OAK(Onchain Autonomous Framework) is a unique blockchain built on Substrate framework with event-driven smart contract VM, autonomous transactions, and on-chain scheduler.
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- Technical discussion: Discord
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OAK, or Onchain Automation Framework, is equipped with a novel smart contract virtual machine that supports an event-driven execution model, enabling developers to build fully autonomous decentralized application. By extending the current set of atomic operations, namely, opcodes of EVM, OAK introduces an innovative way for contracts to interact with each other. Contracts can emit signal events, on which other contracts can listen. Once an event is triggered, corresponding handler functions are automatically executed as a new type of transaction, signal transaction. Applications implemented with the new approach will eliminate the dependency of unreliable mechanisms like off-chain relay servers, and in return, to significantly simplify the execution flow of the application and can avoid security risks such as relay manipulation attacks.
Based on the above, OAK has some features.
- OAK Virtual Machine
- Autonomous Transactions
- On-chain Relayer
- Validator Staking
- OAK releases releases.
- Node custom types.
Latest version you can try to build from source.
Ensure you have Rust and the support software (see shell.nix for the latest functional toolchain):
curl https://sh.rustup.rs -sSf | sh
# on Windows download and run rustup-init.exe
# from https://rustup.rs instead
rustup update nightly
rustup target add wasm32-unknown-unknown --toolchain nightly
You will also need to install the following dependencies:
- Linux:
sudo apt install cmake git clang libclang-dev build-essential
- Mac:
brew install cmake git llvm
- Windows: Download and install the Pre Build Windows binaries of LLVM from http://releases.llvm.org/download.html
Install additional build tools:
cargo +nightly install --git https://github.com/alexcrichton/wasm-gc
Install the OAK node from git source:
git clone git@github.com:OAK-Foundation/OAK-blockchain.git
Build your executable:
cargo build --release
Run on your local development network:
./target/release/oak --dev --tmp
Here are the key milestones.
- Start the crowdloan with Kusama network
- Become a Kusama Parachain (TBA)
- Become a Polkadot Parachain. (TBA)
If you have any questions, please ask us on Discord
OAK blockchain is licensed under the GPLv3.0 by OAK Foundation.