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AWS Elasticache Terraform module

Terraform module which creates Elasticache clusters within existing VPC on AWS.

A choice of two types of elasticache backends are supported:

The following objects are created by the module:

Terraform versions

Terraform 0.12. Pin module version to ~> v2.0. Submit pull-requests to master branch.

Terraform 0.11. Pin module version to ~> v1.0. Submit pull-requests to terraform011 branch.


To create a Memcached cluster:

module "memcached-nonprod" {
  source                    = ""
  enable_elasticache        = var.enable_elasticache_nonprod
  deploy_env                = var.deploy_env
  vpc_id                    = data.terraform_remote_state.vpc.vpc_id
  local_dns_domain_zone_id  = aws_route53_zone.local_private.zone_id
  elasticache_clients_sgs   = [,]
  subnet_group_name         = data.terraform_remote_state.vpc.elasticache_subnet_group_name
  purpose                   = "nonprod"
  elasticache_multi_az      = true
  notification_topic_arn    = aws_sns_topic.ElastiCache-Events.arn
  elasticache_instance_type = var.elasticache_nonprod_instance_size
  elasticache_family        = "memcached1.4"
  num_elasticache_instances = 2

output "elasticache_memcached_nonprod_cluster_address" {
  value = module.memcached-nonprod.cluster_address

output "elasticache_memcached_nonprod_cluster_alias" {
  value = module.memcached-nonprod.cluster_alias

To create a Redis cluster:

module "redis-nonprod" {
  source                     = ""
  enable_elasticache         = var.enable_elasticache_nonprod
  deploy_env                 = var.deploy_env
  vpc_id                     = data.terraform_remote_state.vpc.vpc_id
  local_dns_domain_zone_id   = aws_route53_zone.local_private.zone_id
  elasticache_clients_sgs    = [,]
  elasticache_family         = "redis5.0"
  elasticache_engine         = "redis"
  elasticache_engine_version = "5.0.5"
  subnet_group_name          = data.terraform_remote_state.vpc.elasticache_subnet_group_name
  purpose                    = "nonprod-redis"
  elasticache_multi_az       = false
  notification_topic_arn     = aws_sns_topic.ElastiCache-Events.arn
  elasticache_instance_type  = var.elasticache_prod_instance_size
  num_elasticache_instances  = 2
  elasticache_password       = "Password for the service goes here?"

output "elasticache_redis_nonprod_cluster_address" {
  value = module.redis-nonprod.cluster_address

output "elasticache_redis_nonprod_cluster_alias" {
  value = module.redis-nonprod.cluster_alias

Conditional creation

Sometimes you need to have a way to create module resources conditionally but Terraform does not allow to use count inside module block, so the solution is to specify argument enable_elasticache.

# This Elasticache will not be created
module "vpc" {
  source = "InnovateUKGitHub/terraform-module-elasticache"

  enable_elasticache = false
  # ... omitted


Name Description Type Default Required
deploy_env Deployment Environment. Forms part of the unique namespace given to resources string yes
vpc_id ID of the VPC to host the elasticache string yes
subnet_group_name Subnet group for elasticache string yes
notification_topic_arn An Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of an SNS topic to send ElastiCache notifications to string yes
purpose Name to add for uniqueness, eg, prod or nonprod string "nonprod" no
enable_elasticache Boolean flag to enable or disable elasticache deploy boolean true no
elasticache_clients_sgs Array of SG ids from which to allow access to Elasticache list [] no
elasticache_family Elasticache family, eg, redis or memcache string "memcached1.4" no
elasticache_engine Which engine to use for elasticache (redis/memcached) string "memcached" no
elasticache_port Which port to use for elasticache (redis/memcached) string "11211" no
elasticache_engine_version Engine version for elasticache string "1.4.34" no
elasticache_instance_type Instance type for elasticache string "cache.t2.small" no
elasticache_multi_az Enable multi AZ boolean false no
elasticache_password Password for elasticache string "" no
num_elasticache_instances Number of elasticache instances string "2" no
redis_replicas_per_node_group Redis setting for number of replicas per node group string "1" no
dns_record_ttl Time To Live for DNS Alias record string "60" no
local_dns_domain_zone_id ZoneID for Route53 localzone to create record for ealasticache string no


Name Description
cluster_address Cluster/Config fqdn address of elasticache
cluster_alias Alias to Cluster/Config fqdn address of elasticache created in supplied DNS zone


Module is maintained by Innovate UK.


MIT Licensed. See LICENSE for full details.


Terraform module to create AWS elasticache resources







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