This is a platform that allows companies to rent out their cars to customers. The platform has three types of users: System Administrator, Company, and Customer. The system uses MySQL for its database.
#Users System Administrator The System Administrator is responsible for managing the entire platform. They have access to all the functionalities of the system, including managing companies and customers, and monitoring transactions.
#Company The Company user is responsible for adding and managing their cars that are available for rent. They can set the rental price, availability, and other related details for their cars. The Company user can also monitor the transactions and bookings made by the Customers.
#Customer The Customer is the end-user of the platform who rents cars from the Companies. They can search for available cars, make bookings, and view their rental history.
#Database The platform uses MySQL for its database. The database schema includes tables for Companies, Cars, Customers, Bookings, and Transactions.
#Technologies The platform is built using the following technologies:
#Contributions Contributions are welcome! If you would like to contribute to this project, please follow these steps:
Fork this repository Create a new branch for your feature or bug fix Commit your changes Push your changes to your fork Create a pull request