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Add shutdown/restart capabilities to the peer simulator
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tek committed Apr 26, 2024
1 parent d994eb3 commit 664722d
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Showing 7 changed files with 630 additions and 147 deletions.
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -244,6 +244,7 @@ test-suite consensus-test
Expand Down
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -18,12 +18,11 @@ module Test.Consensus.Genesis.Tests.Uniform (

import Cardano.Slotting.Slot (SlotNo (SlotNo), WithOrigin (..))
import Control.Monad (replicateM)
import Control.Monad.Class.MonadTime.SI (DiffTime, Time (Time),
import Control.Monad.Class.MonadTime.SI (Time, addTime)
import Data.List (intercalate, sort)
import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NE
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
import Data.Maybe (catMaybes, fromMaybe, mapMaybe)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe, mapMaybe)
import Data.Word (Word64)
import GHC.Stack (HasCallStack)
import Ouroboros.Consensus.Block.Abstract (WithOrigin (NotOrigin))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -70,7 +69,13 @@ tests =
adjustQuickCheckTests (`div` 10) $
testProperty "serve adversarial branches" prop_serveAdversarialBranches,
adjustQuickCheckTests (`div` 100) $
testProperty "the LoE stalls the chain, but the immutable tip is honest" prop_loeStalling
testProperty "the LoE stalls the chain, but the immutable tip is honest" prop_loeStalling,
adjustQuickCheckTests (`div` 100) $
-- This is a crude way of ensuring that we don't get chains with more than 100 blocks,
-- because this test writes the immutable chain to disk and `instance Binary TestBlock`
-- chokes on long chains.
adjustQuickCheckMaxSize (const 10) $
testProperty "the node is shut down and restarted after some time" prop_downtime

theProperty ::
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -204,22 +209,9 @@ prop_leashingAttackStalling =
-- timeouts to disconnect adversaries.
genLeashingSchedule :: GenesisTest TestBlock () -> QC.Gen (PeersSchedule TestBlock)
genLeashingSchedule genesisTest = do
Peers honest advs0 <- genUniformSchedulePoints genesisTest
let peerCount = 1 + length advs0
extendedHonest =
duplicateLastPoint (endingDelay peerCount genesisTest) <$> honest
Peers honest advs0 <- ensureScheduleDuration genesisTest <$> genUniformSchedulePoints genesisTest
advs <- mapM (mapM dropRandomPoints) advs0
pure $ Peers extendedHonest advs

endingDelay peerCount gt =
let cst = gtChainSyncTimeouts gt
bft = gtBlockFetchTimeouts gt
in 1 + fromIntegral peerCount * maximum (0 : catMaybes
[ canAwaitTimeout cst
, intersectTimeout cst
, busyTimeout bft
, streamingTimeout bft
pure $ Peers honest advs

disableBoringTimeouts gt =
gt { gtChainSyncTimeouts = (gtChainSyncTimeouts gt)
Expand All @@ -242,13 +234,6 @@ prop_leashingAttackStalling =
let (ys, zs) = splitAt i xs
in ys ++ dropElemsAt (drop 1 zs) is

:: DiffTime -> [(Time, SchedulePoint TestBlock)] -> [(Time, SchedulePoint TestBlock)]
duplicateLastPoint d [] = [(Time d, ScheduleTipPoint Origin)]
duplicateLastPoint d xs =
let (t, p) = last xs
in xs ++ [(addTime d t, p)]

-- | Test that the leashing attacks do not delay the immutable tip after. The
-- immutable tip needs to be advanced enough when the honest peer has offered
-- all of its ticks.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -393,3 +378,20 @@ prop_loeStalling =
allTips = simpleHash . AF.headHash <$> (btTrunk : suffixes)

suffixes = btbSuffix <$> btBranches

-- | This test sets 'scDowntime', which instructs the scheduler to shut all components down whenever a tick's duration
-- is greater than 11 seconds, and restarts it while only preserving the immutable DB after advancing the time.
-- This ensures that a user may shut down their machine while syncing without additional vulnerabilities.
prop_downtime :: Property
prop_downtime = forAllGenesisTest

(genChains (QC.choose (1, 4)) `enrichedWith` \ gt ->
ensureScheduleDuration gt <$> stToGen (uniformPointsWithDowntime (gtSecurityParam gt) (gtBlockTree gt)))

{scEnableLoE = True, scEnableLoP = True, scDowntime = Just 11})


Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,220 @@
{-# LANGUAGE DisambiguateRecordFields #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}

module Test.Consensus.PeerSimulator.NodeLifecycle (
LiveInterval (..)
, LiveIntervalResult (..)
, LiveNode (..)
, LiveResources (..)
, NodeLifecycle (..)
, lifecycleStart
, lifecycleStop
, restoreNode
) where

import Control.Tracer (Tracer (..), traceWith)
import Data.Functor (void)
import Data.Set (Set)
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Ouroboros.Consensus.Block
import Ouroboros.Consensus.Config (TopLevelConfig (..))
import Ouroboros.Consensus.Storage.ChainDB.API
import qualified Ouroboros.Consensus.Storage.ChainDB.API as ChainDB
import qualified Ouroboros.Consensus.Storage.ChainDB.Impl as ChainDB
import Ouroboros.Consensus.Storage.ChainDB.Impl.Args (cdbsLoE,
import Ouroboros.Consensus.Util.IOLike
import Ouroboros.Consensus.Util.ResourceRegistry
import Ouroboros.Network.AnchoredFragment (AnchoredFragment)
import qualified Ouroboros.Network.AnchoredFragment as AF
import qualified System.FS.Sim.MockFS as MockFS
import System.FS.Sim.MockFS (MockFS)
import Test.Consensus.PeerSimulator.Resources
import Test.Consensus.PeerSimulator.StateView
import Test.Consensus.PeerSimulator.Trace
import Test.Consensus.PointSchedule.Peers (PeerId)
import Test.Util.ChainDB
import Test.Util.Orphans.IOLike ()
import Test.Util.TestBlock (TestBlock, testInitExtLedger)

-- | Resources used for a single live interval of the node, constructed when the
-- node is started.
-- When the node is shut down, 'lnCopyToImmDb' is used to persist the current
-- chain.
data LiveNode blk m = LiveNode {
lnChainDb :: ChainDB m blk
, lnStateViewTracers :: StateViewTracers blk m
, lnStateTracer :: Tracer m ()

-- | Write persistent ChainDB state (the immutable and volatile DBs, but not
-- the ledger and GSM state) to the VFS TVars to preserve it for the next
-- interval.
-- Returns the immutable tip's slot for tracing.
, lnCopyToImmDb :: m (WithOrigin SlotNo)

-- | The set of peers that should be started.
-- Based on the simulation results at node shutdown, disconnected peers are
-- removed for the next live interval.
, lnPeers :: Set PeerId

-- | Result of a node shutdown at the end of a live interval.
data LiveIntervalResult blk = LiveIntervalResult {
-- | Used to initialize the 'StateViewTracers' of the next run to preserve
-- earlier disconnections for the final result.
lirPeerResults :: [PeerSimulatorResult blk]

-- | The remaining peers, computed by removing all peers present in
-- 'lrPeerResults' from the current state in 'lnPeers'.
, lirActive :: Set PeerId

-- | Resources used by the handlers 'lifecycleStart' and 'lifecycleStop' to
-- shut down running components, construct tracers used for single intervals,
-- and reset and persist state.
data LiveResources blk m = LiveResources {
lrRegistry :: ResourceRegistry m
, lrPeerSim :: PeerSimulatorResources m blk
, lrTracer :: Tracer m (TraceEvent blk)
, lrSTracer :: ChainDB m blk -> m (Tracer m ())
, lrConfig :: TopLevelConfig blk

-- | The chain DB state consists of several transient parts and the
-- immutable DB's virtual file system.
-- After 'lnCopyToImmDb' was executed, the latter will contain the final
-- state of an interval.
-- The rest is reset when the chain DB is recreated.
, lrCdb :: NodeDBs (StrictTVar m MockFS)

-- | The LoE fragment must be reset for each live interval.
, lrLoEVar :: LoE (StrictTVar m (AnchoredFragment (Header blk)))

data LiveInterval blk m = LiveInterval {
liResources :: LiveResources blk m
, liResult :: LiveIntervalResult blk
, liNode :: LiveNode blk m

-- | Handlers for starting the node and shutting it down for each live interval,
-- using the state of the previous run.
data NodeLifecycle blk m = NodeLifecycle {
-- | The minimum tick duration that triggers a node downtime.
-- If this is 'Nothing', downtimes are disabled.
nlMinDuration :: Maybe DiffTime

-- | Start the node with prior state.
-- For the first start, this must be called with an empty 'lirPeerResults'
-- and the initial set of all peers in 'lirActive'.
, nlStart :: LiveIntervalResult blk -> m (LiveNode blk m)
, nlShutdown :: LiveNode blk m -> m (LiveIntervalResult blk)

-- | Create a ChainDB and start a BlockRunner that operate on the peers'
-- candidate fragments.
mkChainDb ::
IOLike m =>
LiveResources TestBlock m ->
m (ChainDB m TestBlock, m (WithOrigin SlotNo))
mkChainDb resources = do
atomically $ do
-- Reset only the non-persisted state of the ChainDB's file system mocks:
-- - GSM state and Ledger DB are discarded
-- - Immutable DB and Volatile DB are preserved for the next interval
modifyTVar (nodeDBsGsm lrCdb) (const MockFS.empty)
modifyTVar (nodeDBsLgr lrCdb) (const MockFS.empty)
chainDbArgs <- do
let args = updateTracer
(Tracer (traceWith lrTracer . TraceChainDBEvent))
(fromMinimalChainDbArgs MinimalChainDbArgs {
mcdbTopLevelConfig = lrConfig
, mcdbChunkInfo = mkTestChunkInfo lrConfig
, mcdbInitLedger = testInitExtLedger
, mcdbRegistry = lrRegistry
, mcdbNodeDBs = lrCdb
pure $ args { ChainDB.cdbsArgs = (ChainDB.cdbsArgs args) {
cdbsLoE = readTVarIO <$> lrLoEVar
} }
(_, (chainDB, internal)) <- allocate
(\_ -> ChainDB.openDBInternal chainDbArgs False)
(ChainDB.closeDB . fst)
let ChainDB.Internal {intCopyToImmutableDB, intAddBlockRunner} = internal
void $ forkLinkedThread lrRegistry "AddBlockRunner" (void intAddBlockRunner)
pure (chainDB, intCopyToImmutableDB)
LiveResources {lrRegistry, lrTracer, lrConfig, lrCdb, lrLoEVar} = resources

-- | Allocate all the resources that depend on the results of previous live
-- intervals, the ChainDB and its persisted state.
restoreNode ::
IOLike m =>
LiveResources TestBlock m ->
LiveIntervalResult TestBlock ->
m (LiveNode TestBlock m)
restoreNode resources LiveIntervalResult {lirPeerResults, lirActive} = do
lnStateViewTracers <- stateViewTracersWithInitial lirPeerResults
(lnChainDb, lnCopyToImmDb) <- mkChainDb resources
lnStateTracer <- lrSTracer resources lnChainDb
pure LiveNode {
, lnStateViewTracers
, lnStateTracer
, lnCopyToImmDb
, lnPeers = lirActive

-- | Allocate resources with 'restoreNode' and pass them to the callback that
-- starts the node's threads.
lifecycleStart ::
forall m.
IOLike m =>
(LiveInterval TestBlock m -> m ()) ->
LiveResources TestBlock m ->
LiveIntervalResult TestBlock ->
m (LiveNode TestBlock m)
lifecycleStart start liResources liResult = do
trace (TraceSchedulerEvent TraceNodeStartupStart)
liNode <- restoreNode liResources liResult
start LiveInterval {liResources, liResult, liNode}
chain <- atomically (ChainDB.getCurrentChain (lnChainDb liNode))
trace (TraceSchedulerEvent (TraceNodeStartupComplete chain))
pure liNode
trace = traceWith (lrTracer liResources)

-- | Shut down the node by killing all its threads after extracting the
-- persistent state used to restart the node later.
lifecycleStop ::
(IOLike m, GetHeader blk) =>
LiveResources blk m ->
LiveNode blk m ->
m (LiveIntervalResult blk)
lifecycleStop resources LiveNode {lnStateViewTracers, lnCopyToImmDb, lnPeers} = do
-- Trigger writing the immutable tip to the MockFS in our TVar for restoring in 'startNode'
immutableTip <- lnCopyToImmDb
trace (TraceSchedulerEvent (TraceNodeShutdownStart immutableTip))
-- Remember which peers were still running before shutdown
lirPeerResults <- svtGetPeerSimulatorResults lnStateViewTracers
let disconnectedPeers = Set.fromList (psePeerId <$> lirPeerResults)
lirActive = lnPeers Set.\\ disconnectedPeers
-- Killing the peer overview threads should hopefully clean up all connections promptly
releaseAll lrRegistry
-- Reset the resources in TVars that were allocated by the simulator
atomically $ do
modifyTVar psrHandles (const mempty)
case lrLoEVar of
LoEEnabled var -> modifyTVar var (const (AF.Empty AF.AnchorGenesis))
LoEDisabled -> pure ()
trace (TraceSchedulerEvent TraceNodeShutdownComplete)
pure LiveIntervalResult {lirActive, lirPeerResults}
trace = traceWith lrTracer
LiveResources {
, lrTracer
, lrPeerSim = PeerSimulatorResources {psrHandles}
, lrLoEVar
} = resources

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