Disables replaceable parts of the default ui completely without having to manually mess with EA*-Mods.
All can be enabled or disabled individually:
- assist (see swift-assist or similar)
- auction house (see shinies)
- event-text - the default combat numbers on your screen
- g15 (no use)
- friendsuggestions (not really useful imho)
- player-status (see pure)
- scenario-group (see squared or enemy)
- target (see pure)
- trial-alert (no use)
- video (no use)
- warband (see squared or enemy)
- xpbar (useless to have it at r40)
- screenflash (likely turned invisible, flashes red when taking damage)
- party (squared, enemy)
- socialbutton -. the heads of the chat
- three-column-bar - the bar that shows the control of a zone
- zonecontrol - the specific three column bar on the main interface