- Go to socialmediamacroscope.org and request for an account
- Contact us the SRTI lab if you have any question: srti-lab@illinois.edu
- You have Nodejs installed: https://nodejs.org/en/download
- In the root directory of BAE, install required libraries
npm install
- In the root directory of BAE, install required libraries
- You have Python3 installed: https://www.python.org/download/releases/3.0/
- Use pip3 or Aniconda to install required python libraries
pip3 install boto3 scikit-learn numpy
- Use pip3 or Aniconda to install required python libraries
- Place a
file under the pathroot directory
and anotherconfig.json
file under pathscripts/
- These two files contain credentials to acess twitter, AWS, and mashape.
- content of config.json looks like this:
{ "twitter":{ "consumerKey":"", "consumerSecret":"" }, "aws":{ "accessKey":"", "accessKeySecret":"" }, "mashape":{ "apiKey":"************" } }
- You have to set up AWS access to AWS lambda, and S3 bucket.
- Clone this repository to your local disk.
git clone https://cwang138@opensource.ncsa.illinois.edu/bitbucket/scm/smm/smm-bae.git BAE
- Test the BAE server
npm test
- Run the BAE server
npm start
. BAE runs on port 8001: http://localhost:8001
- The business logic is handled by this BAE server and meanwhile the computation part is deployed on AWS Lambda.
You can find the deployed python code in smm-analytics repository
- bae_botometer/ contains script that checks if a twitter screen name is a bot or not
- bae_check_screen_name/ contains scripts that check if the input twitter screen names exist or not
- bae_collect_timeline/ crawl the most recent twitter status of a given screen name through Twitter's API
- bae_get_personality/ retreive IBM personality scores via IBM Cloud's API
- bae_get_sim_score/ calculates the cosine similarity score of two screen names' personality score
- bae_bulk_comparison/ compare multiple persons personality scores and calculates the consine similarity matrix
Please contact the SRTI lab to request assistance on setting up the BAE server.