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Build Instructions: General

Étienne Léger edited this page Jun 10, 2024 · 1 revision

The IBIS platform is currently maintained for Linux Mint 21, macOS 13.6.1 and Windows 10. The program may be compiled on various other platforms as it relies only on cross-platform libraries, but it is not guaranteed. It may also work on older or newer OS versions, but is untested and support cannot be provided for them. Other Ubuntu 22.04 variants would likely work as well.


IBIS requires installation of the following dependencies before building:

  • git
  • CMake (minimum version 3.12)
  • OpenCL (see platform-specific instructions for details)
  • Qt (currently tested with 5.15.2)


A manual on how to install OpenCL on Windows can be found here. Additionally, make sure to restart the computer so that OpenCL is recognized by the system.

Other dependencies can be downloaded from the above links. On Windows, IBIS additionally requires a C++ compiler such as Microsoft Visual Studio 2022.


On Linux Mint, all required dependencies can be installed by running the following command:

> sudo apt-get install git cmake g++ libxt-dev qtbase5-dev qttools5-dev libqt5x11extras5-dev libglvnd-dev ocl-icd-libopencl1 ocl-icd-opencl-dev opencl-headers nvidia-cuda-dev

Optionally, you can also install package cmake-qt-gui to facilitate configuration.


The only required dependency on macOS is Qt5. The simplest way to get Qt5 is to download the latest online installer from their website.

Getting the code

These instruction assume you are compiling IBIS in a folder called <basedir>. We will put source code in <basedir>/src and build in <basedir>/build.

> mkdir <basedir>
> cd <basedir>
> git clone src

For every official release of IBIS, a branch called release-x.y is created where x.y is the version of the release. To get the code for a particular release, do the following:

> cd src
> git checkout release-x.y


The easiest way to build IBIS from scratch is to use the SuperBuild mechanism which will build IBIS and will also download and build all of the dependencies in the proper version and with required compilation flags. To run the SuperBuild, type this:

> mkdir <basedir>/build
> cd <basedir>/build
> cmake <basedir>/src/IbisSuperBuild


You may find detailed instructions in the Build instructions Windows 10.


On Linux Mint (and other Debian-based systems), CMake should be able to find Qt5 if it is installed through the standard package manager. If installed through the online Qt installer, the path will need to be provided to CMake either through the command line flag -DQt5_DIR=</path/to/Qt/5.15.2/lib/cmake/Qt5> or by setting the Qt5_DIR option in the gui.

Once CMake succeeds just make:

> make

The jobs option can also be set to accelerate the build process through parallel processing. For instance on an 8-core machine, the build command would be make -j8.


You may find detailed instructions in the Build Instructions macOS.