TQT implements safe and simple version of some text filtering shell scripts' commands. It is safe and uniform kind of cat, cut, grep and sed calls and regex handling on the quality level and regex instruction set of Perl/Python (Perl-compatible regular expressions (PCREs)).
usage: tqt.py [-h] [-V] [-f FILE [FILE ...]] [-l LINES] [-e EXPRESSION [EXPRESSION ...]] [-D DELIMITER] [-F FIELDS] [-c] [-v] [-s SUBSTITUTE [SUBSTITUTE ...] | -i INSERT |
-a APPEND | -d]
Text Query Tool (TQT). TQT implements safe and simple version of some text filtering shell scripts' commands. It is safe and uniform kind of cat, cut, grep and sed calls and
regex handling on the quality level and regex instruction set of Perl/Python (Perl-compatible regular expressions (PCREs)).
positional arguments:
{cat,cut,grep,sed} command to be executed
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-V, --version show program's version number and exit
-f FILE [FILE ...], --file FILE [FILE ...]
add file(s) to be examined (default: stdin)
-l LINES, --lines LINES
select LINES range <N,M> [0,-1]
select regex EXPRESSION(s) matching
cut arguments:
set regex DELIMITER for field separation
-F FIELDS, --fields FIELDS
select FIELDS <N,M> [0,-1]
grep arguments:
-c, --ignore-case ignore case distinctions
-v, --invert-match select non-matching lines
sed arguments:
replace to SUBSITUTE(s)
-i INSERT, --insert INSERT
insert INSERT string before
-a APPEND, --append APPEND
append APPEND string after
-d, --delete delete selected lines