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Jaumann Dominik (IFAG DES SDF SCS EPE) edited this page Jun 2, 2021 · 4 revisions


If you are new to PlatformIO, download and install Visual Studio Code first and then the PlatformIO plugin. Please follow the instructions on the official website. Then go through this tutorial to get started with PlatformIO in VSCode and create a new project.

Library Installation

With the project created, now the library and its dependencies can be configured in the Platform.ini Project File. This file, located in the project root folder, includes one(or several) building environments [env:__].

In the environment section, the platform, board, and framework are specified. PlatformIO will take care of downloading and installing the dependencies.

In the following example, we use the the Arduino MKR1000:

platform = atmelsam
board = mkr1000USB
framework = arduino

# Using a library name

#Using the repository URL

You can also simply take the platform.ini file from the main BGT60 repo. This file includes all settings for using this library with different platforms.