REDCap Data Dictionaries for IeDEA This directory contains REDCap data dictionaries for ongoing IeDEA and Harmonist projects.
These REDCap XML and CSV data dictionaries have been designed for REDCap v8.3 and above and can be used to support data collection and other work with the IeDEA Data Exchange Standard (IeDEA DES).
tblCENTER (table CENTER) of the IeDEA DES is used to record the list of HIV care and treatment sites contributing data to the IeDEA cohorts.
to create the Data Model and Code List REDCap projects that inform the IeDEA Data Exchange Standard Website.
Please note that for reusability and compatibility with the XML data dictionary format, the code_list_ref
variable in the Harmonist0A: Data Model project is listed as a plain dropdown variable in the XML for the Harmonist 0A project. In this variable, dropdown codes refer to record IDs in the 0B project, and labels refer to the descriptive names of the code lists.
For users with administrator rights on the REDCap installation, the code_list_ref
variable should be changed to a "Dynamic Query (SQL)" field type, using the SQL listed below, where xxxx represents the project ID number (pid) of the Harmonist 0B: Code Lists project. This configuration makes it easier to link variables with code lists, since any code lists newly added to the Harmonist 0B project will be automatically added to the dropdown options in Harmonist 0A.
SELECT record, value FROM redcap_data WHERE project_id = xxxx and field_name = 'list_name' ORDER BY value ASC