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Gregoire Ville committed Jul 10, 2024
1 parent f37a285 commit 5d474be
Showing 1 changed file with 65 additions and 43 deletions.
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Expand Up @@ -8,18 +8,21 @@
#include <tclap/CmdLine.h>
#include <fstream>

template <typename T> int sgn(T val) {
return (T(0) < val) - (val < T(0));

* @brief Converts an input track file (vtp or vtk) into a density map.
* The density map is a 3D image giving for each voxel the number of streamlines from the input image passing through it.
int main(int argc, char **argv)
TCLAP::CmdLine cmd("INRIA / IRISA - VisAGeS/Empenn Team", ' ', ANIMA_VERSION);

//Define arguments
TCLAP::ValueArg <std::string> inTrackArg("i","in-tracks","input track file (vtp, vtk)",true,"","input tracks",cmd);
TCLAP::ValueArg <std::string> geometryArg("g","geometry","Output image geometry",true,"","output geometry",cmd);
TCLAP::ValueArg <std::string> outArg("o","out","Output image representing fibers convert in binary image",true,"","output image",cmd);

//Try to parse
Expand All @@ -30,82 +33,101 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)

//Define types
typedef itk::Image <double,3> ImageType;

ImageType::Pointer geomImage = anima::readImage <ImageType> (geometryArg.getValue());

using OutImageType = itk::Image <double, 3>;

// OutImageType::DirectionType direction;
// direction.SetIdentity();
// OutImageType::RegionType region;
//Read geometry image and allocate memory for output image
ImageType::Pointer geomImage = anima::readImage <ImageType> (geometryArg.getValue());
OutImageType::Pointer outImage = OutImageType::New();

//Give to the output image the same properties as the geometry image

//Allocate the correct size for the output image and intialize it with 0 in each voxel

//Read input track file
anima::ShapesReader trackReader;

//Initialize a vtksmartpointer with the content of the track file, and store the total number of streamlines (1 cell = 1 streamline)
vtkSmartPointer<vtkPolyData> tracks = trackReader.GetOutput();

vtkIdType nbCells = tracks->GetNumberOfCells();

double ptVals[3], ptValsNext[3], ptValsTmp[3];
OutImageType::IndexType index;
OutImageType::PointType point;
//Initialize data objects for the main algorithm
double ptVals[3], ptValsNext[3];
OutImageType::IndexType index, indexNext;
OutImageType::PointType point, pointNext;

for (int j = 0;j < nbCells;++j)
//Main algorithm
for (int j = 0; j < nbCells; ++j)
//Get streamline j, its points and its number of points
vtkCell *cell = tracks->GetCell(j);
vtkPoints *cellPts = cell->GetPoints();
vtkIdType nbPts = cellPts->GetNumberOfPoints();

for (int i = 0;i < nbPts-1 ;++i)
//Iterate through the streamline j's points
for (int i = 0; i < nbPts-1; ++i)

if(i == 0)
//Get the current point and the following one, write their coordinates in point and pointNext
cellPts->GetPoint(i, ptVals);
cellPts->GetPoint(i+1, ptValsNext);
for (unsigned int k = 0; k < 3; ++k)
for (unsigned int k = 0;k < 3;++k)
point[k] = ptVals[k];

outImage->SetPixel(index, 1);
pointNext[k] = ptValsNext[k];

double dist = 2;
double dx, dy, dz;
while(dist >= 1.5)
//Infer the points' index in the output image (namely voxel coordinates) from the points' real coordinates. Write the results in index and indexNext.
outImage->TransformPhysicalPointToIndex(point, index);
outImage->TransformPhysicalPointToIndex(pointNext, indexNext);

//if index==indexNext, the current point and the following one are in the same voxel
//so we don't increment the number of streamlines passing through this voxel for now: we will do it in the next iteration
//that allows not to count one streamline several times in a voxel
if (index != indexNext)
dx = ptValsNext[0] - ptVals[0];
dy = ptValsNext[1] - ptVals[1];
dz = ptValsNext[2] - ptVals[2];

dist = std::sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy + dz*dz);

ptVals[0] = ptVals[0] + sgn(dx);
ptVals[1] = ptVals[1] + sgn(dy);
ptVals[2] = ptVals[2] + sgn(dz);

for (unsigned int k = 0;k < 3;++k)
point[k] = ptVals[k];

//increment the number of streamlines passing through the voxel with this index
outImage->SetPixel(index, outImage->GetPixel(index) + 1.0);

double dx = indexNext[0] - index[0]; //difference in x coordinate
double dy = indexNext[1] - index[1]; //difference in y coordinate
double dz = indexNext[2] - index[2]; //difference in z coordinate
double maxStep = std::max(std::max(std::abs(dx), std::abs(dy)), std::abs(dz)); //maximum between the three absolute differences
for (int l = 1; l < maxStep; l++)
//We enter this loop only if maxStep >=2.
//In that case, we create artificial index points, to try to modify all and only all the voxels through which the streamline passes between point and pointNext
//We repeat maxStep - 1 times and not maxStep times, because otherwise, index = indexNext, and we would increment indexNext twice
index[0] = index[0] + std::round(dx/maxStep);
index[1] = index[1] + std::round(dy/maxStep);
index[2] = index[2] + std::round(dz/maxStep);
outImage->SetPixel(index, outImage->GetPixel(index) + 1.0); //increment the number of streamlines passing through the voxel with this index

//before moving to the next streamline, it remains to consider the last point of this streamline (its voxel has not been incremented yet)
cellPts->GetPoint(nbPts-1, ptVals);
for (unsigned int k = 0; k < 3; ++k)
point[k] = ptVals[k];
outImage->TransformPhysicalPointToIndex(point, index);
outImage->SetPixel(index, outImage->GetPixel(index) + 1.0);

anima::writeImage <OutImageType> (outArg.getValue(), outImage);

//Write output image and exit
anima::writeImage <OutImageType> (outArg.getValue(), outImage);

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