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Releases: Infineon/mtb-hal-cat2

ModusToolbox HAL Cat2 2.0.0

14 Oct 19:11
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This major version update includes changes that break API compatibility with prior releases. Each major or breaking change is described below:

  • Clock:
    1. Renamed cyhal_resource_inst_t CYHAL_CLOCK_<name> constants with CYHAL_CLOCK_RSC_<name>. Created new CYHAL_CLOCK_<name> constants of type cyhal_clock_t.
    2. Replaced cyhal_clock_init with cyhal_clock_reserve.
  • DMA:
    1. cyhal_dma_enable must be called after configuring the DMA, but before a trigger will initiate a transfer
  • Flash:
    1. The data buffer passed to functions must be from SRAM, the driver no longer contains a scratch buffer to copy into.
  • GPIO:
    1. cyhal_gpio_enable_output updated to require a new argument to specify whether the signal is level or edge based.
    2. cyhal_gpio_connect_digital no longer takes the signal type parameter.
    3. cyhal_gpio_register_callback now takes a structure containing details about the callback.
    4. Removed deprecated functions cyhal_gpio_register_irq & cyhal_gpio_irq_enable
  • I2C:
    1. Removed deprecated functions cyhal_i2c_register_irq & cyhal_i2c_irq_enable
  • PWM:
    1. cyhal_pwm_connect_digital no longer takes the signal type parameter.
    2. cyhal_pwm_init will always produce a non-inverted waveform on the specified pin, even if that pin natively produces an inverted
      output (for example, the line_compl pins on PSoC™ devices). This improves consistency with the behavior of cyhal_pwm_init_adv.
  • Timer:
    1. cyhal_timer_connect_digital no longer takes the signal type parameter.
  • I2C:
    1. The following deprecated functions have been removed: cyhal_i2c_slave_config_write_buff, cyhal_i2c_slave_config_read_buff.
  • Added support for new drivers: Comparator, CRC, I2S, OpAmp, TDM, TRNG
    NOTE: This version requires core-lib 1.3.0 or later
    NOTE: This version requires mtb-pdl-cat2 v1.3.0 or later

ModusToolbox HAL Cat2 1.1.0

17 Sep 22:22
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  • Added support for additional devices
  • Extended System driver to support registering for other interrupts
  • Fixed issues with level trigger signals to the DMA driver
  • Fixed a few bugs in various drivers

ModusToolbox HAL Cat2 1.0.1

05 Mar 19:16
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  • Added support for additional devices

ModusToolbox HAL Cat2 1.0.0

05 Mar 19:16
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  • Initial production release (ADC, Clock, DMA, EZ-I2C, Flash, GPIO, Hardware Manager, I2C, LPTimer, PWM, QuadDec, SPI, System, SysPM, Timer, UART, WDT)