selectedIssueTitle" --body "closes #$selectedIssueNumber" --draft
# Sync
git push
Write-Output "Sync local and remote branches"
git pull origin $(git branch --show-current)
git push
} else
$currentBranchIssueId = $matches[1]
$currentBranchIssueId = $null
if(-not $currentBranchIssueId -or $currentBranchIssueId -ne $IssueId)
Write-Output "Unable to checkout to dev"
Write-Output "Commit your local changes, sync your local 'dev' branch with th remote and start this script again."
Write-Host "Unable to create the new brach for an issue: $IssueId" -ForegroundColor Red
exit 1
Write-Host "Branch '$currentBranch' for the issue number: '$selectedIssueNumber', title: '$selectedIssueTitle' has been succesfully created." -ForegroundColor Green
# Add all changes
git add .
# Commit all changes
git commit --allow-empty -m "Create draft PR for #$selectedIssueNumber"
# Write changes to remote
Write-Output "Pushing the branch to remote"
git push -u origin $currentBranch
# Create draft PR
Write-Output "Creating a draft pull request into 'dev'"
gh pr create --base dev --head $currentBranch --title "$selectedIssueTitle" --body "closes #$selectedIssueNumber" --draft
# Sync
git push
Write-Output "Sync local and remote branches"
git pull origin $currentBranch
git push
# Construct the full path to _change_stateScriptPath.ps1
$_change_stateScriptPath = Join-Path -Path $scriptDir -ChildPath "_change_state.ps1"
# Call _change_state.ps1 with the parameters IssueId, oldColumnName, newColumnName,doNotCheckOldColumnName, repoOwner, repoName, projectName
& $_change_stateScriptPath -IssueId $issueID -oldColumnName "Ready" -newColumnName "In progress" -doNotCheckOldColumnName $doNotCheckOldColumnName -repoOwner "Inxton" -repoName "axsharp" -projectName "simatic-ax"
else {
Write-Output "Error: The issue ID '$IssueId' does not exist in the list of open issues."
Expand Down
27 changes: 27 additions & 0 deletions scripts/_is_on_dev_nothing_to_commit.ps1
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
$currentBranch = git branch --show-current
if($currentBranch -ne "dev")
Write-Output "You are not currently on the 'dev' branch."
Write-Host "You are not currently on the 'dev' branch, but $currentBranch " -ForegroundColor Red
return $false
Write-Host "You are currently on the 'dev' branch" -ForegroundColor Green
$isClean =$false
$status = git status
foreach ($statusLine in $status )
if ($statusLine -eq "nothing to commit, working tree clean")
$isClean = $true
Write-Host "Nothing to commit, working tree clean" -ForegroundColor Green
if(-not $isClean)
Write-Host "You have some uncommited changes on the 'dev' branch" -ForegroundColor Red
return $isClean
7 changes: 5 additions & 2 deletions scripts/commit_and_ready_for_review.ps1
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -6,11 +6,14 @@ else
$commitMessage = $args[0]
# Get the current script directory
$scriptDir = Split-Path -Path $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Definition -Parent
$parentDir = Resolve-Path -Path "$scriptDir\.."
# without this probably just the content of the script folder is added to the commit
cd $parentDir
git add .
git commit -m "$commitMessage"
git push
# Get the current script directory
$scriptDir = Split-Path -Path $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Definition -Parent
# Construct the full path to ready_for_review.ps1
$ready_for_reviewScriptPath = Join-Path -Path $scriptDir -ChildPath "ready_for_review.ps1"
& $ready_for_reviewScriptPath
31 changes: 25 additions & 6 deletions scripts/create_new_issue.ps1
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,11 +1,30 @@

if (-not $IssueTitle)
$IssueTitle = Read-Host "Please enter an issue title."
if (-not $IssueBody)
$IssueBody = Read-Host "Please enter an issue body."

if (-not $IssueTitle)
Write-Output "Issue title cannot be an empty string!"
exit 1
if (-not $IssueBody)
$IssueBody = " "

$issue = gh issue create --assignee "@me" --title "$IssueTitle" --body "$IssueBody" --project simatic-ax

if ($issue -match ".*/(\d+)$") {
Expand All @@ -14,11 +33,11 @@ if ($issue -match ".*/(\d+)$") {
# Get the current script directory
$scriptDir = Split-Path -Path $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Definition -Parent

# Construct the full path to SecondScript.ps1
$create_issue_branchScriptPath = Join-Path -Path $scriptDir -ChildPath "_create_issue_branch.ps1"
# Construct the full path to _create_issue_branch.ps1
$_create_issue_branchScriptPath = Join-Path -Path $scriptDir -ChildPath "_create_issue_branch.ps1"

# Call create_issue_branch.ps1 with the parameter IssueId
& $create_issue_branchScriptPath -IssueId $issueID
# Call _create_issue_branch.ps1 with the parameter IssueId and doNotCheckOldColumnName
& $_create_issue_branchScriptPath -IssueId $issueID -doNotCheckOldColumnName $True
} else {
Write-Output "No numeric ID found for this issue."
Expand Down

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