Find tweets. Not just now but in the past too. No API access needed!
Things you can do:
- search for all the tweets of a single user
- search for all the tweets on specific subject (restricted by date range)
- search for all the tweets with a query more advanced than the official Twitter search bar (restricted by date range)
To you mix.exs
defp deps do
{:ex_tweet, git: ""},
If there is interest, I'll package the repo and publish it on
A search for tweets from a specific user, across a continuous range of dates.
iex(1)> ExTweet.user_tweets(~D[2020-01-10], ~D[2020-01-15], "BBCNews")
{:ok, [%ExTweet.Parser.Tweet{}, ...]} # 244 tweets
A search for tweets that contain the query words or phrases in the tweet text, across a continuous range of dates.
Tweets with the phrases wimbledon final
and double
iex(1)> ExTweet.simple_search(~D[2016-07-08], ~D[2016-07-11], ["wimbledon final", "doubles"])
{:ok, [%ExTweet.Parser.Tweet{}, ...]} # 65 tweets
Tweets with the words wimbledon
, final
and double
ExTweet.simple_search(~D[2016-07-08], ~D[2016-07-11], ["wimbledon", "final", "doubles"])
{:ok, [%ExTweet.Parser.Tweet{}, ...]} # 2496 tweets
A search for tweets that contain all the query words in their text, across a continuous range of dates.
iex(1)> query = %{words_all: ["wimbledon final", "doubles"], words_any: [["mens", "gentlemen"]]}
iex(2)> ExTweet.advanced_search(~D[2016-07-08], ~D[2016-07-11], query)
{:ok, [%ExTweet.Parser.Tweet{}, ...]} # 8 tweets
A map with any of these keys:
- string value:words_all
- lists of words or phrases:words_exclude
- lists of words or phrases:words_any
- list of lists of words or phrases
- A word is a string of characters without spaces like
- A phrase is a series of characters with a spaces like
"hello world"
or multiple spaces like"my hello world"
A phrase will lead to a search for the exact phrase
words_all: ["wimbledon final", "doubles"],
words_any: [["mixed", "mens"]]
This query between 2016-07-08 & 2016-07-11 got 26 tweets. Examples:
- Congratulations to Heather Watson and Henri kontinen on Winning the mixed doubles wimbledon final. Well done 👍 🎾
- What a day for Team GB- Lewis Hamilton winning - Andy Murray winning the Wimbledon Final and Heather Watson winning the Mixed Doubles Final
- The day gets better for the British! Heather Watson wins in the mixed doubles #Wimbledon final 👏🏼 🇬🇧 🏆
words_all: ["doubles"],
words_any: [
["wheelchair", "paralympic"],
["tennis", "wimbledon"],
["mixed", "men", "women"]
This query between 2016-07-08 & 2016-07-11 got 372 tweets. Examples:
- Your women's Wimbledon Wheelchair Doubles Champion Jordanne Whiley... 🏆 🏆 🏆 #3rdTitle #Wimbledon #WheelchairTennis
- Super Sunday of Tennis. Men's single for Murray & Wheelchair for Reid. Mixed doubles for Watson & Whibley wheelchair doubles. #brittennis
- Today has been a great day for GB Tennis...Wheelchair Champions in singles and doubles, Champions mens singles and mixed doubles #Wimbledon
words_any: [
["wimbledon", "tour de france"],
["andy murray", "chris froome"],
["shock", "surprise"]
This query between 2016-07-08 & 2016-07-11 got 29 tweets. Examples:
- Andy Murray's hopes of completing the calendar year Grand Slam of losing finals shattered in shock win #Wimbledon
- Chris Froome launches surprise bid to claim overall lead in Tour de France via @SCMP_News
- Tour de France standings 2016: Chris Froome takes yellow jersey with a surprise attack on Stage 8 - SB Nation
words_exclude: ["wimbledon", "tennis", "sw19"],
words_any: [
["pimms", "strawberries"],
["weekend", "picnic"]
This query between 2016-07-08 & 2016-07-11 got 108 tweets. Examples:
- An incredible weekend at Silverstone. Fast cars, lots of Pimms & amazing company! Plus a British winner. Makes the 6.15am bedtime worth it!
- #birthdays, #bbqs, #beers and #pimms What a way to start the weekend
- First plantings at new house. Strawberries transplanted from old place. Another weekend gone
Special features:
- Extraction of in-lined and embedded links
- Parsing of
and emojis
datetime: ~U[2016-07-10 15:35:58Z],
id: 752164466662510592,
links: [""],
text: "Milos Raonic produced the fastest serve of #Wimbledon No problem for Murray, though Watch:",
url: "",
user_id: 265902729,
username: "BBCSport"
If you wish to change the configuration settings of ExTweet, include
config: :ex_tweet, :request_settings, ...
in your projects config file.