This repository is a collection of my implementations of the projects in 'THE ELEMENTS OF COMPUTING SYSTEMS', written by Noam Nisan and Shimon Schocken.
The book has two parts: Hardware and Software. I've completed the hardware section, and I am currently going through the software section. The hardware section starts with basic sequential and combinational logic chips and builds up to intermediaries such as Registers, Increamenters, Multiplexers, culminating into a custom build 'Hack' CPU, that is part of the final Hardware platform. The full hardware platform consists of the CPU, RAM and ROM. The instruction set is also formulated and I wrote simple programs in assembly using this instruction set, as well as an assembler for these instructions. I built the hardware using Hardware Description Language
The software section follows in the same spirit, starting from implementing a virtual machine, high level 'Jack' language, a compiler for this language, and finally, an Operating System.
The ALU uses 6 of the 16 bits of a compute instruction to decide which computation to perform
These 6 bits are ordered as zx, nx, zy, ny, f, no
- if zx == 1 then x = 0
- if nx == 1 then x = !x
- if zy == 1 then y = 0
- if ny == 1 then y = !y
- if f == 1 then out = x + y else out = x and y
- if no == 1 then out = !out
all negations use two's complement
Instruction set
There are 2 types of instructions, an assignment (A) instruction and a compute (C) instruction
A demultiplexer is used to select the appropiate area in RAM using the address passed.
A 32K register ROM for instructions
Computer Architecture
The figure illustrates the hardware platform built.
The ROM-32K, contains 32,768 16-bit registers, each designed to store a 16-bit instruction. This ROM is pre-loaded with the instructions that need to be exected.
The Memory is a RAM as seen above
The CPU fetches, decodes and executes instructions:
- An instruction comes into the CPU from the ROM-32K. The instruction will have been addressed by the program counter, starting at ROM[0].
- The instruction set above shows that we can tell whether the instruction is a Compute or Assignment instruction using the most significant bit.
- If it is an assignment instruction (@xxx), the 16 bits are loaded into the CPU's A-register. This data could be used for direct or immediate addressing; direct addressing would mean that the data needed is in RAM[A], while immediate addressing would mean that the data needed is in the A register.
- If it is a compute instruction, the 16 bits are taken to be micro-codes that are decoded and used to control parts of the CPU needed to execute the instruction, with data from a previous cycle.
The output outM of the CPU is a 16-bit value that will be stored in RAM. The memory address is at addressM, and the load bit for the RAM is writeM.
The program counter outputs the address of the next instruction based on whether a jump should be enacted (address to jump to will be stored in the A register), or the next instriction should be loaded.
Decides what to compute based on incoming machine code instruction.
Virtual Machine
The compiler built follows a 2-tier compilation model like Java, Python and some C++ compilers. First, high level Jack code is compiled into a virtual machine language, then a Virtual Machine translator converts the VM code into assembly code.
The idea that all high level commands can be re-written as stack operations motivates the use of a stack as the data structure around which the VM is based. The VM implements arithmetic, comparison, function calls and returns all using stack based commands. There are 8 virtual memory segments which representing some high level construct. These are mapped onto different segments on the RAM.
Virtual memory segments:
- argument -> represents function's arguments
- local -> represents function's local variables
- static -> represents class level static variables (shared by all instances of class)
- constant -> constant values 0-32767
- this -> a field in an instance of some class
- that -> an element in an Array instace
- pointer -> base address of an object
- temp -> temporary storage registers
Memory mapping of usable memory:
- 0-15 -> 16 virtual registers
- 16-255 -> static variables
- 256-2047 -> stack
Virtual registers usage:
- SP (stack pointer) - RAM[0]
- LCL (base address of local segment) - RAM[1]
- ARG (base address of argument segment) - RAM[2]
- THIS (base address of the this segment) - RAM[3]
- THAT (base address of the that segment) - RAM[4]
- TEMP (the temp segment) - RAM[5-12]
- R13, R14, R15 (assembly code generated by VM translator can use these registers)
The VM handles all function call and return overhead such as saving and loading stack frames correctly.
Since we are using a 2-tier compilation model, the VM translator which converts VM code into assembly is the compiler's back-end. We need to write code that converts high level code into VM code. The first step is lexing the program, which means reducing the program into its tokens. These tokens can then be parsed to understand the program's semantics by comparing the sequence of tokens to the grammar of the language. Once this is done, we can produce VM code that realises these semantics.
The Operating System described in NandToTetris is really a library of extensions to the Jack high level language that handle: Memory, Keyboard and Screen, Characters and Font, Math, Arrays, Strings, Graphics output. These were implemented in ./Software/OS. The results of testing are shown here.
Memory Test:
Array Test:
Math Test:
String Test: