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Cmdv committed Jun 25, 2024
1 parent 92ab49f commit 37b3270
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Showing 14 changed files with 217 additions and 164 deletions.
62 changes: 61 additions & 1 deletion cardano-chain-gen/src/Cardano/Mock/Query.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ module Cardano.Mock.Query (
) where

import qualified Cardano.Db as Db
import Cardano.Prelude hiding (from, isNothing)
import Cardano.Prelude hiding (from, isNothing, on)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Base16 as Base16
import Data.ByteString.Short (ShortByteString, toShort)
import Database.Esqueleto.Experimental
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -144,9 +144,11 @@ queryConstitutionAnchor epochNo = do
`on` ( \(constit :& _ :& epoch) ->
just (constit ^. Db.ConstitutionId) ==. (epoch ^. Db.EpochStateConstitutionId)

where_ (epochState ^. Db.EpochStateEpochNo ==. val epochNo)

pure (anchor ^. Db.VotingAnchorUrl, anchor ^. Db.VotingAnchorDataHash)

pure $ bimap (Db.unVoteUrl . unValue) unValue <$> res

queryRewardRests ::
Expand All @@ -156,4 +158,62 @@ queryRewardRests = do
res <- select $ do
reward <- from $ table @Db.RewardRest
pure (reward ^. Db.RewardRestType, reward ^. Db.RewardRestAmount)

pure $ map (bimap unValue (Db.unDbLovelace . unValue)) res

queryMultiAssetMetadataPolicy :: MonadIO io => ReaderT SqlBackend io (Maybe ShortByteString)
queryMultiAssetMetadataPolicy = do
res <- selectOne $ do
metadataPolicy <- from $ table @Db.MultiAsset
pure $ metadataPolicy ^. Db.MultiAssetPolicy
pure $ toShort . Base16.encode . unValue <$> res

queryStakeAddressHashRaw :: MonadIO io => ReaderT SqlBackend io (Maybe ShortByteString)
queryStakeAddressHashRaw = do
res <- selectOne $ do
stakeAddress <- from $ table @Db.StakeAddress
pure $ stakeAddress ^. Db.StakeAddressHashRaw
pure $ toShort . Base16.encode . unValue <$> res

queryStakeAddressCount :: MonadIO io => ReaderT SqlBackend io Word
queryStakeAddressCount = do
res <- selectOne $ do
_ <- from (table @Db.StakeAddress)
pure countRows
pure $ maybe 0 unValue res

queryCollateralTxOutCount :: MonadIO io => ReaderT SqlBackend io Word
queryCollateralTxOutCount = do
res <- selectOne $ do
_ <- from (table @Db.CollateralTxOut)
pure countRows
pure $ maybe 0 unValue res

queryPoolUpdateCount :: MonadIO io => ReaderT SqlBackend io Word
queryPoolUpdateCount = do
res <- selectOne $ do
_ <- from (table @Db.PoolUpdate)
pure countRows
pure $ maybe 0 unValue res

queryStakeDeRegCount :: MonadIO io => ReaderT SqlBackend io Word
queryStakeDeRegCount = do
res <- selectOne $ do
_ <- from (table @Db.StakeDeregistration)
pure countRows
pure $ maybe 0 unValue res

queryStakeRegCount :: MonadIO io => ReaderT SqlBackend io Word
queryStakeRegCount = do
res <- selectOne $ do
_ <- from (table @Db.StakeRegistration)
pure countRows
pure $ maybe 0 unValue res

countTxOutNonNullStakeAddrIds :: (MonadIO m) => SqlPersistT m Word
countTxOutNonNullStakeAddrIds = do
result <- selectOne $ do
txOut <- from $ table @Db.TxOut
where_ $ not_ (isNothing $ txOut ^. Db.TxOutStakeAddressId)
pure countRows
pure $ maybe 0 unValue result
36 changes: 18 additions & 18 deletions cardano-db-sync/src/Cardano/DbSync/Cache.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -71,8 +71,8 @@ import Ouroboros.Consensus.Cardano.Block (StandardCrypto)
-- a different id.
-- NOTE: Other tables are not cleaned up since they are not rollbacked.
rollbackCache :: MonadIO m => CacheStatus -> DB.BlockId -> ReaderT SqlBackend m ()
rollbackCache UninitiatedCache _ = pure ()
rollbackCache (Cache cache) blockId = do
rollbackCache NoCache _ = pure ()
rollbackCache (ActiveCache cache) blockId = do
liftIO $ do
atomically $ writeTVar (cPrevBlock cache) Nothing
atomically $ modifyTVar (cDatum cache) LRU.cleanup
Expand All @@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ queryOrInsertRewardAccount ::
Ledger.RewardAccount StandardCrypto ->
ReaderT SqlBackend m DB.StakeAddressId
queryOrInsertRewardAccount syncEnv cache cacheNew rewardAddr = do
eiAddrId <- queryRewardAccountWithCacheRetBs cache cacheNew rewardAddr
eiAddrId <- queryRewardAccountWithCacheRetBs syncEnv cache cacheNew rewardAddr
case eiAddrId of
Left (_err, bs) -> insertStakeAddress syncEnv rewardAddr (Just bs)
Right addrId -> pure addrId
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -130,36 +130,37 @@ insertStakeAddress _syncEnv rewardAddr stakeCredBs = do
queryRewardAccountWithCacheRetBs ::
forall m.
MonadIO m =>
Trace IO Text ->
SyncEnv ->
CacheStatus ->
CacheAction ->
Ledger.RewardAccount StandardCrypto ->
ReaderT SqlBackend m (Either (DB.LookupFail, ByteString) DB.StakeAddressId)
queryRewardAccountWithCacheRetBs trce cache cacheUA rwdAcc =
queryStakeAddrWithCacheRetBs trce cache cacheUA (Ledger.raNetwork rwdAcc) (Ledger.raCredential rwdAcc)
queryRewardAccountWithCacheRetBs syncEnv cache cacheUA rwdAcc =
queryStakeAddrWithCacheRetBs syncEnv cache cacheUA (Ledger.raNetwork rwdAcc) (Ledger.raCredential rwdAcc)

queryStakeAddrWithCache ::
forall m.
MonadIO m =>
Trace IO Text ->
SyncEnv ->
CacheStatus ->
CacheAction ->
Network ->
StakeCred ->
ReaderT SqlBackend m (Either DB.LookupFail DB.StakeAddressId)
queryStakeAddrWithCache trce cache cacheUA nw cred =
mapLeft fst <$> queryStakeAddrWithCacheRetBs trce cache cacheUA nw cred
queryStakeAddrWithCache syncEnv cache cacheUA nw cred =
mapLeft fst <$> queryStakeAddrWithCacheRetBs syncEnv cache cacheUA nw cred

queryStakeAddrWithCacheRetBs ::
forall m.
MonadIO m =>
Trace IO Text ->
SyncEnv ->
CacheStatus ->
CacheAction ->
Network ->
StakeCred ->
ReaderT SqlBackend m (Either (DB.LookupFail, ByteString) DB.StakeAddressId)
queryStakeAddrWithCacheRetBs cache cacheUA nw cred = do
queryStakeAddrWithCacheRetBs syncEnv cache cacheUA nw cred = do
let !bs = Ledger.serialiseRewardAccount (Ledger.RewardAccount nw cred)
case cache of
NoCache -> do
mapLeft (,bs) <$> queryStakeAddress bs
Expand All @@ -170,10 +171,10 @@ queryStakeAddrWithCacheRetBs cache cacheUA nw cred = do
currentCache <-
if isNewCache
then do
liftIO $ logInfo trce "Stake Raw Hashes cache is new and empty. Populating with addresses from db..."
liftIO $ logInfo (getTrace syncEnv) "Stake Raw Hashes cache is new and empty. Populating with addresses from db..."
queryRes <- DB.queryAddressWithReward (fromIntegral $ LRU.getCapacity prevCache)
liftIO $ atomically $ writeTVar (cStakeRawHashes ci) $ LRU.fromList queryRes prevCache
liftIO $ logInfo trce "Population of cache complete."
liftIO $ logInfo (getTrace syncEnv) "Population of cache complete."
liftIO $ readTVarIO (cStakeRawHashes ci)
else pure prevCache

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -202,12 +203,11 @@ queryStakeAddrWithCacheRetBs cache cacheUA nw cred = do

queryPoolKeyWithCache ::
MonadIO m =>
SyncEnv ->
CacheStatus ->
CacheAction ->
PoolKeyHash ->
ReaderT SqlBackend m (Either DB.LookupFail DB.PoolHashId)
queryPoolKeyWithCache syncEnv cache cacheUA hsh =
queryPoolKeyWithCache cache cacheUA hsh =
case cache of
NoCache -> do
mPhId <- queryPoolHashId (Generic.unKeyHashRaw hsh)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -290,13 +290,13 @@ queryPoolKeyOrInsert ::
PoolKeyHash ->
ReaderT SqlBackend m DB.PoolHashId
queryPoolKeyOrInsert txt syncEnv cache cacheUA logsWarning hsh = do
pk <- queryPoolKeyWithCache syncEnv cache cacheUA hsh
pk <- queryPoolKeyWithCache cache cacheUA hsh
case pk of
Right poolHashId -> pure poolHashId
Left err -> do
when logsWarning $
liftIO $
logWarning trce $
logWarning (getTrace syncEnv) $
[ "Failed with "
, DB.textShow err
Expand All @@ -310,7 +310,7 @@ queryPoolKeyOrInsert txt syncEnv cache cacheUA logsWarning hsh = do

queryMAWithCache ::
MonadIO m =>
Cache ->
CacheStatus ->
PolicyID StandardCrypto ->
AssetName ->
ReaderT SqlBackend m (Either (ByteString, ByteString) DB.MultiAssetId)
Expand Down
14 changes: 0 additions & 14 deletions cardano-db-sync/src/Cardano/DbSync/Era/Shelley/Query.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -8,7 +8,6 @@
module Cardano.DbSync.Era.Shelley.Query (
Expand All @@ -30,7 +29,6 @@ import Database.Esqueleto.Experimental (
Value (..),
Expand All @@ -39,7 +37,6 @@ import Database.Esqueleto.Experimental (
(:&) ((:&)),
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -67,17 +64,6 @@ queryStakeAddress addr = do
pure (saddr ^. StakeAddressId)
pure $ maybeToEither (DbLookupMessage $ "StakeAddress " <> renderByteArray addr) unValue (listToMaybe res)

queryMultipleStakeAddress ::
MonadIO m =>
[ByteString] ->
ReaderT SqlBackend m (Either LookupFail [StakeAddressId])
queryMultipleStakeAddress addrs = do
res <- select $ do
saddr <- from $ table @StakeAddress
where_ (saddr ^. StakeAddressHashRaw `in_` valList addrs)
pure (saddr ^. StakeAddressId)
pure $ Right $ map unValue res

resolveInputTxId :: MonadIO m => Generic.TxIn -> ReaderT SqlBackend m (Either LookupFail TxId)
resolveInputTxId = queryTxId . Generic.txInHash

Expand Down
10 changes: 5 additions & 5 deletions cardano-db-sync/src/Cardano/DbSync/Era/Universal/Adjust.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ import Cardano.DbSync.Cache (
import Cardano.DbSync.Cache.Types (CacheAction (..), CacheStatus)
import Cardano.DbSync.Cache.Types (CacheAction (..))
import qualified Cardano.DbSync.Era.Shelley.Generic.Rewards as Generic
import Cardano.DbSync.Types (StakeCred)
import Cardano.Ledger.BaseTypes (Network)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -69,8 +69,8 @@ adjustEpochRewards syncEnv nw epochNo rwds creds = do
forM_ eraIgnored $ \(cred, rewards) ->
forM_ (Set.toList rewards) $ \rwd ->
deleteReward nw cache epochNo (cred, rwd)
crds <- rights <$> forM (Set.toList creds) (queryStakeAddrWithCache (envCache syncEnv) DoNotUpdateCache nw)
deleteReward syncEnv nw epochNo (cred, rwd)
crds <- rights <$> forM (Set.toList creds) (queryStakeAddrWithCache syncEnv (envCache syncEnv) DoNotUpdateCache nw)
deleteOrphanedRewards epochNo crds

deleteReward ::
Expand All @@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ deleteReward ::
(StakeCred, Generic.Reward) ->
ReaderT SqlBackend m ()
deleteReward syncEnv nw epochNo (cred, rwd) = do
mAddrId <- queryStakeAddrWithCache cache DoNotUpdateCache nw cred
mAddrId <- queryStakeAddrWithCache syncEnv (envCache syncEnv) DoNotUpdateCache nw cred
eiPoolId <- queryPoolKeyWithCache cache DoNotUpdateCache (Generic.rewardPool rwd)
case (mAddrId, eiPoolId) of
(Right addrId, Right poolId) -> do
Expand All @@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ deleteReward syncEnv nw epochNo (cred, rwd) = do
where_ (rwdDb ^. Db.RewardType ==. val (Generic.rewardSource rwd))
where_ (rwdDb ^. Db.RewardSpendableEpoch ==. val (unEpochNo epochNo))
where_ (rwdDb ^. Db.RewardPoolId ==. val poolId)
_ -> pure ()
_other -> pure ()
cache = envCache syncEnv

Expand Down
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions cardano-db-sync/src/Cardano/DbSync/Era/Universal/Block.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -17,8 +17,8 @@ import Cardano.DbSync.Api
import Cardano.DbSync.Api.Types (InsertOptions (..), SyncEnv (..), SyncOptions (..))
import Cardano.DbSync.Cache (insertBlockAndCache, queryPoolKeyWithCache, queryPrevBlockWithCache)
import Cardano.DbSync.Cache.Epoch (writeEpochBlockDiffToCache)
import Cardano.DbSync.Cache.Types (CacheStatus (..), CacheUpdateAction (..), EpochBlockDiff (..))
import Cardano.DbSync.Config.Types (isShelleyEnabled)
import Cardano.DbSync.Cache.Types (CacheAction (..), CacheStatus (..), EpochBlockDiff (..))
import Cardano.DbSync.Config.Types (isShelleyModeActive)
import qualified Cardano.DbSync.Era.Shelley.Generic as Generic
import Cardano.DbSync.Era.Universal.Epoch
import Cardano.DbSync.Era.Universal.Insert.Grouped
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ insertBlockUniversal syncEnv shouldLog withinTwoMins withinHalfHour blk details
pbid <- case Generic.blkPreviousHash blk of
Nothing -> liftLookupFail (renderErrorMessage (Generic.blkEra blk)) DB.queryGenesis -- this is for networks that fork from Byron on epoch 0.
Just pHash -> queryPrevBlockWithCache (renderErrorMessage (Generic.blkEra blk)) cache pHash
mPhid <- lift $ queryPoolKeyWithCache syncEnv UpdateCache $ coerceKeyRole $ Generic.blkSlotLeader blk
mPhid <- lift $ queryPoolKeyWithCache cache UpdateCache $ coerceKeyRole $ Generic.blkSlotLeader blk
let epochNo = sdEpochNo details

slid <- lift . DB.insertSlotLeader $ Generic.mkSlotLeader (isShelleyModeActive $ ioShelley iopts) (Generic.unKeyHashRaw $ Generic.blkSlotLeader blk) (eitherToMaybe mPhid)
Expand Down

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