In the selection of fonts, fonts were selected based on common practice for both sites based around agriculture and also sites that are for government agencies/institutes, in the end the most aetheticly pleasing and the on ethat most related to the desired feel of the site was "Source Serif Pro".
Lato. Montserrat. Public Sans. Roboto. Source Sans Pro.
Focus for influence was based on sites that were similar in both field and governing body, all design influential sites were government bodies and/or agricultural ministries.
1. - Dominica REPUBLIC 2. - St. Vincent 3. USA Department of Agriculture 4. - Trinidad and tobago 5. - Florida Department of Agriculture 6. MNS Jamaica
Color scheme selection was done so by assessing not only the colors used on the previous version of the site but also sites with similar natue and then it was taken into consideration what they all lacked as it relates to the focus of the site. As agriculture is an earth focused area it was decide to use warm earth tone colors so that the site may convey the feeling of those interested in agriculture. Also the color scheme of the island/governing body also played a significant role in coloring the webpage.