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Permalink -> create-release.hs
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fraser-iohk committed Jul 18, 2023
1 parent 4a834d2 commit c88d233
Showing 1 changed file with 265 additions and 0 deletions.
265 changes: 265 additions & 0 deletions scripts/release/create-release.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,265 @@
#!/usr/bin/env cabal
{- project:
with-compiler: ghc-9.4
{- cabal:
turtle ^>=1.6.0,
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wall -Wextra #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GHC2021 #-}
{-# LANGUAGE BlockArguments, LambdaCase, OverloadedStrings, ScopedTypeVariables #-}

import Commonmark
import Control.Monad
import Data.Map (Map)
import Data.Monoid (First(..))
import Data.Semigroup (Max(..))
import Data.Version
import System.FilePath
import Turtle hiding (fp, d, o)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.Text as Text
import qualified Data.Text.IO as Text
import qualified Control.Foldl as Foldl

main :: IO ()
main = sh do

(isDryRun, skipGit) <- options "Create releases for ouroboros-consensus packages" $
(,) <$> switch "dry-run" 'd' "Make no changes"
<*> switch "skip-git" 's' "Skip creating a new release branch or commits for these changes"

-- Determine how breaking the sum of the changes in each package is
packageChangeSeverities <- reduce collectSeverities do

(packageName, dependencies) <- select packages

maxMaybe <- reduce Foldl.maximum do
fragment <- findChangelogFragments packageName
findChangeSeverity fragment

pure (packageName, maxMaybe, dependencies)

packageVersions <- reduce do
(packageName, maybeSeverity) <- select $ Map.toList packageChangeSeverities

case maybeSeverity of
Nothing -> do
liftIO do
putStrLn $ "No changes need to be made for package " <> packageName <> "!"
Just severity -> do
currentPackageVersion <- findCurrentPackageVersion packageName
let nextPackageVersion = calculateNextPackageVersion severity currentPackageVersion

pure (packageName, (currentPackageVersion, nextPackageVersion))

void $ liftIO $ flip Map.traverseWithKey packageVersions $ \package (current, next) -> do
putStrLn $ package <> ": " <> showVersion current <> " -> " <> showVersion next

unless isDryRun do
unless skipGit do
createGitBranch packageVersions

(packageName, (current, next)) <- select $ Map.toList packageVersions

if isDryRun
liftIO do
putStrLn $ "This is a dry run, so no changes will be made for " <> packageName
else do
updateCabalFile packageName current next packageVersions
runScrivCollect packageName next
unless skipGit do
createGitCommit packageName next

-- | Pairs of packages with a list of their dependencies. We use the
-- dependencies to calculate which version changes should require a version
-- bump in a package's dependencies as well.
-- BEWARE! This list should always be ordered such that any given package's
-- dependencies are located BEFORE that package in the list!
packages :: [(FilePath, [FilePath])]
packages =
[ ("ouroboros-consensus", [])
, ("ouroboros-consensus-diffusion", ["ouroboros-consensus"])
, ("ouroboros-consensus-protocol", ["ouroboros-consensus"])
, ("ouroboros-consensus-cardano", ["ouroboros-consensus", "ouroboros-consensus-protocol"])

findChangelogFragments :: FilePath -> Shell FilePath
findChangelogFragments pkg = do
changeLogEntry <- ls $ pkg </> "changelog.d"
guard $ takeExtension changeLogEntry == ".md"
pure changeLogEntry

-- | Find a package's version by parsing its cabal file (only by searching for
-- the "version:" field, not by invoking the cabal library itself)
findCurrentPackageVersion :: FilePath -> Shell Version
findCurrentPackageVersion packageName = do
maybeFirstMatch <- reduce (Foldl.foldMap (First . Just) getFirst) do
line <- input $ packageName </> packageName <.> "cabal"
case match versionLinePattern (lineToText line) of
[] -> mzero
version : _ -> pure version
case maybeFirstMatch of
Nothing -> do
liftIO $ putStrLn $
"Couldn't parse a version number from package " <> packageName <> "!"
Just version -> pure version

calculateNextPackageVersion :: ChangeSeverity -> Version -> Version
calculateNextPackageVersion c (Version branch tags) = do
let incrementIndex :: Int -> [Int] -> [Int]
incrementIndex 0 (h : t) = succ h : (0 <$ t)
incrementIndex n [] = 0 : incrementIndex (pred n) []
incrementIndex n (h : t) = h : incrementIndex (pred n) t
ix = case c of
Breaking -> 1
NonBreaking -> 2
Patch -> 3
Version (incrementIndex ix branch) tags

versionLinePattern :: Pattern Version
versionLinePattern =
"version:" *> spaces *> (Version <$> decimal `sepBy1` "." <*> pure mempty)

data ChangeSeverity
= Patch
| NonBreaking
| Breaking
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Bounded)

findChangeSeverity :: FilePath -> Shell ChangeSeverity
findChangeSeverity frag = do
contents <- liftIO $ Text.readFile frag
case commonmark frag contents of
Left markdownError -> do
liftIO $ putStrLn $ "Failed to parse markdown file " <> frag <> ":"
error $ show markdownError
Right (Headings Nothing) ->
error $ "Couldn't find any change severity headers in " <> frag <> ", exiting!"
Right (Headings (Just (Max sev))) -> pure sev

collectSeverities :: Fold (FilePath, Maybe ChangeSeverity, [FilePath]) (Map FilePath (Maybe ChangeSeverity))
collectSeverities = Foldl.Fold insert mempty id
insert :: Map FilePath (Maybe ChangeSeverity)
-> (FilePath, Maybe ChangeSeverity, [FilePath])
-> Map FilePath (Maybe ChangeSeverity)
insert m (pkg, sev, deps) = do
-- If a package is unchanged, but its dependencies have breaking changes,
-- we should consider that package to also have breaking changes
let dependenciesChanges = map (\dep -> join (Map.lookup dep m)) deps
maxChangeSeverity =
fmap getMax $
foldMap (fmap Max) (sev : dependenciesChanges)
Map.insert pkg maxChangeSeverity m

createGitBranch :: Map FilePath (Version, Version) -> Shell ()
createGitBranch versions = do
let branchName = Text.intercalate "/" ("release" : Map.foldMapWithKey (\p (_, v) -> pure (packageNameWithVersion p v)) versions)

procs "git" ["branch", branchName] mempty

inDirectory :: MonadIO m => FilePath -> m a -> m a
inDirectory targetDir act = do
restoreDir <- pwd
cd targetDir
res <- act
cd restoreDir
pure res

updateCabalFile :: FilePath
-> Version -- ^ The current version of the package
-> Version -- ^ The next version of the package
-> Map FilePath (Version, Version)
-> Shell ()
updateCabalFile package current next dependenciesVersions = do
inplace (updateVersion <|> updateDependencies) (package </> package <.> "cabal")
versionText = Text.pack . showVersion
updateVersion =
replaceIfContains "version:" (versionText current) (versionText next)
updateDependencies = do
Map.foldlWithKey (\pat pkg (i, o) -> replaceIfContains (fromString pkg) (versionText i) (versionText o) <|> pat) empty dependenciesVersions

replaceIfContains :: Pattern Text -> Text -> Text -> Pattern Text
replaceIfContains t i o = do
contains $
t <> chars <> (text i *> pure o)

runScrivCollect :: MonadIO m => FilePath -> Version -> m ()
runScrivCollect fp v = do
inDirectory fp do
procs "scriv" ["collect", "--version", Text.pack (showVersion v)] mempty

createGitCommit :: FilePath -> Version -> Shell ()
createGitCommit package next = do
let commitString =
"release " <> packageNameWithVersion package next
liftIO $ putStrLn $ "Creating git commit: " <> show commitString
procs "git" ["commit", "-am", commitString] mempty

packageNameWithVersion :: FilePath -> Version -> Text
packageNameWithVersion package v = Text.pack $
package <> "-" <> showVersion v

-- The following newtypes and instances are only used to pick out the headings
-- in the parsed Markdown files and can be safely ignored unless you care about
-- the internals of `findChangeSeverity`

newtype HeadingText = HeadingText Text
deriving (Show, Read, Eq, Ord, Semigroup, Monoid)

instance Rangeable HeadingText where
ranged _ = id

instance HasAttributes HeadingText where
addAttributes _ = id

instance IsInline HeadingText where
lineBreak = HeadingText "\n"
softBreak = HeadingText "\n"
str = HeadingText
entity = HeadingText
escapedChar = mempty
emph = id
strong = id
link _dest txt _desc = HeadingText txt
image = mempty
code = HeadingText
rawInline = mempty

newtype Headings = Headings (Maybe (Max ChangeSeverity))
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Semigroup, Monoid)

instance Rangeable Headings where
ranged _ = id

instance HasAttributes Headings where
addAttributes _ = id

instance IsBlock HeadingText Headings where
heading _lvl (HeadingText txt) =
case txt of
"Patch" -> Headings (Just (Max Patch))
"Non-Breaking" -> Headings (Just (Max NonBreaking))
"Breaking" -> Headings (Just (Max Breaking))
_ -> mempty
paragraph = mempty
plain = mempty
thematicBreak = mempty
blockQuote = mempty
codeBlock = mempty
rawBlock = mempty
referenceLinkDefinition = mempty
list = mempty

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