This repo is an example of an Oneflow implementation using Github acttions and deployment to GKE.
At somepoint while working for UP9, I started wondering whether we are using the right Git Workflow. Back then we worked with the well known Git Flow.
What was the trigger to check the alternatives?
- Promotions to production took too much time. We have different repo for each microservice, some of them have a long build time.
- The merges to master usually had conflicts and were complicated task with no reason.
- Once build of one of the microservices failed after merge to master, we ended up with different versions of microservices in prod.
It raised one question, if we're already building an image for each development push, testing it in staging environment why can't we just use the same image for production?
The theory about Oneflow can be found here.
I will focus here mainly on implementation. Let's assume that we're using "develop" as our main branch, all other
branches are short living like "feature/abc", "bug/xyz", or "hotfix/v1.0.0".
We have 3 main workflows
- Adding features and fixing bugs on development
- Promotion to production of a new "stable version"
- Hotfix to production
After we're done implementing new feature or fixing a bug, and we're pushing the changes to develop, a Github action triggered build-publish-deploy:
build a docker image
publish to container registry GCR
add docker tags:
-<project id>/<git repo name>/develop:latest
-<project id>/<git repo name>/develop:<commit sha>
-<project id>/<git repo name>/release-candidate:<commit sha>
Rollout restart k8s deployment in staging
- the node will be restarted and take the new image from:<project id>/<git repo name>/develop:latest
Once an image passed all the tests, and we sure that it stable
mark the commit with git tag
git tag v1.0.0
Push the tags to remote
git push --tags
A Github action triggered tag-stable, which does only one thing:
extracts the commit sha from the tag
adds tag to the image in .../release-candidate:<commit sha> with .../stable:latest
rollout restart k8s deployment in prod
Once in a while there is a bug in production, and we can't promote the latest development, so we need a hotfix.
In this case we should
create a hotfix branch from the tag of the last release:
git checkout -b hotfix/some_bug v1.0.0
push it to remote
git push -u origin hotfix/some_bug
build-publish-deploy is triggered, will build & publish an image (without deploying it to staging)
test the image in test env
Once the hotfix passed all the tests,
mark the commit with git tag
git tag v1.0.1
Push the tags to remote
git push --tags
tag-stable triggered, will add tag of stable:latest to image and deploy to prod
Don't forget to merge the 'hotfix/some_bug' to develop, so the new tag v1.0.1 won't be lost, if you remove the branch.