Welcome to k3s module. This module installs the Rancher's lightweight Kubernetes, k3s (see more on https://k3s.io/).
- Description
- Setup - The basics of getting started with k3s
- Usage - Configuration options and additional functionality
- Development - Guide for contributing to the module
This module installs the open source Rancher's lightweight Kubernetes, k3s.
Using this module, you can easily automate k3s installation in many machines, like in a School Lab or in a Raspberry Pi cluster.
Install this module using Puppet: puppet module install igorolivei/k3s
Or via Puppetfile: mod 'igorolivei-k3s', '1.0.0'
Quick run:
puppet apply -e "include k3s"
Installing using the script installation mode:
class { 'k3s':
installation_mode => 'script',
- Installing using the binary installation mode:
class { 'k3s':
installation_mode => 'binary',
- Ensuring that it is uninstalled:
class { 'k3s':
ensure => 'absent',
installation_mode => 'binary',
- Create a topic branch from where you want to base your work. This is usually the master branch.
- Push your changes to a topic branch in your fork of the repository.
- Add yourself as a contributor in the Contributors sections of this file.
- Make sure your commits messages are describing what has changed.
- Make sure you have tested your changes and nothing breaks.
- Validate your module using
pdk validate
. - Submit a pull request to this repository.
- Author: Igor Oliveira (igor.bezerra96@gmail.com)
- Contributor: Pete Fritchman (@fetep)