This repository is a workspace for learning Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and Deep Learning as a part of my course. The best way to get started is to navigate through the repository or click here for directing to the main website.
- Data Analysis of Mobile apps data
- 28 May 2019
- Problem Set using OOPs concepts
- Pre-processing of the data
- Day 12 (6.June.19)
- Machine learning Fundamentals
- Linear Regression
- seaborn
- Day16(11June19)
- Project: House Sale Price Prediction using Linear Regression
- Calculate the average rating for free apps
- Calculate the average rating for non-free apps
- Calculate the average rating of Gaming and Non-Gaming apps
- Calculate the average rating of free Gaming apps
- Compute the average rating of the apps whose genre is either "Social Networking" or "Games."
- Compute the average rating of the non-free apps whose genre is either "Social Networking" or "Games."
- Compute the average rating of the apps that have a price greater than $9.
- Categorise all apps by labelling each app as "free"(=0), "affordable" (<20), "expensive" (<50) or "very expensive" (>50). Add a label column to the data.
- Compute the total number of unique apps from the dataset
- Print the Top 10 apps along with their rating based on the number of downloads(rating_count_tot)
- Categorise the dataset based on content rating into the following
- Number of apps with content rating 4+
- Number of apps with content rating 9+
- Number of apps with content rating 12+
- Number of apps with content rating 17+
Github: Day_01.ipynb
- Print no. of matches won by each team based on year wise (each year as one column)
- Print ManOfMach count of each player in Hyderabad stadium
- Print number of matches won and loss(as two columns). Consider as win when a team wins Toss and Match . print for each and every team
Github: Day_4(28.May.19)_Matches_Display.ipynb
- Draw a pie plot based on number of wins for each team
- Draw a bar graph for number of matches won (i,e.consider win if the team wins both the toss and match) for the team “Mumbai Indians” for all years
Github: Day 6 (30 May 19).ipynb
- Get the dataset
- Importing Libraries
- Importing the dataset
- Missing Values
- Categorical Data
- Splitting Data
- Feature Scaling
Github: Data Munging-Day11(5June19).ipynb
- Missing Values
- Categorical Data
- Splitting Data
- Feature Scaling
Github: Day12(6June19).ipynb
- Documents regarding Fundamentals of Machine learning.
Github: Day14(8June19).ipynb
Github: Day15(10June19).ipynb
Github: Day16(11June19)
Github: House Sale Price Prediction using Linear Regression