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Releases: InseeFrLab/rtauargus


21 Feb 18:23
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v-1.2.999-dev Pre-release

rtauargus 1.2.999-dev


  • Development of the function analyse_metadata() that automatically analyses metadata

The input is a dataframe describing all the tables that will be published.
The function returns an other dataframe that describes the tables to protect and
indicates which tables should be treated together (i.e. using tab_multi_manager()).

  • Development of the function template_formatted() (Eurostat template)

The input is an extract of the Eurostat template (only the relevant columns).
It goes through all the cells described by the template and returns the metadata of
the underlying tables. This metadata is stored in a dataframe in the right format
to be the input of the analyse_metadata() function.

A poster presenting those functions will be presented at the NTTS2025, it is
available here: "".

rtauargus v-1.2.0

19 Jan 10:50
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Dealing with large tables

  • To install the source version // Pour installer la version source du package (à privilégier) :
    install.packages("/path/to/rtauargus_1.2.0.tar.gz", repos = NULL, type="source")

  • To install the binary version (Windows 64bits - R 4.2) // Pour installer la version binaire (Windows 64 bits, R 4.2):
    install.packages("/path/to/", repos = NULL, type="binary")

Documentation is available here // Documentation disponible ici:

rtauargus v-1.1.2

22 Feb 21:55
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Refinement in IP's management.

  • To install the source version // Pour installer la version source du package (à privilégier) :
    install.packages("/path/to/rtauargus_1.1.2.tar.gz", repos = NULL, type="source")

  • To install the binary version (R 4.2) // Pour installer la version binaire (R 4.2):
    install.packages("/path/to/", repos = NULL, type="binary")

Documentation is available here // Documentation disponible ici:

rtauargus v-1.1.0

02 Oct 22:58
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Release to handle several linked tables at once // Traiter plusieurs tableaux liés à la fois.

  • To install the source version // Pour installer la version source du package (à privilégier) :
    install.packages("/path/to/rtauargus_1.1.0.tar.gz", repos = NULL, type="source")

  • To install the binary version (R 4.1) // Pour installer la version binaire (R 4.1):
    install.packages("/path/to/", repos = NULL, type="binary")

Documentation is available here // Documentation disponible ici: