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Build Status License: MIT


This toolkit is for developing the Natural Language Processing (NLP) pipelines, including model design and development, model deployment and distributed computing.


# clone the repo.
git clone
# create data/raw_data folder, where raw datasets are stored.
mkdir data/raw_data
# create a folder for saving the logs.
mkdir logs

Work Flow

If you want to understand how relogic works, you can start from the relogic/, which is the entry of the training/evaluation process.

If we start the model training, a Trainer object will be created. In the Trainer, Task objects will be initialized based on the argument --task_names.

For example, if we want to create a new task for IR (Information Retrieval), we need to do the following steps.

Data Processing

Task definition

  • Define the task type. Currently we categorize the tasks into three types: classification, span_extraction, and tagging. For IR task, it can be categorized as classification problem, because we can use cross-entropy as loss function to train the model, and directly use the probability of softmax as ranking score. For NER task, it can be categorized as tagging problem.

  • Implement module for the task. Assume that we already obtain the contextual representation from encoder, the next step you need to do is to implement a task-specific module. Basically this module takes the contextual representation and some other arguments and do some magic, and then return the logits/final representation.

  • Add your task. You need to give a name for your task. After you implement this module, you just add this module under get_module function in, for example, classification task. Also, remember to add your task in function get_task. Also, because slow process for migrating the code base, you also need to add your task in get_dataset function.

Loss Function

  • Implement the loss function.


  • Implement the scorer for your task.
  • Add your scorer.


There are several models are implemented in this toolkit and the instructions will be presented in this section.

Basically there model are based on contextual encoder such as BERT. For more information, please refer to Devlin et al.

Named Entity Recognition

Relation Extraction

Semantic Role Labeling

The Semantic Role Labeler is trained on CoNLL 2005, CoNLL 2009 and CoNLL 2012. Currently the model of CoNLL 2012 is available.

How to use

from relogic.pipelines.core import Pipeline

pipeline = Pipeline(
  component_names=["predicate_detection", "srl"],
  component_model_names= {"predicate_detection" : "spacy" ,"srl": "srl-conll12"})

from relogic.structures.sentence import Sentence

sent = Sentence(
  text="The Lexington-Concord Sesquicentennial half dollar is a fifty-cent piece struck by the United States Bureau of the Mint in 1925 as a commemorative coin in honor of the 150th anniversary of the Battles of Lexington and Concord.")


You will observe the srl_labels in Sentence and their labels sequence matches with the sequence of the predicates, which is predicted with spacy pos tagger (we simply regard VERB as predicate).

Cross-lingual Entity Matching over Knowledge Graphs

Reading Comprehension

End to End QA with Reading Comprehension

Entity Linking

The entity linking model is based on the Wikipedia and Baidu Baike anchors.

How to use

from relogic.graphkit.linking.simple_entity_linker import SimpleEntityLinker
linker = SimpleEntityLinker(["en_wikipedia", "zh_baike"])"Obama", "en_wikipedia").ranked_uris"范冰冰", "zh_baike").ranked_uris

Adversarial Training

The basic training procedure of adversarial training is as follows

# 5 discriminator update + 1 generator update
if update_discriminator:
  real_encode = network(source_language_sample)
  fake_encode = network(target_language_sample)
  AdvAgent.update(real_encode["output"].detach(), fake_encode["output"].detach())
  # Because we only consider to update discriminator
if update_generator:
  real_encode = network(source_language_sample)
  fake_encode = network(target_language_sample)
  adversarial_loss = AdvAgent.gen_loss(real_encode["output"], fake_encode["output"])
  label_loss = cross_entropy_loss(real_encode["output"], gold_label)
  loss = label_loss + adversarial_loss
  clip_grad_norm_(network.parameters(), clip)

Data Exploration

It is recommended to use

cat data.json | jq . | less

to explore the data file.


Publish the code

  • How to publish the code to support pip install?

    Refer to

    Here is the example to publish the package to test environment.

    # Generage dist directory.
    python sdist bdist_wheel
    # Distribute the package to test environment.
    python -m twine upload --repository-url dist/*
    # Install newly uploaded package
    python -m pip install --index-url --no-deps relogic

    To publish to permanent storage

    python -m twine upload dist/*
    pyhton -m pip install relogic


If you use this package, please cite.


hopefully I can continuously develop the project.







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