Discord Rich Presence for BONELAB
- Download the latest release from here
- Extract the zip file into your BONELAB directory
- Edit the "UserEntries.txt" file in the "UserData/BLRPC" folder and add stuff on new lines (This file is generated when you open the game with this mod installed.)
- For image customization, open MelonPrefs and change the application ID to your own application ID.
- Your art assets have to be named the same as they are for me. Check Main.cs's CheckMap method for the names. The names are after the return statements.
- You can change the details mode to either Entries, GunShots, NPCDeaths, SDKMods, SpawnablesPlaced, or Extraes.
- Entries grabs a random line from UserEntries.txt, GunShots shows the times you've shot a gun, NPC deaths shows the total NPCs killed, SDKMods shows the amount of mods you have loaded, SpawnablesPlaced shows the amount of objects you've spawned, Extraes :)