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Type Definitions

Beltran Rodriguez Victor edited this page Oct 2, 2021 · 2 revisions

Type WeekendOption

  • Type: number|string

Description: The weekend option indicates the days of the week that are taken as the weekend in the month.

Must be a string or integer number between 0 to 15. If a string is passed, the string must match to regex /^[0-1]{7}$/. For example if want to indicate that weekends are Fridays, the value must be "0000100".

The following table shows the corresponding days if a number is passed and its string equivalent.

Number String Weekday
0 '0000011' Saturday, Sunday
1 '1000001' Sunday, Monday
2 '1100000' Monday, Tuesday
3 '0110000' Tuesday, Wednesday
4 '0011000' Wednesday, Thursday
5 '0001100' Thursday, Friday
6 '0000110' Friday, Saturday
7 '0000001' Sunday
8 '1000000' Monday
9 '0100000' Tuesday
10 '0010000' Wednesday
11 '0001000' Thursday
12 '0000100' Friday
13 '0000010' Saturday
14 '0000001' Sunday
15 '0000000' None

Type Datebook

Description: The datebook option is a collection of scheduled activities.

Must be an object array, every object must have the properties date, title, description, holiday and type.

Type Activity

  • Type: Object

Description: An activity scheduled on a datebook.

An Object that contains the details of a task, event, appointment or meeting.


Name Type Description
date string Scheduled date for activity, ISO format (ISO 8601) "YYYY-MM-DD".
title string Activity title.
description string Activity description.
holiday boolean If activity is taken as a holiday.
type string Activity type, allowed values: task, event, appointment, meeting.
// Example
const datebook = [{
  date: '2021-01-20',
  title: "Mom's birthday",
  description: "Don't forget to buy a gift",
  type: 'event',
  holiday: true,
  date: '2021-01-10',
  title: 'Send final sales report',
  description: "Don't forget to attach graphics",
  type: 'task',
  holiday: true,
  date: new Date(2021, 0, 15).toISOString(),
  title: 'Rick and morty season finale',
  description: "Don't forget to order pizza",
  type: 'task',
  holiday: true,

Type Planner

  • Type: Object

Description: Collection of activities of the month.

An Object with the properties tasks, events, appointments and meetings, every property of the object is an array.


Name Type Description
tasks Array.<Task> Collection of all Task for the month.
events Array.<Event> Collection of all Event for the month.
appointments Array.<Appointment> Collection of all Appointment for the month.
meetings Array.<Meeting> Collection of all Meeting for the month.

Type Task

  • Type: Object

Description: A task-type scheduled activity.

An Object that contains the details of a task, with the properties date, title, description, holiday, type, and YYMMDD.


Name Type Description
date string Scheduled date for the task "YYYY-MM-DD"
title string Task title.
description string Task description.
holiday boolean If the task is taken as a holiday.
type "task" Type of scheduled activity task.
YYMMDD Array.<number> Scheduled date for the task [YY, MM, DD].

Type Event

  • Type: Object

Description: An event-type scheduled activity.

An Object that contains the details of an event, with the properties date, title, description, holiday, type, and YYMMDD.


Name Type Description
date string Scheduled date for the event "YYYY-MM-DD"
title string Event title.
description string Event description.
holiday boolean If the Event is taken as a holiday.
type "event" Type of scheduled activity event.
YYMMDD Array.<number> Scheduled date for the event [YY, MM, DD].

Type Appointment

  • Type: object

Description: A appointment-type scheduled activity.

An object with the properties date, title, description, holiday, type, and YYMMDD.


Name Type Description
date string Scheduled date for the appointment "YYYY-MM-DD"
title string Appointment title.
description string Appointment description.
holiday boolean If the appointment is taken as a holiday.
type "appointment" Type of scheduled activity appointment.
YYMMDD Array.<number> Scheduled date for the appointment [YY, MM, DD].

Type Meeting

  • Type: object

Description: A meeting-type scheduled activity.

An object with the properties date, title, description, holiday, type, and YYMMDD.


Name Type Description
date string Scheduled date for the meeting "YYYY-MM-DD"
title string Meeting title.
description string Meeting description.
holiday boolean If the meeting is taken as a holiday.
type "meeting" Type of scheduled activity meeting.
YYMMDD Array.<number> Scheduled date for the meeting [YY, MM, DD].

Type Day

  • Type: Object

Description: Details of a day.

An Object with the properties day, date, weekday, type, week, workday, isWorkday, isWeekend, and scheduled.


Name Type Description
day number Day of the month.
date Array.<number> The date of the day [YY, MM, DD].
weekday number The day of the week, value is like Date.prototype.getDay().
type string elapsed, current, remaining.
week number Week number of the month.
workday number Workday number of the month.
isWorkday boolean If the day is a work day.
isWeekend boolean If the day is a weekend.
scheduled Scheduled Number of the activities of a day.

Type Days

Description: The details of the days of the month, a collection of information about all the days of the month.

An object array, every array element contains information about a day of the month, If it is a weekend or a work day, if it has already elapsed, it is the current day, week number.

Type Summary

  • Type: Object

Description: Summary of the month with information on weeks, working days and dates.

An Object with the properties dates, days, weeks, and workdays.


Name Type Description
dates DatesSummary Month's dates Summary.
days DaysSummary Month's days Summary.
weeks WeeksSumary Month's weeks Summary.
workdays WorkdaysSumary Month's work days Summary.

Type DatesSummary

  • Type: Object

Description: Month's dates summary.

An Object with the properties start, current, and end.


Name Type Description
start Date Month's start date.
current Date Month's current date.
end Date Month's end date.

Type DaysSummary

  • Type: Object

Description: Month's dates summary.

An Object with the properties current, total, elapsed, remaining and percentage.


Name Type Description
current number Month's currentd day.
total number Month's total days.
elapsed number Month's elapsed days.
remaining number Month's remaining days.
percentage number Month's percentage remaining days.

Type WeeksSumary

  • Type: Object

Description: Month's weeks summary.

An Object with the properties current, total, elapsed, remaining and percentage.


Name Type Description
current number Month's current week.
total number Month's total weeks.
elapsed number Month's elapsed weeks.
remaining number Month's remaining weeks.
percentage number Month's percentage remaining weeks.

Type WorkdaysSumary

  • Type: Object

Description: Month's work days summary.

An Object with the properties current, total, elapsed, remaining and percentage.


Name Type Description
current number Month's current work day.
total number Month's total work days.
elapsed number Month's elapsed work days.
remaining number Month's remaining work days.
percentage number Month's percentage remaining work days.