Capture is a tiny (3kb gzipped!) but capable analytics platform that allows you to capture and fetch analytical data. It provides a simple and intuitive way to manage analytical logging and user recognition.
- Capture Logs: Create data captures for different events. Captures can be used to store analytical data.
- Re-capturing: Get all of your captures with one call.
- Release: Delete captured events
- User Fingerprinting: Identify users across multiple sessions
To get started with Capture, follow these steps:
- Go to our website and create a new project
- Copy your keys and project id
- Follow the installation instructions for your runtime on the JSR page
- Create a new Capture client
import CaptureClient from "@capture/analytics";
const analytics = new CaptureClient({
projectId: "",
key: "", // Can be either public or private, private should not be exposed to the frontend
Contributions are welcome! If you'd like to contribute to Capture, please fork the repository and submit a pull request.
Capture is licensed under the MIT License.